Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 221, Shadow Transaction

Kil snorted coldly, not being led away by the other party: "A miserable situation? Who are you trying to bluff?"

Seeing that the young human did not agree with this, the big bird god made of shadows immediately changed his communication style.

"Gah! Look at the grievances on your body. They are all the malice of the people you killed and destroyed. They are the last obsession before going to the place where you should go. Ga ga ga, it will kill you! "

Kil spat: "Who are you cursing? I have never heard of any knight dying because of too many kills, not even in heroic legends! Not in country stories either!"

"Really? That's just because the story omits the elimination of the haunted souls. Oh! You are a small human being. Although you can't see it in the real world, you will be in a trance and overtired first."

"Then my hands and feet twitched uncontrollably."

"Then I have hallucinations and get very angry."

"In the end, there is no distinction between friend and foe, and they are determined to kill."

"At that time, you will no longer be you! Ga! In other words, do you think those poor little things in you can save you? Ga! Delusion! Only the great Crow Cryer can save you with great mercy! Not some incompetent protector of workers, or a usurper of a false sun.”

"Gah! Don't think about going to Drunken Dreamer for help. You are just a little chess piece of Him. Don't think about manipulating the chess players. Insignificant human being, the only one you can rely on and plead with is me! Ah!"

Kil saw that while he was saying this series of words, the shadowy bird, which was about twice as big, had a pair of cold, shiny black eyes staring closely at his face.

The two looked at each other, and Kil seemed to be able to see in the other's eyes his miserable end after failing to plead for support all the way.

His accompanying companions were killed in his rage. At first, other young people were afraid of his power and reluctantly obeyed his words. But soon he would kill them for the smallest things, and those young refugees became uneasy.

They attacked him collectively one night, but with his bare hands he killed many young people. Then he became more courageous as he fought, and then put on armor and killed hundreds of people before all of them fled.

After that, Kil was possessed by more desires to kill, and he became completely confused and became a murderous demon wandering in the wild. After a few years, he was completely wiped out by the local noble army.

After coming back to his senses, Kil coughed twice and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

"Ahem, this really has an old-fashioned ending." He no longer looked at the big bird god, but said: "I have to say, you'd better at least listen to more popular songs these days. Poetry, or the latest drama.”

The big bird god was stunned for a moment and gave a dissatisfied squawk.

"Your old-fashioned tricks can't fool even the most ordinary young farm boy now."

"Gah! Rude guy, who deceived you! Gah ga ga, that is your sad future!"

Kil sat on the ground with his legs crossed. Strangely speaking, he was clearly wearing a suit of armor outside, but inside he was wearing his own winter clothes.

"Let's not waste time here. Let's talk about it. What do you want to do when you, the god, took the initiative to bring me here today and talked so much nonsense? How about making a straightforward transaction?"

The big bird god paused, but his huge bird head looked left and right, directing Kil's attention to the many shadow birds on the left and right branches.

"What's the meaning?"

The big bird god raised his head: "These are the crow believers guided by my incarnation during these days."

He looked very proud.

But Keir looked puzzled: "You'd better say clearly that I'm not a professional church priest and I don't understand the 'professional words' you are talking about."

The god's bird face fell down, and his tone seemed a little displeased: "Ignorant little human. Ga!"

"Then what are you going to do with me, an ignorant human being, today? To be honest, the far-sighted ability you gave me is not very useful. I'm not an archer. If my eyesight is not that good, I can still fight. .”

The Great Bird God seemed to have existed for so many years, especially when he met a guy like Kil for the first time after being freed again.

He seemed to sigh with a bird's beak, and figured out that other ordinary humans were incompetent, but this human being who was incompetent did not respect Him so much.

Because the other party wants nothing from him, it doesn't matter whether he respects him or not. But He wanted something from the other person.

"I have a way to get rid of a lot of evil thoughts of killing in you, those broken souls that are hostile to you. I can use them as a resource, mixed with these shadow birds of mine, to become a powerful weapon! Ga! This is a Something extremely good for you. Human beings, how about that."


Kil rubbed his chin with his hand and looked at the crimson ghosts covering the skin on his arms. Those things were like rolling swamps, and from time to time, one or two twisted and wailing human faces were revealed.

It looked scary, but Kil himself felt nothing. It just looks uncomfortable.

After thinking for a moment, Kil raised his head and asked: "A weapon is mixed with these haunted evil thoughts and souls, and the main body is your little birds. So, whose hand is the handle of this weapon? Or should I say? , who is the owner of this weapon?"

"Of course it's me! Ga!"

Kil rolled his eyes: "That's okay, we can leave. Please put me back, I want to sleep for a while. Hey - I haven't slept much in two days, I'm sleepy."

As he spoke, he stretched himself and made a big move on the shadowy ground behind him, pretending to go to sleep directly.

"That's good for you! Lazy human! Gah!"

Kier said directly: "Ha, hoo-ha, hoo-"

Pretending to sleep, pretending to be up.

The two froze.

"One, there are only so many."

Kil opened his left eye and glanced slightly at the big bird god: "What one?"

The big bird god gave a loud cry, and then one of the many shadow birds around him flew down. It first flew around the place where the god was in a respectful circle, and then flapped its wings silently and landed next to Kil's head. on the ground.

Keir turned to look at the little guy.

This is a bird-shaped thing made of a lot of shadow material. It looks like a bird and moves like a bird.

This thing was made of varying shades of black shadow. It was only about ten centimeters tall. It was really not that big. Among the many birds around it, it was considered small.

"Too small!"

Keir complained, and then he said: "And there's only one, can there be more?"

"No! Ga! Don't even think about it! Ignorant mortal, you are just a small warrior transformed by a knight. Don't think too highly of yourself. A shadow bird under your command is already your limit. No more, you Can your body hold up? If you are willing to bow down to me and surrender and believe in me, I would be willing to use your shadow body to enhance your carrying capacity after you have suffered a lot."

The big bird's huge head lowered and looked at Keir: "Are you willing?"

Kil chuckled and hummed, but said nothing more.

"If you want to make a deal, it's best to be sincere."

He said so.

The big bird god spreads its huge wings and is almost the same size as an ordinary harpy monster.

"I am a god!"

Keir pressed his nose and said, "The destitute god."


"If you think I'm rude, then find someone else to harass you. I'm really sleepy. I hope you won't come to me at this time and let me have a good sleep."

God will not hold Kiel accountable for his rudeness.

There was silence in the secret realm of shadows for a while. Kil sat up and teased the little bird beside him with his hand. The little thing pecked him and then jumped onto his hand.

Keir looked at this thing carefully and said: "So, when will you start to help me get rid of the evil thoughts and ghosts in my body? Although I don't take them seriously, they look really disgusting. When I think of other than this, You can’t see these things anywhere else, and I feel uncomfortable.”

He raised his head: "To be honest, I have to thank you. If this place didn't have this special function, who would have known that I would have such a battlefield that no one knows about."

Kil noticed that there were gradually more and more purifying mushrooms on his arms.

Next to the mycelium and feet of the small purifying mushroom that originally fought independently, that is, on the skin of Kil's body here, a small pocket-sized purifying mushroom swayed from the root connection.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had been tough-talking before, but in fact he was still afraid that the purification mushrooms brought to him by the goblins would not be able to compete with the results of this mass killing.

Fortunately, the purification mushrooms that were suppressed when they first arrived have now begun to 'reproduce' and exert their strength, and their numbers have increased. As long as he does not carry out battles and kills, those haunted souls will not increase in number. They are considered rootless trees, and their total number is fixed. It is only a matter of time before they are eliminated by the purifying mushrooms.

After making this discovery, he gained confidence again. No, he pretended not to care before, but this time he really relaxed.

Kil was teasing the little shadow bird on his palm, and the huge bird god in front said: "Get rid of the entangled evil spirits and evil thoughts in you, and mix them with these shadow birds of mine to make them into a weapon. Ability. Requires a ritual. Ga!"


Kiel immediately recalled the ceremony that took place in Montauca a few days ago.

It's not very complicated.

But he thought differently. The rituals of the Church of the God of Agriculture were not complicated. The priests who performed the rituals were extremely powerful, and later the gods of the God of Agriculture came, so it was naturally easy and easy.

But how many believers there are in the god of agriculture, how influential they are, and how powerful their divine power is.

This great bird god has none of these things.

Not even a little bit.

As for believers, there are probably only some chaotic flocks of mindless birds gathered in remote wild forests after the colorful birds were possessed. The smartest ones are only a few old crows, and the strongest ones are just one bird in a nest. Small prairie owl.

It is really impossible to take action, there is not even a single intelligent creature.

The influence is basically zero.

Divine power can compete with a beggar's begging bowl or a gambler's purse. Every action must be calculated with the consumption of divine power and used carefully.

Every time he drags the annoying guy like Kil into the secret realm of shadows, it consumes a lot of energy. Although you can't tell it, in fact, this ancient god who has just escaped from trouble is actually very stretched.

That's why he boldly told the other party the full name of his god after he pulled Kil into the secret realm of shadows for the first time a few days ago. As long as Kil, the only human being who could come into contact with him at the time, did not forget his name, then He will not be forgotten and dissipated.

This is a guarantee.

Fortunately, even though this guy Kil is very difficult to deal with, he doesn't respect God very much, he doesn't respect Him, and he doesn't worship Him as much as the ancient humans did in the past. But fortunately, his memory was good, and His existence was firmly nailed down.

"Yes, a ritual! A ritual of shadows! Ga! You need to prepare the tools, environment, sacrifices, and the power to perform the ritual."

Keir raised his eyes and said in an unceremonious tone: "Why do I feel that you are prostitution for nothing?"

"How could it be! I am a god! This is part of the deal! Don't think that you, a little, rude human being, have suffered a loss! Gah gah! Think about it, this is part of the process of acquiring abilities and weapons, a necessary process, just Just like our previous transaction."

Kil pondered for a moment, he had indeed done things for him before, and he had gained a new ability.

Although not very useful.

But at least it’s a real gain, right?

He was the only one who encountered this kind of thing, and there was no way for others to do it.

To be honest, Kiel was quite pleased. After all, no one felt that his means and strength were enough. Especially after leaving the Kendall County Army, the hundreds of people around him are now being led by him, which is really a lot of pressure.

Kilta was afraid that the boat would capsize and took a whole boatload of people down the stinking ditch. He was scolded for being petty, but the possibility of failure made him very afraid that it would fall on him.

"Okay, tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Keir said so.

The big bird god standing on the wooden stick had a smile on his bird face.


Keir slept through the morning.

When the others got up to prepare breakfast food, they saw that Knight Kil was still sleeping soundly next to the dying fire, and they couldn't bear to wake him up.

Finally, after the meal, Priest Batal saw that everyone was gradually getting ready to start the day's journey, and before Kiel got up, he came over and pushed Kiel's shoulder.

In his sleep, Kiel subconsciously reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist. Priest Batal was so frightened that he quickly said: "Kil warrior! Kiel warrior! Get up! Wake up! It's already dawn, it's time to set off." "

Being disturbed by the sound, Kil opened his eyes.

The sky is dark, and although there is no rain anymore, the sun still hasn't come out. This is how it is in spring, either it doesn't rain, and when it does rain, it will continue to rain.

In normal times, when farmers are busy working in the fields, the thirsty winter earth needs such nourishment.

Once it rains, all the plants on the earth will flourish.

"Oh, it's dawn. I'll get up soon. Hey, everyone is up. Why didn't you call me earlier?"

Kil got up, took a small wooden basin filled with water from the priest, picked up the water-soaked linen cloth inside, and wiped his face.

Priest Batal smiled: "Everyone knows that you have been tired for a long time, so I want you to take a good rest."

"Thank you for your kindness. Come on, I'll drink some water and feed the blood-licking grass, and then we'll set off."

After Kiel wiped his face, he placed the fine linen cloth on a wooden basin and poured a basin of water onto the fire nearby. The water extinguished the charcoal and released a puff of green smoke.

Xueyaster came over holding the blood-licking grass: "I have fed it and brushed its fur. You can ride it directly."

Priest Batal took the wooden basin: "We should thank you. Warrior, don't you want to eat something? There is also some wheat porridge ready."

Kil was stunned for a moment, then breathed out: "Then take it and moisten your throat. At least the wheat porridge is much better than those monster jerky."

After drinking the wheat porridge, Kiel mounted his horse, swung his sword, and shouted to the countless people looking at him: "Let's go!"

Countless footsteps stepped up and down, the carriage was pulled by horses, and the wheels made a crunching sound as they pressed against the fine gravel on the trade road. The countless sounds mixed together startled the birds in the woods in the distant mountains, flapping their wings and singing.

Kil, riding a cheerfully trotting blood-licking grass, came to the front of the team first. After confirming that dozens of young people holding swords were walking in front in an orderly manner, which could bring enough deterrence to some hidden eyes on the road, He came to the back of the team again and confirmed that there were young people with good eyesight and sufficient physical strength here to ensure that no one in the team would be left behind.

After walking for more than two hours, they came across the ruins of a hotel on a commercial road.

The dilapidated ruins were destroyed less than a month ago, but after several rains, weeds and moss grew in many places in the ruins, making it look like it had been abandoned for a long time.

If the distance calculation is correct, this is the commercial road inn that Ms. Fenia previously opened.

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