Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 222, Ms. Fenea’s treasure

Keir came to the front of the team and shouted to everyone to take a rest in the open space in front of the ruined hotel on the roadside.

According to the simple explanation given by Bloody Fangster, the young people with combat effectiveness have been basically divided into four parts, and are respectively in the hands of four young people who obey Keir's orders. Those were the four last night.

The four of them have good organizational skills and were very brave in the battle the night before. And most importantly, most of the young people holding weapons can be called by their names.

Don't underestimate this. After all, most people come from more than a dozen villages and don't know each other very well. Being able to remember their names makes them more suitable to assist Kiel in controlling the team than other braver young people.

Besides, no matter how brave these young refugees are, they will be far inferior when compared with the knight Kiel. No matter how shameless a person is, it is not easy for him to compare the results of his three melons and two dates with Kiel.

Keir directed the team to spread out and rest in the open space near the ruins of the hotel, while hundreds of other ordinary young refugees sat down and rested in the open space at the entrance of the central hotel.

"Go and ask Ms. Fenia from the merchant group to come over."

Kiel said to a few people in the small team who listened to him from the beginning. This group of people was different from other teams. They were the first people to defect to Kiel. They were not many in number and their combat effectiveness was hard to say, but at least they were able to do things for him. It can be.

The two fast-footed teenagers who were close to each other remembered the name Keir said clearly, and then went to look for someone in the long queue.

Gere rode his horse around the ruins of the hotel twice and found that the well behind the hotel was barely half destroyed. He jumped off the horse and leaned over, checked the well, and smelled a strong stench.

"¥%¥, the corpses were thrown in. It's really not interesting. But weren't all Ms. Fenia's men taken away by the mountain wolf Barney in advance? Where did these corpses come from?"

Although he was curious, Kil knew that it was difficult to get an answer to such a thing, so he gave up and walked to the ruins of the hotel. He greeted the refugees who had been walking for a while and sat down on the open space with a lot of new grass to rest.

"You should all drink the water you brought with you. The well in the back is out of service, so you can't drink from it."

Kil explained repeatedly, and then he saw Ms. Fenea with her only remaining sister.

Ms. Fenia didn't know when she changed into a long linen dress worn by ordinary peasant women, but her tall figure and plump body still allowed her to wear the same clothes, and she was much better than other ordinary peasant women.

Keir noticed that the woman had tied up her hair, which had been loose, and used hair from other places to cover the parts of her hair that had been forcibly torn out during torture.

At least he seems to be in good spirits.

"Lord Knight, this is my original hotel."

Ms. Fenia looked at her biggest property with a pity look on her face: "During the evacuation, I had already asked people to move the things that couldn't be taken away to the yard. If I left it alone, other gangs of bandits would definitely take those materials away. I just hope that the general structure of the hotel can be preserved.”

Shaking her head, she continued: "But I didn't expect that it would still be like this. I didn't believe it when Barney told me before, but now."

Kil shrugged: "If you move the supplies outside, the other suspicious bandits will also suspect that there is something hidden somewhere in the hotel. Besides, even if they burn the place, they will not leave it to the next person. That’s what bandits are like.”

Waving his hand, Kil continued: "So, you said before that you did have hidden wealth. Has it been found by subsequent robbers?"

Regarding this question, Ms. Fenia was quite confident: "Please rest assured that although the things are hidden here, they are not in the original hotel."

She pointed to a sparse grove along the river not far south of the hotel: "It's right there. Let's go there."

Keir waved his hand, and ten young people immediately followed him, and more than a dozen of them walked towards that place together.

This place is only fifty meters away from the hotel. There are more than a dozen crooked deciduous trees growing sparsely here. The ground is densely covered with flower-filled shrubs. But the interesting thing is that it should be a perfect habitat for small animals to survive, but there are no trees around these shrubs. There are little animals that love to dig holes.

When Keir raised this matter, Ms. Fenia smiled and said: "During the layout, poisonous things were specially buried in the nearby soil, and I often sprinkled poisonous rat food scraps around. Over time, Rats, birds, and hares don't appear nearby anymore. I'm just afraid that they will bite through the box where I hide it and destroy the contents."

Kil nodded, feeling that he had learned another trick. If things are buried underground in the wild for a long time, he must prevent small animals from digging holes and discovering the buried objects.

Therefore, precautionary preparations must be made in advance.

"So, where is the stuff buried?"

Keir looked around and found nothing different. After the ground has not been excavated, the soft soil will collapse when exposed to water. There are also no eye-catching dead trees or old trees with tree holes.

There are no marks even on the trunks of trees commonly used by bandits.

No matter how you look at it, it is just a very ordinary small forest along the river.

Ms. Fenia lifted up her skirt and walked in front of everyone. As she walked, she said: "First find three different fruit trees. Although they look similar, three of these trees are actually fruit trees."

"If you look for them in autumn, or after a few days, when the fruit trees bloom, it will be easier to distinguish them."

After walking for a while, she stopped and stretched out her hand to click three times: "These are the three, three pear trees. Then, there is the midpoint between them."

After gesticulating for a while, Ms. Fenia walked to a plant with a beautiful flower and sniffed the beautiful flowers on the branch: "Fresnel wild rose. It grows everywhere in my hometown." A flower."

She took a deep breath: "It's like me."

Keir pouted: "Can we stop talking nonsense? It's under this wild rose?"

"Yes, Lord Knight. I dig it up every year, add and replace the hidden treasures inside, and every time I shovel out the wild roses on it and plant a new one. This one is the one I planted last spring. .”

After saying that, Ms. Fenia took out a small cloth bag she had prepared in advance, broke off the flowers of the Fresnel wild rose one by one, and packed them up.

Kil waved his hand: "Go ahead, dig this place up. Everyone, move quickly and try to finish it before the team finishes resting."

"It's my lord."

Everyone knew what they were here for, and they were also curious and excited about digging for treasure, so they moved quickly. There were several sets of digging shovels on the Kiel wagon, and they were all handed over to them at this time. Others were not idle either, holding woven baskets or small wooden buckets, and assisting the narrator in transporting the excavated soil to a distance and dumping it.

They were busy for a while, because everyone's physical strength was still not as good as before in the village, so everyone's work was rotated. After digging about half a meter deep, the shovel underneath poked something.

"It seems to have been dug, sir."

Kil stepped forward and saw the top cover of a strong wooden box: "Expand the surroundings and get this box out directly."

After hearing the instructions, the young man cleared the soil from the top of the box and began to dig around.

"How big is this box? Did you do it alone before?"

Gil asked Ms. Fenea who was standing leaning against a tree.

Ms. Fenia was taking apart the flowers one by one. After hearing the question, she replied: "The box is quite big. I only open the lid and don't take out the box itself. I can't get it out either. It's too big." It sank. Oh, I did it all by myself before. I know what you are thinking, no one knows, no one finds out. I am the hotel owner, they can’t control what I want to do in a day, and they don’t dare to control it. "

Keir knew that before he had a falling out with Mountain Wolf Barney, his backer was the nearby Mountain Wolf Barney, who was somewhat famous. Those guys and girls in the hotel would not dare to provoke anyone who disobeyed this lady.

Even though she would come to the woods behind the hotel every year and mysteriously disappear for a day.

As he spoke, the outline of the box in the pit emerged. It was indeed a large box. It would be no problem to stuff two adult men into it.

"Sir Knight, do you want to take it out and open it?"

"Lift it up first. If it's too heavy, just open it."

Keir said this.

So, the four bottom corners of the box were dug up, and the ropes they brought were tied to the corners of the box. Then the four young people above pulled hard, and the box rose.

They kept changing hands and pulling the rope, and the box gradually emerged from the ground.

Keir stepped forward, opened his arms, hugged and lifted him up.

"What's in it? It's pretty heavy."

Of course, Keir was not stupid enough to open it on the spot. After placing the box in the open space, he used the old method to tie the unlocked lid tightly with a rope. Then he dispersed the people around him and stood far away. Behind the tree on the side.

"Lord Knight, there is nothing harmful in it. You don't have to be so careful."

Ms. Fenia sighed helplessly.

She was just about to go up and open the wooden box, but was pushed hard by Keir and pushed to the ground: "What do you want to do? Tell you, I have the final say here. Just stay back and figure out how to open the box." It’s my right, there’s no need for you to step forward and take action.”

Keir was afraid that the woman had indeed put some dangerous trap in the box, and seeing that Keel was careful not to be fooled, he even took the initiative to open the box even risking his own life.

It cannot be said that there is no such possibility, so Keir is not polite at all, even though he seemed quite polite before.

Ms. Fenia was not stupid. After being stunned for a moment on the ground, she stopped saying anything. She got up and stood in the crowd in the distance, letting her sisters help her pat the dirt off her body.

Kiel prepared the shield in his left hand, then pulled the rope in his right hand and pulled open the top cover of the wooden box beside the dug pit.

Nothing much happened.

safe and sound.

Keir shrugged and said respectfully loudly: "This is an experience I took on risks before. Although it's nothing, I can learn from it."

How could he be so cautious before? Not when he was in Kendall County. The local productivity meant that such traps would not occur there. The bandits there are all straightforward, unlike the bandits in the southern provinces, who have so many tricks.


After waiting for a while, everyone gathered around. Ms. Fenia only remembered roughly what was in the box. After all, it was only turned over once a year, and it was usually impossible to record the contents on paper. She could only remember a few impressive things through mental recording alone.

The inside of the large wooden box is relatively clean. Although there is a musty smell, there is no obvious mold in the box, and the box as a whole is very strong and sturdy.

In the corner of the box was a large clay pot. Keir opened the lid and found that it was full of coins, including gold, silver and copper coins. He didn't know how much it would cost.

But Keir probably didn't have a lot of money, because there were copper coins mixed in, and the value of copper coins was not high, and the proportion must be the largest. Therefore, the real value of this jar of coins was limited.

Not even as good as a small pile of gold coins.

The narration was about a square wooden box. Keir took it out and opened it, and found that inside was a gorgeous long dress, made of expensive fabrics and decorated with gems.

After unfolding it for a moment, Keel realized that this was not a complete set, but rather a combination of multiple individual pieces.

"Ma'am, is this yours?"

Kil asked the lady standing next to him. The young people around him looked at the long skirt decorated with gems in surprise. Even Ms. Fenea's little sister had stars in her eyes.

On the contrary, Ms. Fenia smiled regretfully: "This is just a naive idea of ​​mine. I saved up money to buy these clothes in shops that host nobles in various places. It was originally planned to be in my house Wearing it at the wedding, hahahaha, that is no longer possible now."

As she spoke, she seemed to be leaning weakly on her companion: "The man you expected has changed his heart a long time ago, which is even more terrifying than dying in a battle. You can take them away and sell them, I will never do it for the rest of my life." I don’t want to see them anymore.”

Keir shrugged, simply folded the clothes and put them into the original square wooden box.

Then there was another long box. Before it was opened, Keir had a premonition of what was inside.

He reached out and took it out of the large wooden box. After weighing it, Kil judged that there was a long sword inside. It's just that the box containing the sword is so narrow, it may not necessarily contain a long sword of the type that Keir likes.

Sure enough, when he opened the box, there was a long stabbing sword used by men. This kind of weapon is generally used by people related to nobles. It has a certain armor-breaking ability, and is also good for watching duels.

Don't even think about using them on the battlefield. Weapons of this type are too light and cannot block the slashing of any weapon.

But Kil also likes it quite a lot. After all, it is a weapon.

He took it out and played with it in the palm of his hand. The off-white slender scabbard was very elegant, and there were silver-decorated grass and wood decorations on it. It was obvious that he wanted to move closer to the elf style, but unfortunately, Kil had come into contact with elves, even though they were from ancient times. Elf. Elves do not use long stabbing swords because they do not have the need to rely on stabbing weapons to break armor.

Elves mostly used long, slender and elegant magic scimitars, at least that was the case with the elves he had seen in his dreams.

Gently rubbing the weapon body with his hand, Kil discovered that the weapon could not be used with the palms wearing steel armor gloves. He had to take off the gloves and use more close-fitting and lightweight leather gloves.

Then he used his fingers to grasp the slender milky white sword handle of unknown material and pulled it out.

The weapon was a little awkward to pull out, but the reflection flashed, and the slender sword that was exposed was not rusty. It was probably because it had not been lubricated for a long time. That's right, Ms. Fenea obviously couldn't use this weapon.

"How did you get this?"

Kil easily held the hilt of the sword between his fingers and waved it casually. It was a light, convenient and very useful weapon.

Not for him though.

Ms. Fenia smiled: "A gambler passing by on the business road lost to me at the gambling table. He said he was a well-known noble heir. Ha, I didn't believe a word of it."

After listening to this, Kil took a closer look at the long stabbing sword. As he expected, he found an inconspicuous inscription on the sword body and scabbard: 'The sword given to the winner - Swift Gaze'

"Swift Gaze." Kil muttered the name of this weapon. Obviously, this was a competition prize awarded to the winner of some competition. With his own name, he obviously has a lot of background.

Kil didn't know that when he read out the name of the long stabbing sword, the whole long sword had a hidden brilliance flashing, but it seemed that it was not powerful enough and was very dim so that no one could see it.

Moreover, Kil held the hilt of the sword with steel gloves instead of holding it normally, so he missed the special blessing ability of the weapon to bless the user when reciting its name.

Qiang, put away the weapon, and Kil hung the small steel chain with silver decoration on the scabbard on his belt, allowing his quick eyes to temporarily accompany him in hunting.

In addition, there are more than ten books in the box.

"Are you still reading?"

Faced with Kiel's doubts, Ms. Fenia looked strange: "Why can't I read books? I bought them with great difficulty. Although they are just introductions to some poems and local customs, this is a normal thing. Bar?"

Kil coughed twice, because what surprised him was not this, but the fact that this lady was the first person he found to have a reading habit after being in the other world for so long.

Of course, other big shots also have more books, but after all, they are people with a certain level of wealth and status. Looking down, most people do not have the habit or wealth of reading books.

"That's a good thing, a good thing."

"Then, my lord, can you return them to me?" Ms. Fenia asked tentatively.

Keir said with a straight face: "According to the agreement, they are mine now. Besides, I haven't seen what they are."

I pulled out one book and found that the newer cover said "Kadir's Collection of Popular Poems", and I picked out another book and found that the newer cover said "Insights from Around the Eagle City".

"Where is this Huanying City?"

Keir opened the book and carefully turned over the thin paper with his gloved hands. The book contained illustrations and maps. It seemed to be an introduction to a certain place, but it was only limited to one place and one city.

The whole book is not thick, about one hundred pages, with limited text on each page and not much information. The maps and illustrations contain the most information.

Ms. Fenia thought for a while: "I remember, it seems to be the territory of a noble viscount on the southern border that is currently being fought for, right?"

Kil narrowed his eyes upon hearing this.

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