Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 66, The Blacksmith - Longwood Spear and Modified Shield

President Foxtail stroked his beard and said, "It still feels a bit heavy, Punica, can you make it a little thinner?"

"Thinner? Because I didn't want to make it very thin, so I did it according to the old method. But if you need it to be thinner, I can think of a way to re-boil these envelopes. I guess It should work. I just don’t know if their waterproof performance will not be as good as the current situation.” Craftsman Punica said after stroking his beard and thinking for a while.

"Then try it, if it can be thinner, the overall weight will be significantly reduced, even if the performance is reduced because of this, it doesn't matter." President Foxwei made the decision.

Then there is the water resistance test.

Everyone gathered around the wooden basin. The four male and female apprentices each held a corner of the envelope, and carefully lifted up the envelope with water in it. The Punica craftsman quickly removed the wooden basin under the envelope Pulling it aside, President Foxtail picked up the silk towel at the bottom of the basin, twisted it in his hand, and handed it to the Punika craftsman for him to see for himself.

The Punica craftsman was worried at first, but when he touched the towel in his hand, he laughed loudly: "There is no moisture at all, what the hell, you foxtail, you scared me with a straight face. .”

President Foxtail stroked his beard with a smile, and pulled the handkerchief back: "This is a rare item. With your rough hands, you should use burlap."

It seems that the test has passed. As long as the craftsmen of Punica make the envelope thinner according to President Foxwei's instructions, the deal will be fine.

After the old president of Foxtail told the craftsman of Punica to make the thin film according to his wishes, every fifty copies of the envelopes would be sent directly to the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce. For every fifty envelopes received, the chamber of commerce will give Kiel a payment.

As for the price of the envelope, President Foxtail's price is twelve copper coins for each envelope, and fifty envelopes are six silver coins.

Zhao Ji considered that the Chamber of Commerce needs at least 500 copies of the envelope, so wouldn't that be 60 silver coins and six gold coins.

Got rich.

Zhao Ji immediately agreed. He had nothing to disagree with. The slime monsters in the swamp south of the city were not unlimited. After the hunting was over, there would be no money to be made, and it was a fortune to make a fortune now.

When he has money, he will hunt other monsters. It seemed to be mentioned before that, east of Kendall City, Dorallin Village is located in the east of Kendall County, which also has a large field. There are goblins harassing the village from time to time. He can try to go there later.

After President Foxtail left, Zhao Ji discussed the processing fee with the Punika craftsman. The craftsman of Punica said that he wanted five copper coins for processing each slime monster, Zhao Ji could allow it, and immediately said that only three copper coins were allowed for each slime monster.

The Punika craftsman didn't accept this price. The two of them quarreled for a long time before accepting a price that both of them could accept. They sold each slime monster at a price of four coppers and three irons. The conditions are all convenient for Zhao Ji to hunt slime monsters.

Zhao Ji went to the blacksmith's shop cursing, and took an apprentice from a leather shop with him. The apprentice will represent the Punica craftsman to give Zhao Ji a discount when he goes to the blacksmith to buy a weapon.

The Punica craftsman also felt that he needed to change the shape of the envelope, and the money was not too much, so he yelled at the apprentices to boil the envelope made yesterday, and try to make it as thin as possible this time.


In fact, Zhao Ji is quite satisfied. Of course, you have to be a little more blunt with your mouth. After all, he has a tender face, so if he suffers because others think he is young, it will not work.

The apprentice next to Zhao Ji didn't respond to his master's cursing at all. It seems that Punica craftsman is not usually a popular guy.

The blacksmith shop is not far from the leather shop,

The sound of hammering iron can be heard far away, so the blacksmith shop is not opened beside the road, but in the middle of the artisan area.

The blacksmith's shop is the largest workshop in the artisan area. It integrates small workshops such as warehouses, ore crushing, coal burning, metal smelting, and forging. It is the most important place in the lower part of Kendall City.

Zhao Ji had done part-time jobs here before, so he was very familiar with it, and greeted each apprentice along the way. Came to the forging workshop specialized in making weapons. There is also a small workshop for making metal armor next to it. Because there are not many metal armors in the city, there is only one craftsman and one apprentice all year round. As for the weapon workshop, there are three craftsmen and eleven or twelve apprentices busy.

Zhao Ji also worked part-time in the weapon workshop, so he probably knew the situation here. It is responsible for forging new weapons, maintaining the weapons of the guards, and dealing with the maintenance of the weapons of a small knight order in the north, as well as some scattered work, so it is very busy all day long.

Zhao Ji first went to the next door to tell the idle craftsman about his shield, but the craftsman said that it would be fine for his apprentice to come over for such a trivial matter. Zhao Ji shrugged, and explained his shield modification plan to the metal armor apprentice.

After listening to his shield transformation instructions, this somewhat skinny apprentice said that it was very simple, and the things could be finished in an hour, and the charge was fifty coppers. If the materials could be obtained, it would be cheaper to just process them.

Zhao Jike didn't have special materials, so he could only say that they would bring them before noon.

After the transformation of the shield was decided, Zhao Ji came to the weapon workshop. The apprentice of the leather shop had already explained to a craftsman here that the Punika craftsman promised to give Kiel a discount, and he left after speaking. The craftsman nodded and stopped working, looked at Zhao Ji, and signaled Zhao Ji to take whatever he wanted. If there is no suitable one, you can tell them about it, and their workshop will build it.

In fact, Zhao Ji didn't want anything. He didn't have much money now, and he wanted to hunt slime monsters. For the time being, he only needed the tip of a long spear.

So Zhao Ji chose an iron spear head hanging on the wall. This iron spear head is very suitable for Zhao Ji. There are two small hooks in opposite directions at the end of the spear head, which can just hang monsters or enemies.

Seeing that Zhao Ji had chosen the head of a long spear, the craftsman took it down from the wall and asked Zhao Ji where is the barrel of the spear? It was good for him to mount the barrel after sharpening the point.

Zhao Ji slapped his head, forgetting that all the things were still in the chamber of commerce. He thought that he could just buy the things in the weapon workshop and he would be done. He didn't expect to have to sharpen the blade and assemble the gun barrel.

Zhao Ji quickly apologized and asked the craftsman to wait for him for a while, and he went back to get the things.

Zhao Ji, who bid farewell to the weapon workshop, ran all the way, returned to the chamber of commerce, took a shield and a long wooden stick, and ran out again.

Panting heavily, he handed the long wooden stick to the weapon craftsman. Zhao Ji paid the money directly, because he only needed to buy an iron gun head, and Zhao Ji bought this thing for only one silver coin. . If it is a steel spear head, it will cost several silver coins.

Seeing the craftsmen begin to sharpen the iron gun head, Zhao Ji came to the workshop next door. Handed the shield to the apprentice who was waiting for him. Sure enough, seeing that Zhao Ji's shield was a pot lid, the master and apprentice laughed loudly.

However, the wood material of the old pot lid seems to be okay, and the armor apprentice didn't say that it can't be modified. He took out two shield grips, a piece of ordinary leather, and a few rivets, and began the transformation by beating.

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