Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 995: Tomb Keeper

When the old man saw the photo on his mobile phone, his face was covered with tears of excitement. He held Boss Bai's hand and couldn't help asking how Mr. Bai was doing? When Boss Bai replied that Mrs. Bai was fine, the old man was very happy.

It can be seen that the old man and Mr. Bai have a good relationship. After so many years, they still miss each other.

Boss Bai wanted the old man to have a video call with Mrs. Bai so that the two old friends could chat after being separated for many years. Unfortunately, this is a mountainous area and the 4G signal was not good, so they could only have a brief conversation.

The old man and Mr. Bai were chatting happily on the phone.

Mr. Bai officially passed on the position of this generation of tomb guardians to Boss Bai over the phone, and told Boss Bai the specific location of the tomb of the Monk King. Boss Bai solemnly knelt down and kowtowed three times to the other end of the phone.

Seeing that the inheritance ceremony was completed, the old man breathed a long sigh of relief and said that he had finally fulfilled his old friend's trust. Boss Bai immediately followed Mr. Bai's instructions and gave the old man a large sum of money, which was enough for him to enjoy his old age.

However, the old man refused to accept it, so Boss Bai had to give up. Later, as the sixth-generation guardian of the tomb of the Monk King, Boss Bai spent his own money to renovate the Monk King’s Tomb, and also arranged for the old man to travel around the country. Later, the old man also moved to Fujian, where he played chess and sang opera with Mr. Bai every day. Of course, this is a story for another day.

Closer to home, after confirming that Boss Bai is the sixth-generation mausoleum guard, the old man not only did not stop us from going into the mountain to find zombies, but actually provided us with a lot of help!

He helped us go to the village and buy black donkey hooves, rooster blood, body binding rope, and a sack of garlic and chili powder.

Li Mazi, Boss Bai, and I pressed the garlic with enough water into juice and put it in a plastic bottle. After doing this, I thought with confidence, no matter if the zombie I met this time was a few years old, with these equipment, it would be enough for it to drink a pot.

In the evening, the old man and we drank five kilograms of Shaodaozi.

It was dark the next day, and before the old man woke up, the three of us quietly entered the mountain with the things we prepared the day before.

On the way, Li Mazi asked me why I didn't wait for the old man to wake up and talk to him before going into the mountain?

I shook my head. The old man was an honest man. He was so enthusiastic about helping us prepare things, but he was actually worried about our safety.

I don't want to see the old man cry when he says goodbye.

Along the path made by climbers, the higher you go, the cooler the temperature becomes. The trees are getting taller and taller, like a huge umbrella covering the head, blocking most of the sunlight.

This is also the reason why there are many Yin spirits in the deep mountains. The sunlight is blocked by the big trees, so the Yin energy naturally flourishes!

When we reached the halfway point of the mountain, the feeling of being stared at came again.

The wind blew through the leaves, sometimes making a rustling sound, and sometimes making a whining sound. The sound sounded like a woman crying or a ghost screaming.

When the sun ran from our heads to our backs, the sky in the mountains became completely dark.

The surroundings were eerie, and you could hear a pin drop on the ground when it was quiet. Boss Bai suggested camping on the spot, saying it was too late and he couldn't see the direction and it was easy to get lost.

Li Mazi and I immediately set up a simple tent. Boss Bai dug a big hole in the ground with an engineering shovel and built a bonfire.

We boiled water and ate a bowl of instant noodles. Even after finishing dinner, we gathered around the campfire and talked about the tomb keeper.

Tomb guards were a very lowly group of people in ancient times. They were usually officials or eunuchs who had committed crimes and were punished to guard the tombs. Moreover, the guardians of tombs are passed down from generation to generation, and the duty of each generation is to guard the tomb. If the tomb is stolen, they will often be executed.

With the changes of the times, many tomb guardians have disappeared without a trace, and those who can persist have hidden their identities to prevent tomb thieves from being remembered...

The night in the mountains was boring, so the three of us got into the tent and slept early.

Three grown men crowded into a tent, it was so sour and satisfying that I will never forget it to this day.

I opened my eyes and counted the stars in the sky. I didn't fall asleep until I counted more than three hundred stars.

Closing my eyes, I seemed to hear the sound of a child giggling in a daze. Suddenly I opened my eyes and listened carefully, but the laughter was gone again.

I couldn't help but shake my head, laughing at myself for becoming more and more timid. Where did the child come from in this deep mountain and old forest?

Soon I fell asleep. In my dream, I took Yin Xinyue and Fanfan to the amusement park. Fanfan slid down the slide from a high place and kept calling daddy. Yin Xinyue and I stood under the slide and stretched out our hands to catch Fanfan. The picture was so beautiful that I didn’t want to wake up and wanted to stay in this dream forever.

His son's laughter has always been his father's greatest happiness in his life.

"Brother Zhang, wake up, wake up quickly." Li Mazi shook my shoulders vigorously and woke me up.

I rubbed my confused eyes and asked him unhappily what was wrong? Boss Bai was also awake at this moment, and the two of them were sitting next to me like two Bodhisattvas, motionless, with panic in their eyes.

Li Mazi raised his finger to his mouth, making a silent gesture, and pointed outside the tent.

I pricked up my ears and listened carefully. It was okay if I didn’t listen, but when I heard it, it almost scared me out of my soul!

I only heard the laughter of the children outside the tent getting louder. Originally, the children's laughter was beautiful, but in this deep mountain and forest, it was midnight, and it was not a good thing to hear the children's laughter.

I quickly took out a handful of coarse salt from my backpack and gently unzipped the tent. When I unzipped the zipper, I tried not to make any noise and pressed down one tooth at a time.

Who knew that the quality of this tent was really bad? I bought it during an event on Taobao, and the shell got stuck with a click.

I secretly yelled something bad and stared nervously at the direction of the laughter.

For a long time, there was no movement, and my hanging heart was finally relieved.

I slowly walked out of the tent and was about to sprinkle a circle of royal salt around the tent. Suddenly, a snow-white baby jumped in front of me.

It all happened so suddenly that I screamed and sat in the tent.

The little baby outside the tent has plump flesh and is as white as snow. The strange thing is that in such a cold weather, it is only wearing a red bellyband and no shoes!

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