Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 997 Ghost Notes

I chewed biscuits in my mouth and lay down in a daze.

Suddenly there was a 'thud' sound, as if something had hit my nose, and the pain was excruciating. I rubbed my nose and sat up and was about to curse. When I looked up, I saw it was a ginseng doll!

I saw the ginseng doll with bare feet, sitting on the big tree above my head, giggling at us. It was still holding red fruits in its hands and throwing them over our heads one by one.

Li Mazi, Boss Bai and I quickly left the dangerous place holding our heads.

The ginseng doll threw away all the fruits in its hands, the thorns slipped off, and flew into my arms as if I were its father.

Holding the meaty ginseng doll, my father's love instantly exploded.

The ginseng doll stuffed a fruit into my mouth. I pointed at the fruit and asked, "Is this for me?"

The ginseng doll nodded happily.

I hesitated for a moment and then bit it. According to Jianghu experience, in the wild, the brighter the fruit, the more poisonous it is.

The bright red fruit in front of me did make me hesitate, but when I saw the innocent face of the ginseng doll, his dependence on me was not pretended, it came from the heart.

I believe it, the ginseng doll will definitely not harm me!

I took a bite of the fruit, and the sweet juice filled my mouth in an instant. It was very sweet and delicious, not the kind that makes people feel cloying, but sweet with a little bit of bitterness.

I am also a foodie. I have traveled all over the country and eaten a lot of things over the years, but this is the first time I have eaten this kind of fruit.

The ginseng doll was very happy when she saw me eating the fruit. He jumped off me and ran up to Li Mazi and Boss Bai, pointing at the fruits on the ground and then at their mouths.

The two of them seemed afraid to eat and looked at me cautiously.

With a mouthful of fruit in my mouth, I said vaguely: "Eat it, this fruit is not poisonous!"

Li Mazi and Boss Bai started eating with confidence.

Strangely enough, after eating the fruit, we all felt energetic and fatigue was gone.

Looking at the red fruits all over the ground, I boldly guessed that this must be the legendary ginseng fruit, right? Li Mazi jumped up in surprise and said, wouldn't it be possible for us to live longer and live forever?

I knocked him on the head. How could I believe everything written in mythical novels? Ginseng fruit has the function of prolonging life, but it cannot make people immortal.

The ginseng doll curiously pulled out the notebook of my grandfather from my backpack and looked through it. I was quite nervous, and immediately told me not to damage it. This book was very important.

It seemed like it could really understand human speech and nodded.

Li Mazi and I were full and were about to sleep when suddenly the ginseng doll screamed and jumped quickly to a big tree. The expression on its face was full of fear, as if it had seen something terrible.

I followed its line of sight and saw that it turned out to be a picture in my grandfather's notebook. In the last few pages of his notebook, my grandfather drew various mountain spirits, ghosts, and evil spirits that he had encountered in his life.

Those ghosts look disgusting and really scary.

I walked over and put away the book and asked the ginseng doll to come down. The ginseng doll seemed to have not recovered yet and just refused to come down.

I patiently explained to it that this was an illustration in a book, not real. After saying it many times, it slowly slid down from the tree.

Li Mazi took a drag on his cigarette and sighed: "Brother Zhang, you said it's not a good idea for us to wander around like this! I fucking regret it. I should have spent money to hire a guide in the village." "

I sighed, who knew Balhu Mountain was so big? I simply thought that knowing the specific location of the Monk King’s Tomb would be easy to find, but I was so damn naive!

Boss Bai didn't say anything. He mysteriously pointed at the ginseng doll that was having fun. I immediately understood what he meant. He wanted to let the ginseng doll lead the way.

This is indeed a good idea. The ginseng doll has lived in the mountains for hundreds of years. It must be very familiar with the surrounding terrain. With it as a guide, it will definitely be able to find the tomb of the monk king quickly.

But the problem comes again. The ginseng doll can't talk. How can it lead the way? When I told it about the Tomb of the Monk King, I didn’t know if it could understand it. After all, its IQ was about the same as that of a human child. I immediately gave up the idea of ​​letting the ginseng doll act as a guide.

At this moment, a dark wind whistled from behind. The bonfire was extinguished by the wind, and the tent was blown violently.

The ginseng doll was sitting in the tent as if it had been greatly frightened. It screamed in horror, got into my arms, and kept burrowing into my clothes.

I hurriedly hugged the ginseng doll and stared at the surroundings with a pair of eyes.

There is Yin Qi! Moreover, this yin energy is also mixed with a faint earthy smell, which should indicate that something is approaching.

I quickly took a sip of water, and then sprayed it directly in the direction where the wind was blowing, and a faint figure suddenly appeared.

Seeing that figure, the ginseng doll became even more frightened and trembled all over!

I stood up angrily, pulled out the ghost-slaying swords at a finger's distance, and shouted loudly: "Where did you come from? Why don't you get out of here?"

I don't know if it was my spiritual power that intimidated the other party, or some other reason, but the figure actually slowly left.

Seeing the figure retreating, I patted the ginseng doll's back and comforted me softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! That thing is gone."

The ginseng doll then raised its head, with deep black tears in her eyes. It looked around cautiously with its eyes, and found that the figure was really gone, and then jumped down from me happily.

Seeing it smile again made me very happy.

I can probably conclude that the figure just now is a lonely soul wandering in the mountains. I frowned. From the moment I entered the village, I noticed something was wrong with this mountain. At first I thought it was because of zombies.

It wasn't until that moment that I realized what was wrong.

It's quiet, it's so quiet in the mountains!

If it was so quiet during the day, it would be explainable, but it was incredible that the mountains were so quiet at night.

You must know that there must be many Yin spirits living in mountains like this, or the rocks, vegetation and trees can become spirits. Ginseng dolls are a good example.

But we have been wandering around in the mountains for so many days, and apart from the ginseng doll and the wild ghost just now, we haven't seen any other life. This is so abnormal!

I expressed my doubts, and Li Mazi and Boss Bai also looked very unhappy.

Suddenly, the ginseng doll pulled me, pointed at me, and then pointed in the direction where the figure disappeared, chattering without knowing what it was saying.

Judging from its meaning, it seems like it wants to tell us something!

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