Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1000 Bamboo Tube

Li Mazi and Boss Bai gave me a thumbs up. My face instantly turned red and I smiled sheepishly.

Following the guidance of the ginseng doll, Li Mazi, Boss Bai and I came to the depths of the dense forest. From a height, it looked like an upside-down ocean bowl. There are many tall trees around, and many unknown mushrooms grow under the trees.

Looking at this majestic wonder, I couldn't help but marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, which not only allows thousands of species of creatures to coexist peacefully, but also creates beautiful scenery that is both real and illusory. We must be the first people to arrive here, right?

No, it seems like someone has been here before!

Because I found a kettle made of bamboo tubes under the big tree in front of me. There were many such kettles in the village when I was young, so I recognized it.

This kind of water container is rare now. I didn't expect to see it in this old forest today.

I couldn't help but walk towards the kettle, but the further I walked, the more the ginseng doll in my backpack shivered. I was not sure whether my judgment was right at first. I tried it several times and found that the ginseng doll reacted violently. This actually aroused my curiosity about the bamboo tube.

I first put my backpack and ginseng doll at my feet. There are towering trees here, the sun is blocked tightly, and the yin is also very strong. The ginseng doll can come out to breathe freely.

I think this lively and active little baby must have been suffocated in the backpack along the way!

Sure enough, as soon as the ginseng doll came out of the backpack, she stretched out and smiled so hard that her eyes rolled. However, when it saw the bamboo tube, its face instantly changed, becoming pale and pale, and it looked very frightened.

I walked towards the bamboo tube curiously. The closer I got to the bamboo tube, the stronger the wind in front of me felt.

I am so familiar with this sinister wind, it is a Yin spirit! I immediately became alert, placed my five fingers on the ghost-slaying swords quietly, and moved closer to the bamboo tube step by step.

Just when I was still two or three meters away from the bamboo tube, the bamboo tube suddenly flew up!

The speed was so fast, it was like an arrow leaving the string, so fast that I had no time to react. Just hearing a "dong" sound, the bamboo tube actually flew over and hit Boss Bai on the head.

The Yin spirit living in the bamboo tube seems to have a grudge against Boss Bai, controlling the bamboo tube to hit Boss Bai like raindrops.

Boss Bai was beaten until he screamed and ran around holding his head.

I quickly shouted at the bamboo tube: "Stop!"

With this roar, I exerted the spiritual power in my body to the extreme. The bamboo tube was obviously shocked by me. It stopped in mid-air and stared at us eagerly.

The ginseng doll hid aside and clapped quietly, and seemed very happy to see me drinking away the bamboo tube.

Quiet, for three seconds, it was as quiet as death.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong wind like a violent storm. The strong wind blew the fallen leaves on the ground into a tornado, roaring towards us, as if it was going to bury us all.

Apparently the ghost in the bamboo tube is angry!

I yelled: "Hurry and hug the tree, don't let the wind blow it away."

Li Mazi and Boss Bai immediately hugged the big tree next to them like bears, using all their strength. I squatted on the ground and nailed the ghost-killing swords into the ground.

The tornado was so big that it blew towards me over and over again, each time more fierce than the last. The wind was mixed with a disgusting fish smell.

The wind blew so hard that I couldn't even open my eyes. In the strong wind, my hands and feet seemed to be pulled by someone, and they were peeled off bit by bit.

The moment the last finger was forcefully pulled away from the two knives, my whole body floated into the air.

My body is in the center of the storm, and the wind keeps spinning around my body at high speed!

Suddenly, laughter came from the wind.

The wind turned into thousands of ghost faces, sometimes laughing and sometimes yelling at me.

That is the face transformed by the Yin spirit. If I were bitten by this face, although I would not be injured, the Yin energy would enter my body and I would have to lie in bed for a month at least.

The face transformed by the wind laughed arrogantly at me, opened its bloody mouth, and wanted to swallow me whole!

The moment the bloody mouth opened towards me, I felt that all the blood in my body had turned into ice cubes. I instinctively stretched out my hands to grab an object, but found that the tentacles were covered with mud and I couldn't hold it at all...

In desperation, I bit my finger and squeezed out a drop of blood towards the target.

As the essence and blood flowed out, I forced myself to concentrate and recite the Tao Te Ching silently.

There was a crisp sound in the strong wind, and the essence and blood blessed with the "Tao Te Ching" pierced countless ghost faces like a sharp sword.

The ghostly faces in the strong wind slowly gathered to form the shape of a person.

I saw the human figure covering his face in pain and screaming continuously. The human figure shrank smaller and smaller, and finally shrank to the size of a normal person!

Being swept up in the air by the strong wind for so long, all the bones in my body seemed to be falling apart, my face was numb from the blow, my facial features were deformed, and I couldn't speak...

Looking at the shaky human figure in front of me, I thought to myself that this must be the ghost in the bamboo tube, right?

I shook my hands and feet, and seeing that I had regained my ability to move, I immediately picked up the ghost-killing swords on the ground.

I pointed my two swords at the ghost coldly and asked, "When a person dies, it's like a lamp going out. Why don't you want to be reincarnated and stay in this bamboo tube to harm others?"

The Yin spirit was obviously not willing to be subdued by me like this, so it roared and pounced on me again.

This time I was prepared. Before it pounced on me, I had already blocked its front and back paths with my double swords that could kill ghosts and gods.

It should be noted that the double swords for killing ghosts and gods were forged by Ou Shengtian, the master of the Weapon Refining Sect himself. The power of general Mo Xie is sealed in them, and their power is unparalleled in the world. Ordinary Yin spirits only need to be scratched by the blades of the ghost-killing swords to be wiped out!

I didn't want to make a fatal move, so I just put on a defensive posture, only defending but not attacking. But the Yin spirit still pounced on it again and again, but the intensity of its pounces became smaller and smaller each time...

Finally it got tired and floated on the bamboo tube again.

I took the opportunity to read a passage from the Tao Te Ching to purify its resentment!

Sure enough, in the sound of the scriptures, I saw the black resentment of the Yin spirit slowly fade away and gradually become transparent.

However, when he showed his true form, I was shocked.

This ghost is wearing an old grass-green military uniform, a pair of Jiefang brand rubber shoes on its feet, and a Chairman Mao badge on its chest. This is obviously the dress of the 1960s and 1970s.

Unreasonable! This is too unreasonable!

It stands to reason that only ghosts that are more than a hundred years old can possess an antique and become a ghost object.

But how did the Yin spirit in front of me, who was only more than fifty years old, turn an ordinary bamboo tube into a Yin object? I'm puzzled, but I don't have time to think about it now.

I sighed and was about to subdue it, but who knew that the Yin spirit suddenly said: "I hate it, I hate it!"

Its opening shocked me even more. A hundred-year-old Yin spirit can attach itself to an antique and become a ghost object. Only a Yin spirit of more than a thousand years can turn into a tool spirit and speak. This is basic knowledge in the circle of Yin objects. So how can this guy do it? What's going on?

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