Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 996: Ginseng Doll (more updates)

The moment the little baby raised its head, the three of us were all frightened.

Those eyes were actually black pupils, pitch black, like two deep ancient wells that could suck people's souls in.

Its neck seemed to be equipped with a long spring, and it suddenly jumped into the tent. There was a head connected to the slender neck, and the chubby head looked left and right in the tent, as if he was very curious!

Mazi Li and Boss Bai were so scared that they hid behind me, trembling all over, for fear that this little doll would suck away their yang energy. You know, the ghost of a child is best at sucking away people’s yang energy.

If the yang energy is sucked away, then you really have to report to Marx below.

I silently recited the Tao Te Ching and released powerful spiritual power, hoping to scare this little baby!

The Tao Te Ching calmed me down. Just when I was about to draw out the double sword to kill ghosts and gods, I unexpectedly found that there was no evil spirit in the little doll.

After the little baby's eyes turned around in the tent, his eyes were fixed on the instant noodles we brought. I tentatively picked up the instant noodles and asked, "Do you want to eat? If you want to eat, I will make them for you."

The little baby looked at me and nodded vigorously.

The slender neck swayed up and down with the nod. I was really afraid that the neck would break if it exerted force.

Re-light the fire, boil water, and make noodles. In ten minutes, a bowl of Master Kong’s braised beef noodles is ready. The little baby was very happy holding the instant noodles. He didn't use chopsticks and just sucked them with his mouth.

Seeing the little baby eating, it was the first time that we felt that instant noodles were so delicious, and we were all hungry.

The little baby seemed to like instant noodles very much. After eating one bowl, he asked for another bowl, and ate five bowls in one go.

We were stunned.

The little baby babbling pointed at the last bowl of instant noodles, and then pointed at his mouth.

The three of us were completely surprised and asked in unison: "You want more?"

The little baby nodded happily. I swallowed and pushed the last bowl of instant noodles in front of the little baby.

Li Mazi asked me quietly, what is the origin of this little doll? It is not normal for a little kid to be barefoot and wearing a red bellyband in the wilderness. But this little doll doesn't feel like a ghost, but rather like a foodie.

I pointed to the little baby's feet and whispered, "Look at its feet, do they look a bit like ginseng roots?"

Boss Bai exclaimed in surprise: "Ginseng doll!"

I nodded, yes, this little doll is the legendary ginseng doll. Legend has it that in the old forests of the Northeast, there is a kind of ginseng that takes a hundred years to take shape and a thousand years to mature. It is called ginseng doll.

What appears in front of us should be a ginseng doll that has been formed for a hundred years, because the ginseng doll that has been formed for a hundred years can understand human language, but cannot speak human language.

When Li Mazi heard that this was the legendary ginseng doll, his eyes instantly glowed with golden light: "Isn't this ginseng doll valuable?"

I knocked him on the head. He really grew up in the eyes of money, and everything is measured by money.

The last bowl of instant noodles was also finished by the ginseng doll. It seemed to be unfinished. It held the empty noodle bowl, licked its lips, and looked at us with a pair of longing eyes.

I picked up the bag, shook it, and told it very sincerely: "No, you've eaten it all."

The ginseng doll put down the bowl helplessly. Suddenly, its eyes lit up, as if it had discovered some treasure.

Following the ginseng doll's gaze, I couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that its eyes were staring at the other two bags.

It looked at the bag and then at me, pouting as if unhappy. It looked like I was hiding good things from it.

Ginseng doll is also a snack food, but the Chinese legend does not explain this!

I spread my hands and shook my head helplessly: "No, there's really nothing good to eat..."

The ginseng doll ran over, grabbed my hand, and wanted to say something, but unfortunately I couldn't understand a word.

It talked for a while, but when it saw that I didn't understand what I meant, it suddenly became anxious. Finally, he simply pushed my hand away and ran to the two backpacks like a gust of wind.

With a shake of his hands, everything in the backpack was shaken out.

I yelled no! But it was too late. The garlic juice that Li Mazi and I had been grinding all day was spilled on the ground. The chili powder that the old man ground for us was also spilled. The rooster's blood was also spilled on the ground. Instantly, the air was filled with the pungent smell of garlic and chili peppers.

The ginseng doll seemed to be afraid of the smell of garlic, so she rushed into the tent holding her nose.

Alas, the troubles caused by naughty children must be dealt with by adults. Me, Li Mazi and Boss Bai sighed and cleaned up the mess on the ground.

After taking inventory, it was sad to find that only a small bottle of chili noodles was left, and the garlic juice was completely wiped out, making it impossible to pick it up.

The secret weapon we worked so hard to prepare to deal with zombies has been damaged by more than half.

After being tormented by the ginseng doll all night, it was already dawn. When the sun shone on the tent, a bright light rushed out from the tent and flew straight into the depths of the jungle.

Although the ginseng doll has been cultivated and formed, after all, the yang energy is too weak and cannot withstand the sun, so it still goes back.

We carried the remaining supplies and kept going forward along the path. The higher we went, the heavier the yin energy became, and the feeling of being watched became stronger and stronger!

When we reached the halfway point of the mountain, there were two forks in the road, one on the left and one on the right. I took out the compass to carefully identify the direction, and pointed to the path on the right.

The weeds got deeper and deeper as we walked, almost up to our knees.

There were a lot of bloody cuts on the faces of the three of us, and our faces burned with sweat.

The three of us were like three silly roe deer, walking around in the mountains for several days, but we couldn't find any clues about the zombies!

I almost despaired of finding it, and the heroic spirit I had before going up the mountain was gone. The mountain is too big and the location is difficult to determine. Even if you know the specific location of the Monk King's Tomb, it will be difficult to locate it.

Li Mazi took out the last pack of compressed biscuits and carefully broke it into three parts: "This is the last pack of dry food. Why don't we go back and replenish some dry food before going up the mountain?"

I didn't say anything, and Boss Bai nodded.

The instant noodles were eaten by that ginseng doll, and I ate compressed biscuits for several days, which made me almost vomit.

I slowly chewed the last bit of compressed biscuits, feeling a little discouraged. Damn it, I will starve myself to death before completing the business.

Just mind your own business, so what if you can't finish it? No matter how powerful Secretary Liu is, what can he do? Is it possible that he can still eat me? Besides, it’s none of my business if his mother has a wish?

It's just that this feeling of knowing that the baby is right next to you, but trying your best but not being able to touch it at all, is really frustrating. At that moment, I felt so useless!

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