Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 993 The Strange Story of the Zombie Demon

I winked at Li Mazi, who immediately understood, took out a soft Chinese stick, and handed it to the old man. He said with a smile: "We are traveling into the mountains. We heard rumors that there are zombies in Balhu Mountain, so we wanted to come and see them."

The old man looked at us coldly and said nothing.

It wasn't until Li Mazi's hand handing him the cigarette was sore that he said slowly: "There are no zombies in the mountains. Stop messing around. Just go back and forth wherever you come from! This is not a place for you city people."

go back? Are you kidding? How can I deal with the Wang family if I can't get the Thousand-Year Zombie Teeth?

Seeing that the old man turned around and was about to enter the house, I asked in a cold voice: "Old man, was this not the first time you saw the monster on the roof last night?"

My words obviously had an effect. The old man's back trembled slightly, and then he sighed: "Come in, everyone!"

I gave Li Mazi a victory gesture, and Li Mazi took back the cigarette in his hand.

Sometimes, when dealing with real masters, tobacco, alcohol, and money often don't play a big role. It's better to go straight to the point.

The old man invited us to sit around the Kang, and then told us about all the strange things that happened in Gongzhuling Village.

As early as before the fall of the Qing Dynasty, this was the cemetery of Manchu princesses. Because the first one to be buried was Princess Duanrou, the nearby village was also renamed Gongzhuling Village.

It had always been fine until that year when it was said that the Four Olds were to be destroyed and feudal superstition was to be completely eradicated. The old man was only ten years old at the time. He only remembered that a group of Red Guards took shovels and wooden sticks and dug up the surrounding graves. The Red Guards also urinated on the stone lions in front of the mausoleum, saying that they were trying to break the evil spirit of feudal superstition!

Gege's corpses were pulled out of the grave and their clothes were stripped off.

According to local customs, it is treacherous to pick up graves in this way and will result in retribution. The old man's father couldn't stand it and stepped forward to stop him, but he was beaten to death by the crazy Red Guards. He died half a month after returning home. The Red Guards even threatened to beat anyone who dared to stop him again. Let him hang up the sign and make a fool of himself on the street! When the villagers saw this formation, no one dared to step forward.

When the old man talked about his father being beaten to death, his eyes filled with tears and his calloused hands were tightly held together.

I quickly poured a cup of tea for the old man. A ten-year-old child witnessed his father being beaten to death. The anger was beyond words...

The old man took a sip of tea, calmed down his mood, and continued to choke with sobs: "Since then, there have been zombies in Balhu Mountain. Chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep are often killed in the village, and my cows are also killed. Cows I still remember the way it died. Such a strong cow was as shriveled as dry straw, with two big blood-red tooth holes on its neck!"

"The elders in the village said that the Red Guards who picked up graves angered the gods, and the gods sent General Fang to take revenge! Later, the group of Red Guards who picked up graves heard about the strange things that happened in the village, and went into the mountains with guns and ammunition to hunt. Kill the fang general and vow to wipe out the remnants of feudalism."

"What's the result?" Li Mazi was impatient and asked quickly.

The old man glanced at Li Mazi and said word by word: "It's gone, it's all gone."

The three of us looked at each other, what's missing? Is the story gone? Or is there no one left?

The old man said with great sadness: "All the Red Guards who entered the mountain were dead. Only one escaped with serious injuries, but he only had one breath left! The surviving Red Guard was covered in blood and his uniform was torn. It was completely smashed, and several pieces of flesh on his face had been bitten off, exposing the white bones. He was going crazy, and kept repeating things like fangs and eating people."

I looked at the old man and couldn't help but feel a little admiration. It stands to reason that those Red Guards were the murderers of his father, and he should have been eager to watch them die tragically, but the old man was very sad about their deaths, which proved that the old man was kind-hearted.

I asked again about the monster on the roof last night.

The old man coughed a few times and said, "I don't know what it is. Anyway, I squat on the roof of my house every night to watch the moon! It's been thirty years. When it first came, I was really scared and fainted several times. times, but then it came more and more, so it didn’t matter. Anyway, that thing just looked up at the moon and didn’t do anything bad. If you hadn’t alarmed it last night, it would have left after looking at the moon..."

Looking at the moon? When I heard this word, a mouthful of water stuck in my throat. Monsters also want to admire the moon. There are so many wonders in this world.

However, the old man's words made me very happy. The man in the T-shirt had never let me down once. His information was indeed very accurate. There were really zombies in Balhu Mountain.

I guessed that the fanged general mentioned by the villagers must be a zombie with fangs, and this zombie might be one of the many corpses that were pulled out of the grave by the Red Guards. Because of a coincidence, he absorbed human life and transformed into a corpse.

So who is this zombie’s true identity? I frowned and sorted through the information I had searched for the past two days in my mind. The word "general" indicates that the zombie must have been male during his lifetime, and he was also an ancient person.

The man in the T-shirt said that although this zombie is only a hundred years old, it is no less violent than a thousand-year-old zombie. Combined with the fact that this is a group of tombs of princes and nobles of the Qing Dynasty, the name of a famous late Qing general instantly blurted out: Seng Gelinqin!

I slapped my thighs excitedly and stood up. Yes, this zombie was the famous general Seng Gelinqin.

According to historical records, Seng Gelinqin was not only highly skilled in martial arts and good at horseback riding and shooting, but he was also always fearless in battles and was the first to charge forward with a sword! Therefore, he won the favor of the Qing Dynasty and handed him the most powerful elite force at that time.

Seng Gelinqin did not disappoint the Qing government. He suppressed the Taiping Uprising with thunderous force, captured two princes of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom alive, and later fought against the British and French allied forces. He was regarded as a national hero.

It was a pity that Senggelinqin fell into the enemy's plot by mistake and died in battle at the age of fifty-five.

It is said that upon hearing the news of Seng Gelinqin's death, tens of thousands of people cried bitterly. Even the Empress Dowager Cixi believed that the country had lost a pillar of talent. So Seng Gelinqin was named the Monk King and was buried in the Princess Mausoleum today.

I boldly stated my guess. Li Mazi and Boss Bai nodded repeatedly, saying that it must be the case. Otherwise, how could that zombie be called the Fang General?

Unexpectedly, the old man seemed to have been stimulated by something, and kept saying "impossible, impossible."

He said that Seng Gelinqin was a national hero of his generation. He should become an immortal and a Buddha after his death. How could he turn into a zombie and go around sucking blood from people?

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