Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 998: Driving the Mountain Man

Li Mazi yawned and walked over, patted the ginseng doll on the head and said, "Stop making trouble and go to sleep! We have to go for a day tomorrow."

I nodded, thinking that I still had important things to do, so I had to put down the ginseng doll first.

When the sun shines through the tent, the three of us wake up leisurely.

I found a fleshy thing moving around in my arms. When I took a closer look, it turned out to be a ginseng doll. It actually didn't leave last night.

Li Mazi looked at the cute ginseng doll and said with a smile: "It seems that this ginseng doll really regards you as its father."

I think of Fanfan. I haven't seen him for a long time. I wonder how he is doing now. Have you grown taller? Did you have a good meal?

The sun was getting brighter and brighter. I was afraid that the abundant yang energy would burn the ginseng doll's spirit body, so I hurriedly hid the ginseng doll in a sleeping bag.

The sun has already risen. The ginseng doll didn't go back at night, and I'm afraid she won't be able to go back during the day. I had to stuff it in my backpack to avoid being burned by the sun, and then let it out at night and let it go home on its own.

Vast mountains, forests and grasslands.

Me, Li Mazi, and Boss Bai started the arduous search work again!

The sun has already risen from the east to the top of our head, and our feet are getting sore, but we still haven’t found the tomb of the Monk King.

Thinking that I had run out of food, I really couldn't hold on any longer. I leaned against a big tree weakly and gasped, "How about we go back! Mazi Li is right. It might be better to find a guide before we come again." Find some.”

Boss Bai nodded in agreement, and we hurried down the mountain tiredly.

After walking for an hour or two, Boss Bai suddenly pulled me nervously and asked in a low voice: "Shopkeeper Zhang, you are well-informed. Can you tell me if you can see ghosts during the day?"

I nodded and explained that it was possible to see ghosts during the day, but it was very rare because the only ghosts that could appear during the day were powerful ghosts, even those at the level of ghost kings.

Boss Bai was shaking violently. He pointed to the big tree behind him and said to me, "We seem to be spinning in circles."

I quickly asked him, how did you find out? Boss Bai told me that he peed under that tree and broke a branch.

Now we are back to the tree.

I hurriedly asked Boss Bai when this happened. I was pretty sure everything was normal before.

Boss Bai told me that just after we said we were going down the mountain, he noticed that the team seemed to have been hanging around here. At first he was not sure and dared not say it, but then he saw the tree and he was convinced.

I quickly asked Li Mazi to stop, and Li Mazi asked if he had encountered a ghost and hit the wall?

Then he took out his parasol and said fiercely: "Mom, it must be the ghost from last night who is still haunting us and is here to mess with us..."

I shook my head and told Li Mazi that this was not a ghost building a wall. If it was a ghost building a wall, Boss Bai's urine would have broken it.

But now, we are still wandering around in the same place! This is a bit strange.

This situation reminds me of the illusion I encountered in the Yinren Village, but the creators of illusions are usually monsters who have become spirits. What monsters have become spirits here?

My hand subconsciously held the bag.

A squirming movement in the bag gave me a flash of inspiration.

I opened the zipper of my backpack and asked loudly: "Baby, tell me, is it you?"

The ginseng doll hummed twice, twisted its body and nodded.

"Damn it, Uncle Mazi is so kind to you, how dare you harm me?" Li Mazi learned that it was the ginseng doll that was responsible, and he was so angry that he wanted to deal with it.

I quickly stopped Li Mazi: "Don't worry, it's not trying to harm us, I think it just wants to keep us. Right, little doll?"

The ginseng doll in the backpack nodded, and then pointed to a certain location deep in the forest.

I looked in the direction it was pointing and found a trace of yin energy there. The yin energy felt a little familiar. I immediately thought of the figure that the ginseng doll was afraid of last night.

"Where do you want us to go?" I pointed along the ginseng doll's finger.

Ginseng Doll nodded vigorously.

I hesitated for a few seconds and then walked over.

The further we walked in, the more frightened the ginseng doll seemed to be, and it kept twisting and crawling into my arms.

And the further inside, the eerie and cold atmosphere became stronger and stronger!

There was a banging sound under Li Mazi's feet, as if he had stepped on something. He looked down and screamed instantly, his face almost deformed.

I ran over quickly and was slightly surprised when I saw what Li Mazi had stepped on.

I saw that what Li Mazi just stepped on was actually a corpse. No, I don't know how to describe this thing. It was said to be a corpse, but its eyes were still open. It was said to be a living person, but its limbs were rotten and covered with white maggots.

Its head is still the same as a normal person, but its body has long since decayed.

Li Mazi just stepped on its face, and it screamed in pain. The scream was clearly that of a human.

Immediately afterwards, the thing lying on the ground started to curse loudly and cursed all eighteen generations of Li Mazi's ancestors. Li Mazi, who was usually sharp-tongued, didn't dare to say a word when he was being scolded. He was too scared.

I remembered that there was still salt in my backpack, so I quickly grabbed a handful of royal salt and sprinkled it on the thing's face!

The moment the salt was sprinkled over, I saw the thing instinctively close its eyes like a living person and turn its head to the side. Then he made a "puff" sound in his mouth and wanted to spit out all the salt in his mouth.

It frowned and cursed: "Damn it, you killed me! What the hell, either give me a knife or rescue me, what do you mean by spreading salt?"

It was actually not afraid of the Gosai Salt, which was specially designed to restrain Yin spirits, and became even more lively.

Is this a human or a ghost?

I boldly stepped forward, forcing myself not to look at the maggot-covered body, and slowly tested the other person's breathing with my fingers.

There is no breath, he is indeed dead!

Just when I was distracted, the head actually bit my finger, causing me to scream in pain and blood splattering everywhere.

Upon seeing this, Li Mazi and Boss Bai hurriedly stepped forward to help. As a result, the head was biting tightly. It took a lot of effort for Li Mazi and Boss Bai to get my fingers out of its mouth.

I looked at my bitten finger and wondered if I should get a rabies vaccine when I get down the mountain later. This guy must have been a dog before he died!

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Li Mazi asked the head fiercely.

The head roared and said: "I am a mountain climber. I am chasing a ginseng doll. I lost my way after chasing it and can't go back. What's wrong?"

A mountain climber? I seem to have heard an introduction about mountain driving in a CCTV program. Mountain driving is actually a special name for ginseng dealers, which is similar to slang.

Is the head in front of me the mountain driver? Is this why Ginseng Doll brought me here?

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