Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 994 A Gentleman’s Appointment

I can't explain to the elderly why a great hero turns into a demon after death. This kind of thing seems unreasonable, but it really happens. After all, generals who have been on the battlefield for a long time and whose hands are stained with the blood of millions of people are much more violent than ordinary people and are more likely to undergo corpse transformation.

After hearing this story, I became more determined to go into the mountains. Putting aside this business deal, just finding zombie teeth is enough to satisfy me for the rest of my life. No amount of money can buy this sense of accomplishment.

When the old man saw that we insisted on going up the mountain, his face turned red with anxiety and blocked us at the door to prevent us from going out.

Li Mazi and I had a lot of nice things to say. Finally, Li Mazi lost his temper and insisted on forcing his way in!

How can an old man in his seventies stop a strong man? After a while, the old man was pushed out by Li Mazi and Boss Bai.

I bowed deeply to the old man and expressed my apology.

I thought this matter would end here, but who would have thought that the old man actually picked up the ax that was chopping firewood next to him and put it across his neck with a bang.

"None of you are allowed to touch General Seng Gelinqin, or I will die in front of you right now!" the old man said excitedly, gesturing on his neck.

I was extremely anxious, thinking that if I failed to get the zombie tooth, I would end up losing a life. I immediately promised again and again that I would not go into the mountain today and persuaded him to put down the axe.

Unexpectedly, the old man has a very stubborn character and refuses to put down his axe. He has also heard too many deceptive words...

Finally, the three of us agreed to all retreat into the house, and then he safely removed the ax from his neck and locked the door bolt with a click.

Li Mazi winked at me and Boss Bai, meaning to subdue him now.

I held Mazi Li's shoulders and pressed my mouth on the old man's hand. Although he has moved the ax away from his neck, that hand is still holding the ax. If we rush over rashly, he will wipe his neck in a minute. By then, no one can escape, and we might even be sentenced for intentional misconduct. Murder!

The old man's violent reaction reminded me that he might be a descendant of Seng Gelinqin. This makes it clear that he threatened to die. Whose ancestors are destroyed and are not anxious? It is normal for the elderly to behave like this.

The old man stood face to face with us holding an axe, and a deathly silence fell in the room.

Li Mazi became impatient. He took out a cigarette and took two strong puffs. His brows furrowed into the character "Chuan". He asked in a bad tone: "Old man, does this Seng Gelinqin who has been dead for a hundred or two hundred years have anything to do with you?" What's the relationship? Are you protecting him like this?"

The old man glanced at the three of us, sighed leisurely, and told us a century-old secret of a family.

The old man told us that he had a good friend who grew up with him. The good friend’s surname was Bai. Because his ancestor had committed a crime, the Empress Dowager Cixi ordered him to be demoted to Gongzhuling Village to guard the tomb of King Monk, that is, General Seng Gelinqin. 's tomb.

Due to three years of natural disasters and many other reasons, the friend named Bai left Gongzhuling Village and moved elsewhere. When he left, he made a gentleman's agreement with the old man. During his absence, he hoped that the old man would help guard the tomb of the monk king!

For decades, the old man has kept this promise, living alone in a hut in the forest and guarding the tomb of the monk king.

I was moved by the great spirit of the old man, and at the same time I thought of a poem in Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing": Three cups of Tu Ru Nuo, the five mountains will be lighter.

I found that from south to north, I really witnessed many beautiful things about the Chinese nation. Compared with those bastards who go around trying to get rich by relying on their old age, the old man in front of him is simply not that impressive!

However, the old man's words also put me in a dilemma. If I didn't enter the Tomb of the Monk King, I would not get the zombie teeth, and the business would be ruined. But if I entered the Monk King's Tomb and destroyed the body of General Seng Gelinqin, I would be injured again. The heart of an old man.

After thinking about it, I couldn't think of any good solution, so I just kept smoking with my head down.

Suddenly, Boss Bai asked in a deep voice: "Old man, may I ask the name of your friend named Bai? Where has the family moved to?"

The old man took a puff of dry tobacco and said, "That friend's name is Bai Zhanyuan. His family seems to have moved to the south. I don't know exactly where. There were no mobile phones or Internet like now."

I noticed that when the old man said the three words "Bai Zhanyuan", Boss Bai's pupils quickly dilated due to surprise, but he quickly regained his composure.

Li Mazi opened his mouth and wanted to continue to persuade the old man, but I stopped him. Having been friends for so many years, I know Li Mazi very well. When he opened his mouth, he must have said that it was enough to keep him for so long and that he should quickly find an old widow to get married.

You must know that with the character of the old man, he will keep his promise until his death. This is the integrity of the Chinese people!

After a long time, Boss Bai sighed softly and said, "Old man, I am Bai Zhanyuan's grandson."

This sentence was like a bombshell, instantly breaking the silence at the scene. The old man raised his head in disbelief and looked at Boss Bai, as if he were looking at his own grandson.

Boss Bai's face turned red when he stared at him.

Li Mazi said cheerfully: "Hey, old man, now you don't have to carry an ax to seek death, right? Quickly put down your heavy burden and follow Boss Bai out to enjoy the happiness!"

"Wait a minute, how can you prove that you are Bai Zhanyuan's grandson?" The old man was obviously still a little wary, but this is human nature.

Boss Bai didn't say anything, and immediately took out his mobile phone. It turned out that Boss Bai's mobile phone screen saver was actually a picture of his grandfather.

The old man picked up the phone, raised it above his head, looked at it carefully for several minutes, and then said excitedly: "Yes, yes, that's him, that's him!"

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