Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 120: The Soul-Eating Ax and the Blood Blessing Ceremony that took many years to complete

Kirha threw out the rope that was stretched to the limit with a loud sound. However, it was his first time to use this kind of weapon. He was not familiar with the specific strength and control direction of a heavy ax when it was rotated by the rope. Therefore, When he lost his grip on the rope, he realized that the ax had been thrown in the wrong direction.

"Not good!" He just shouted out, but what happened next was beyond his expectation.

The entire ax head was wrapped in a bright blue light. These pulses of blue light surged out from the blue ax surface, releasing power fluctuations that caused the air to vibrate and roar.

After all, the rope that was originally connected was not the ax handle that matched the axe. At this moment, in the process of releasing the power, it was quickly torn into small pieces of rope by the blue energy.

The missed ax automatically drew an arc in the air, and then spun back with a spin that wasn't very fast in the air but showed its tremendous power.

And under the gazes of Kil and Lanissa Knights, it gradually slowed down its rotation speed, and the blue waves it released became even more intense. He pressed straight towards the slow-moving Wolf King.


The eyes gradually turned blood red in the fight. The crazy Wolf King naturally noticed a huge magic power being aroused around him. He turned his head and howled crazily. Seeing the right moment, he attacked the wolf that had gathered a large amount of twisted magic power. The claws fished for the axe.

Although the Wolf King is running out of gas at the moment, his huge power cannot be underestimated. The only wolf claw is fast and powerful. The strong and sharp wolf claws continue to seep out some uncontrollable magic power, and suddenly hit the above the flying ax.

A dazzling light exploded from the place where the two came into contact, causing the Wolf King, Lanissa Knight, and Kil to close their eyes tightly. The Wolf King was even more miserable, because this dazzling light was the closest to it, and the scattered light contained so much power that even closing his eyelids would not help.

The two forces exploded, and although the light was extremely dazzling, there was no roar or explosion. Instead, there were several crisp sounds of hard objects breaking.

With several people unable to see, Kil's ax that emitted blue light broke open the Wolf King's claws that were blocking the way, smashed it into pieces, and then flew towards the Wolf King's head.

From the feeling on his leg claws, the Wolf King knew that his magical wolf claws could not block this weird blow. Fortunately, although that thing is powerful, it is not very fast.

It forcibly withdraws the magic power from its only leg claw and quickly pulls it back, regardless of the fact that the rapid and violent movement of these twisted and crazy magic powers will damage its own body.

Distorted red light surged from the legs and claws back to the wolf's head. The Wolf King predicted that the next ax would hit its head.


It was right. This weapon was already out of control after Kiel threw it. All its attacks depended on its own control. It ran straight at the wolf's head and chopped down the wolf king with one axe.

In the spherical blue energy fluctuations of the axe, the virtual heads of several monsters were quickly competing for the control of the entire weapon. However, they were all based on the axe. In the end, they were unable to take over the control of Kil. Supported by the magical power of the "sealed" monster, the spider-shaped monster that is newly added to the "Water Head" axe.

On the small blue axe, a lifelike miniature spider-shaped monster stares at the opposite side with its more than a dozen human head 'eyeballs'. It gets closer and closer, getting bigger and bigger. The head of the Wolf King.

It keenly saw the flaw in the Wolf King's head. Just above the eyes, there was a serious injury that he had suffered not long ago. With the naked eye of a mortal, it is natural that the Wolf King cannot see any difference under the same hair, but it has many 'eyes', but it determines that that is the Wolf King's weakness.

With the Wolf King's physical condition and combat prowess, this would not have been its weakness. But at the last moment when these parties are fighting and trying their best, it has no more strength to ensure its weakness.


There is a hint of blood red under the white hair on the Wolf King's head. This is the result of it recklessly sending the little magic power left in its body to its head to strengthen its defense.

The blood that originally contained magical energy in the body has long been lost from the wounds of various sizes on the body, and the remaining magical energy is the last part of the power it can use at this moment. Beyond that, there is nothing more.

It closed its eyes tightly and braced itself for the attack.

But beyond its expectation, a strong sense of crisis came from its forehead. It was a fatal sense of crisis, a feeling that the wolf king who dominated the great forest had rarely experienced.

Immediately, with a bang, the blue light ball hit the huge wolf head. The sharp ax blade broke the white hair on the wolf king's forehead, and the magic power offset the scarlet twisted magic power gathered in the skin under the hair.

Under the wolf skin is not the hardest skull, but a fragment of bone that is barely glued together.

It turned out that many days ago, the Wolf King was hit in the middle of the forehead by a falling boulder fragment. Although the Wolf King, who was intact at the time, withstood the attack with his excellent strength, in fact, under the fur, this small piece of its bones had been broken into several pieces and was no longer as complete and unified as it was at the beginning.

It's just that the stone attack was a blunt blow. Although the Wolf King felt dizzy and in unbearable pain, there was no blood after all, and there were no wounds that the Northland wolves could see.

It just tolerated it and let it go. As time goes by, it will naturally grow again.

But this flaw that it didn't even know about was discovered by an axe, and it gathered all its power to kill the Wolf King here.

The ax blade shattered the already broken bone barrier, and most of it penetrated inside. The powerful force contained on it also invaded inward along the broken place.

The looming monster heads showed a ferocious appearance. Without breaking away from the axe, they stretched themselves and bit into the soul of the Wolf King.

Some red illusory things were successfully dragged out of the Wolf King's head. The evil illusory stone statue showed a ferocious smile and suddenly hit its upper body, crushing the struggle of the red illusory objects and completely losing it. Ability to resist.

At this time, the spider-shaped monster finally showed its fangs. Its illusory little figure stretched out a long eating mouth from the front of its body, skipping the place where other monsters were fighting for, and it was deep in the mouth. Plunging into the Wolf King's brain, sucking in more illusory objects inside the Wolf King's body.

Goo-doo, goo-doo, goo-doo, goo-doo.

It contributed the most power in the attack just now, and the other monsters sealed by the ax did not compete with it. Soon, the red illusory object deep in the Wolf King's head found it difficult to resist them, and was devoured by them in an instant.

Still not satisfied, they discovered that there was another weak illusory object deep in the Wolf King's head, and they wanted to drag it out and devour it. But as soon as the blue light blooming from the blue ax was withdrawn, all the illusory images of monsters were reluctantly contained within the axe.

Immediately, the majestic ax turned into its usual appearance, fell from the center of the Wolf King's head, which was no longer moving, and rolled to the ground.


Kil was dumbfounded as soon as he took off the weapon. He didn't expect that this weapon, which he thought was already very powerful, would be so powerful. Not only would he adjust his direction when he was in the air, but he could also slow down his flying speed to accumulate power. . In the end, he successfully broke through the Wolf King's blockade in a ray of light, broke through the Wolf King's last defense, and killed the Wolf King with one blow!

It took the Wolf King's life, right?

Kil was a little cautious. After all, the Wolf King stopped moving after the ax struck the center of its forehead. Even the tip of the nose that was chopped by him no longer breathed white mist.

Knight Lanisa was also very shocked. She did not expect that the power of the spiritual weapons mentioned in the book was so amazing. But soon, just when she thought that the Wolf King was about to die, her magic vision that was always open discovered some clues.

"Careful! It's not dead yet!" Lanissa Knight shouted.

This cry startled Kil. He quickly stopped approaching the Wolf King, pulled out the long sword at his feet, held it with both hands, and backed away slowly and cautiously.


The huge and wounded wolf king.

He had already stopped breathing, and even his heart had been shot by Lanissa Knight a moment ago, so he should have died.

But in its body, there are two souls.

No, it should be said that they are two possibilities of one soul.

The human soul, suppressed by the crazy beast soul in the final struggle, should have died with the body. After all, the weak soul is not undead or evil spirits, and will not drive the dead body to resurrect.

But his situation was slightly different.

Years ago, somewhere in the same forest, a half-man, half-wolf guy recommended a power to him. People like them, who all come from the same place, are different from people in other places from the moment they are born.

Although they all look exactly the same in appearance, the people in their area are born with a curse passed down from ancient times in their blood.

No, the man called it a blood blessing from a distant god.

A half-man, half-wolf who successfully activates the power of blood blessing and shares his blood with other fellow villagers, as long as the other party can successfully suppress or defeat the beast in the blood, he will also become a half-human, half-wolf body that is far stronger than ordinary humans. .

Moreover, the most powerful among them can freely use the beasts in their blood to their advantage, and acquire some more powerful abilities.

He was originally dismissive of this. When he met people from his hometown in a remote kingdom border area far away from his hometown, he did not want to expel them. But the skills and strength of the Crow knight newly invited by the Baron are something that he cannot catch up with no matter what.

Both were knight-level knights, but the other party had retired from the elite knights of the kingdom, and his abilities were unheard of. He himself is also a powerful knight who has traveled to many places. He thinks that his skills are not bad, but compared with his opponent, there is a big gap.

In addition, he also secretly participated in an expedition invitation from a friend. The other party invited him to participate in an operation to retake the land occupied by the undead that will be held in the future.

This is also a great deed that, although difficult, will honor the family name. He didn't want to be reduced to a background in the expedition. At this time, this power from the blood of his hometown was the choice he had at his fingertips.

Unfortunately, he is not an ordinary person.

As a knight-level warrior, he traveled all over the country and killed countless people in battles throughout his life. Under his calm appearance, there were countless wild beast thoughts and entanglements.

It was then that he suddenly realized how much trouble his blind pursuit of power without considering the consequences would bring to himself and his family. And how much pain and sorrow it will bring to the people.

So at this moment, when the soul of the beast he was defeated by was violently swallowed up by the force from the outside, even though at this moment he only had a dead body left, which was definitely dead.

He finally completed the blood blessing ceremony that should have been completed many years ago.

The unknown god, whose name had been lost to people in his hometown for so long, stretched out his hand towards him.

The little twisted scarlet blood left in the broken body finally stopped twisting, and the scarlet blood became full of power and vitality. Although the quantity of this blood was scarce, the transformative power derived from the ancient gods still gave him a moment of improvement.


The giant wolf king's corpse, which was gradually getting colder, suddenly began to twitch from the inside to the outside.

The whole body shook. The small vibrations moved the huge body, causing changes that both Kil and Lanisa Knights could notice with their naked eyes.

Then one twitch became multiple and gradually became more intense.

A magical scene came. The body of the Wolf King, which was larger than a carriage, was gradually shrinking amidst these violent twitches and vibrations. The hair that was part of the body was also gradually shortened, and the hair originally covered it was revealed. Underneath, the vigorous red magic power is full of life force.

Kil gestured whether he should take advantage of the opponent's transformation to rush up and strike twice at the Wolf King. After all, the opponent seemed to have no ability to resist at this time.

"Wait for Kil." Knight Lanisa stopped him. After some time, the female knight had recovered from the pain of hitting the ground just now. She stood up and lifted up her visor, revealing half of her face covered in blood stains.

She broke an arm, but it didn't affect her mobility much.

Knight Lanissa frowned, beckoned Kil to come to her side, looked after each other, and murmured: "How could it be? So you are also a werewolf?"

"Huh, okay, let me see who the person who has caused trouble for many years is!" When she whispered these words, her face was not as confused as she said. She seemed unwilling, but she vaguely knew the final answer.

The surrounding snow and fog gradually fell, and the hunters who were cruising outside and did not dare to step into the snow and fog and died in vain could see clearly what was hidden in the snow and fog.

They wanted to get close to the female knight, and as they approached, they asked loudly about the situation.

"Don't come here yet!" She pointed in a direction, where there was a vague magical figure in the distance.

"You form a hunting beast formation and be careful to confront the enemies in that direction. If I'm right, the werewolf is in that direction." She instructed.

The hunters saw that the wolf king not far in front of the female knight and Kil was gradually shrinking strangely. They didn't know what was going on, but they still followed Knight Lanisa's instructions and formed a loose oval formation. Bypassing the battlefield where the Wolf King and Kil's group were, they confronted the werewolf hiding in the distance.

The changes in the Wolf King were slow and gradually became more intense.

Knight Lanissa stared straight at the Wolf King opposite, but her body pulled Kil's armor and retreated to the place where her horse fell to the ground.

The heavy war horse was quite excited and nervous after seeing its master coming over. He gently touched Knight Lanissa's broken arm with his mouth, and emotionally expressed his sorrow with a snort.

"It's okay. Your arm will be fine soon after it goes back. Little Kil, give me a hand and let's get my horse up from the ground."

Kil nervously stared at the Wolf King not far away. After responding, he assisted Knight Lanisa to straighten the horse that fell to the ground and could not stand up.

Kil just provided a little help, and the main force was done by Knight Lanisa and the war horse themselves.

After the war horse got up, Knight Lanissa put his helmet close to the place where the war horse's ears were protected, and whispered something to the war horse. So this war horse, whose combat power was probably about the same as Kil's, started trotting and circled around them and the Wolf King.

It was nothing at first, but soon the snow that had just fallen on the ground began to float with the horses' hooves.

The snow mist does not float high, only no more than two meters high, but it is enough for Knight Lanisa. She picked up the one-handed heavy sword with the hand that was still intact at the moment, indicating that there should be a supporting distance between Kil and her, and then gradually approached the shrinking Wolf King.


The Wolf King was originally huge, but now it has shrunk rapidly, and his size is only three meters tall. And lying on the ground, he now looked more like a three-meter-tall werewolf than the beast-like Wolf King.

Different from the werewolf he had seen before, the werewolf transformed by the Wolf King was not thin, but tall and strong. However, the right arm and most of the tail that had been chopped off by Knight Lanissa had not recovered, and he still had a He looked seriously injured.

The armor-piercing rapier that originally penetrated the Wolf King's back also fell to the ground as the Wolf King shrunk into a werewolf. The heartbreaking shot that killed the Wolf King and the wound in the middle of his head were still there.

The gun that pierced the Wolf King's chest originally penetrated most of the Wolf King's chest, but as the opponent's body shrank, more and more of the gun's body was exposed, and the double blades at the front also leaked out. When the Wolf King turned into a werewolf, After that, only half of the spear tip was still stuck in the werewolf's body.

Kil noticed that Knight Lanissa was shaking all over, and he was worried whether the injury was serious. But Knight Lanissa stared at the werewolf, and said slowly in trembling words: "Ha, ha, ha. Hu, hu, ah."

"Let's kill this werewolf." She said.

After saying that, he put the heavy one-handed epee on his shoulder and cautiously approached the werewolf.

Just when Knight Lanissa raised the heavy sword above her head with one hand, preparing to lower it to cut off the werewolf's head, the Wolf King, who was already dead and had undergone such a magical transformation, opened his tightly closed eyes, revealing a pair of calm eyes. Determined beast eyes.

With just one look, Kil realized that what was contained in those eyes was a human consciousness.

"Zhan, Zhan, Ni."

The werewolf lay on the ground, took a breath with his lifeless body, and then gradually uttered such a human language.

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