Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 999: Salvation, Living Corpse

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Li Mazi asked in a trembling voice. He was so scared that he couldn't help but step back when he asked, fearing that the head would suddenly jump up and bite him.

"What's wrong with you, do you think I'm a human or a ghost? If you dare to curse me, I'll bite you to death." After saying that, the human head seemed to be greatly stimulated, and kept jumping up, trying to bite someone.

The funny thing is that no matter how much the head bounces, it seems to be nailed to the ground and cannot come out no matter how hard it bounces.

The three of us almost laughed out loud when we saw this scene.

The ginseng doll in the backpack became very uneasy after seeing the human head. It kept burrowing into my arms, twisting its body and giggling in its mouth.

I instantly understood its meaning. The ginseng doll wanted us to move on and stay far away from this head.

I am very curious, why is the ginseng doll so afraid of this head? It stands to reason that the ginseng doll has a hundred years of cultivation, so its level is much higher than that of a living corpse!

When I stretched out my hand to test the head's breathing just now, I already made a preliminary judgment that this thing was probably a living corpse. I guessed that he must have died accidentally while "climbing the mountain", but for some reason, his soul was sealed in his brain, turning him into a living corpse, and his memory still stayed before his death.

The zombies that often appear in movies are a normal state of living zombies. The formation of a living corpse requires various chances and coincidences. First, the corpse must not rot after death. Second, after death, the soul needs to be sealed in the body, and both conditions must be met.

The whole thing in front of me was rotten, and only the head was still good. I guessed that during the death process, his body must have suffered great damage, leaving only the head. Due to other reasons, the soul could not be reincarnated, and the result was what it looks like now - a living corpse with only one head.

To deal with this kind of living corpse, the method is very simple. Just let him understand that he is dead, and the soul sealed in the body will naturally return to the underworld!

The living corpse in front of us must have been a talkative person when he was alive. From the moment we saw him, he kept chattering, and every sentence was laced with national curses. It really makes people wonder if this guy had a dirty mouth and was raped by others during his lifetime. Hacked to death!

Although I knew how to transcend, I was too lazy to care, so I called to Li Mazi and Boss Bai, "Let's go!"

As a result, just after taking two steps out, the man suddenly said with a sad face: "Please, can you take me down the mountain? My four-year-old daughter is still at home waiting for me to cook for her. I have been wandering around the mountains all day. , I don’t know if she is hungry.”

After saying that, Rentou started to cry.

Alas, they all say that maternal love is great. In fact, father's love is no less than maternal love, but fathers are often not good at expressing love.

Ren Tou's love for his daughter was never forgotten until his death, which made me a little moved. After walking out for a long time, I sighed and turned back.

Li Mazi's eyes widened and he looked at me like he was looking at an exotic animal: "Brother Zhang, are you okay? When did you change your gender? This is a loss-making business."

I ignored him and walked directly to the living corpse.

"What's your name? Date of birth, where is your home." I asked many questions in one go.

The living corpse was stunned by my question and looked at me with vigilant eyes: "What are you doing? Your Public Security Bureau is investigating the household registration."

I frowned. The personality of Northeastern people is indeed as rumored. They are all bad-tempered.

But I was too lazy to argue with a living corpse, so I gave a random reason and said: "Didn't you ask us to take you out? If you don't tell us your name or where you live, how dare we take you out casually? Are you rushing?" Mountain people, you should know not to talk to strangers casually on the way to the mountains."

The living corpse was stunned by my deception and quickly told me that his name was Zhao Youcai, who was born in 1932 and lived in Gongzhuling Village.

I nodded, wrote down his name and date of birth on my phone, and then asked him casually, did he know what day it was today? Do you know how long you have been wandering in the mountains?

Zhao Youcai told me with great certainty that today is August 1969.

Li Mazi and I were all shocked. This guy had been dead for almost fifty years, and he was only in his thirties when he died. What a pity!

I entered the anniversary of Zhao Youcai's death into my phone and prepared to pray for him immediately!

Because living corpses have a characteristic, once they remember when they died, their souls will instantly leave the body. If they cannot be saved in time, they may become lonely ghosts.

To save the living corpse, there must be sacrifices. I looked around and suddenly had an idea. I asked Li Mazi to pick a few bunches of crape myrtle flowers not far away. The crape myrtle tree is an ancient sacred tree, and it carries a heavy yang energy, which represents holiness and purity, and is the symbol of transcendence. The best of the undead.

While Li Mazi went to pick crape myrtle, I gathered some earth beside Zhao Youcai for fragrance, and then poured a glass of water. Water is the purest thing in the world and can accommodate all things. It is recorded in Laozi's "Tao Te Ching" that "the best is like water."

Li Mazi picked crape myrtle flowers, and I placed them on Zhao Youcai's chest.

Finally, he took a photo of his rotting body with his mobile phone, held it up to his eyes, and said to him word for word: "Look, you are already dead."

"What?" Zhao Youcai seemed reluctant to believe that he was dead, but my photo made him believe it.

His expression suddenly changed from lively to frightened at first, and he kept muttering in his mouth: "I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead..."

His pupils dilated rapidly, and then shrank rapidly, and his originally vivid head shriveled up in an instant.

I put my finger between his eyebrows, and a shadow slowly floated out from the top of his head and slowly rose into the sky.

In mid-air, the shadow came towards me and bowed three times!

Zhao Youcai was thanking us for our salvation.

The ginseng doll was no longer afraid, and carefully poked half of its head out of the backpack. A pair of deep black eyes kept darting between Zhao Youcai and me.

Watching that phantom completely disappear into nothingness, I suddenly realized that my personality suddenly became much taller. Some things really cannot be measured by money!

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