Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 65, Leather Shop - Checking the quality of the envelope

The object placed on the table was a square translucent object with a side length of about half a meter, or twenty-five centimeters, and a thickness of about three centimeters. It looked like a large piece of jelly.

Zhao Ji leaned over and poked it with his hand. Contrary to his expectations, this thing is very strong, Zhao Ji squeezed it with his hands again, but it couldn't be squeezed, and it was really strong.

The Punica craftsman watched Zhao Ji's movements, smiled and said: "This is a material used in construction. It is very strong. It is not afraid of being squeezed by you. It can hold up multiple tiles. This thing is completely waterproof. It is not easy to break, as long as it is not exposed to the sun or burned by fire, it can last for a lifetime! It is relatively heavy, and I heard that it can only be used on masonry buildings, and we can’t use it in the wooden houses we usually live in. Will crush the wooden posts and beams."

Zhao Ji didn't expect these things. He didn't expect that the Punika craftsman knew this well. The performance of this thing is really good.

President Foxtail stopped to touch his beard, and said to the Punica craftsman with a smile: "It's better not to blow it up, I always check the actual effect if something is good, let's give it a try?"

"What's blowing? No blowing! After finishing yesterday, we've tried it. We've tested the waterproof, pressure resistance, and weight, and it's completely fine." The Punica craftsman patted his chest and said.

"I'm a buyer. I have to see how the effect is. It's useless to say more, hurry up! With this delay, Kiel might be able to kill two more slime monsters this time." Foxtail Club Chang still insisted on his opinion with a smile.

The craftsman Punica backed down. Although he thought it was okay, the old Foxtail seemed to be the buyer of the envelopes of Kiel's slime monsters.

Kiel is a stranger rescued by the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce from the road. The apprentices also said that Kiel has been living in the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce. It seems that the old Foxtail asked Kiel to go out of the city to hunt the slime monster.

But what does the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce want these slime monster envelopes for? Are they shipping them elsewhere? Or is there a new big building to be built somewhere in the city? I haven't heard from other craftsmen.

The Punica craftsman directed the two temporarily idle apprentices, asking them to push the cart over, find another bucket of water, and borrow the copper scale from the grocery store for use.

One apprentice went to the grocery store, and another apprentice pushed a cart from the nearby carpenter's workshop, which was still half loaded with wood.

The Punica craftsman pushed the trolley and felt that the weight was satisfactory, and then put the envelope on the ground in front of the trolley.

Zhao Ji and President Huwei all gathered together to watch. At the signal of the Punika craftsman, the apprentice pushed the cart forward, and the wheels rested on the top of the envelope. The apprentice pushed the trolley back and forth, and the wheels repeatedly crushed the envelope.

After doing this more than ten times, the panting apprentice finally saw the gesture of the Punika craftsman and stopped.

The Punica craftsman said in a proud tone: "Okay, return the car to the neighbor next door. Huwei, look, what I said, the quality of my things here is not first-class. You see , It’s not broken at all, the indentation of the rut is slowly recovering, you can feel it.” He said, holding up the envelope with both hands and handing it to President Foxtail.

President Foxtail didn't answer, so he patted Zhao Ji, motioning for the young man to continue.

Zhao Ji stretched out a hand to grab a corner of the envelope, but the Punica craftsman withdrew his hand, Zhao Ji missed the envelope at all, and dropped the envelope to the ground.

So heavy! Zhao Ji never expected that the translucent envelope would be so heavy.

Zhao Ji immediately picked up the envelope with both hands in embarrassment. President Foxtail looked at the Punica craftsman with a smile, touched the rut marks that had disappeared completely, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, your little thoughts are useless. But you The apprentices are doing a good job. The pressure resistance of this envelope is really good, and I am very satisfied. Let's try waterproofing next.

use this. "

President Foxtail took out a precious silk handkerchief from the pocket of his clothes, slapped away the rough hand of the Punica craftsman who wanted to reach out, and said to the Punica craftsman: "Prepare two wooden barrels, One is dry, the other is filled with water, put this silk towel into a dry wooden barrel, and then cover the envelope to form a concave shape. Then add water to the concave envelope. "

The Punica craftsman wrinkled his face and motioned for the apprentices to find another dry bucket.

The apprentice who was pushing the trolley just now came over with a bucket of water, and the other apprentices also took out a wooden basin and put it in front of their master. The craftsman of Punica worriedly felt whether the bottom of the wooden basin was dry.

The apprentices stopped what they were doing and gathered around to watch the test.

President Foxtail put the silk towel in the middle of the wooden basin, and then Zhao Ji carefully placed the envelope on the wooden basin, pressed it with his hands, and pressed the middle of the envelope into a concave shape that can hold water .

The apprentice who carried the water carefully poured the water in the bucket into the concave envelope.

"It's fine if you mean it, you don't need to pour it so full." The Punica craftsman said quickly.

President Foxtail stroked his beard and said, "That's all. Let's leave this one like this for now. Let's look at it later. Where's your scale now?"

"The scale is here, the scale is here." The apprentice who went to the grocery store to borrow the scale before came back. No wonder he took so long to borrow something. It turned out that the scale was made of copper. He couldn't carry it by himself, so he called again. Two apprentices from other workshops helped bring it over.

The scale was not too small, so two people carried it over together, and an apprentice was holding a wooden box. When he opened it, he found that there were weights for the scale inside.

The Punica craftsman took a new envelope and put it on one end of the scale, then took out a large weight from the weight box, and then took a smaller weight. Then increase the number of weights little by little, and reduce the weight of the weights to be taken.

Finally, Zhao Ji saw that the weight on it was about 4.5 kilograms. No wonder he almost missed it. It turned out that such a small piece of wrapping, which didn't seem to be heavy, would weigh about five kilograms if it covered the entire roof of the house.

Zhao Ji did the math, and roughly calculated that it would take at least 6,000 yuan to cover the entire roof of the chamber of commerce, and it would weigh more than 20 tons.

No wonder it takes masonry to support this thing.

Of course, when the chamber of commerce renovates the roof, it will definitely not cover the entire roof with film. It will definitely only need to spread some film under the gaps between the tiles, as long as the water leaking between the tiles to the third floor Stop it, there is no need to spend more money.

Zhao Ji reckoned that the chamber of commerce would only need about 1,000 copies of the envelopes. Counting the envelopes that the chamber of commerce purchased one after another before, there was still a gap of about 500 copies of the envelopes.

Hehe, this is Zhao Ji's chance.

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