Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 992 Half-Tooth Monster

How should I describe that half face? It took a long time before a new term came to my mind - half-toothed monster.

The so-called half-tooth does not mean that this monster has half a tooth, but that half of its face is full of teeth!

That half-face, which was full of teeth, reflected a penetrating light under the pale moonlight, which almost made my heart stop due to my trypophobia. What's even more terrifying is that there's an eyeball running around on that half of the face. Yes, it's running around.

The eyes seemed to have legs, moving around half of the face.

Li Mazi and Boss Bai stood behind the half-tooth monster and did not see its face.

After Li Mazi's sap blow, the half-toothed monster twitched obviously. It was obviously painful. He turned around with a roar and stood up suddenly!

The moment it stood up, Li Mazi and Boss Bai were so frightened that they screamed and fell from the roof.

A huge wave of fear flowed through my body like a turbulent wave. I screamed and dropped the flashlight in my hand to the ground.

Under the moonlight, I could clearly see the other half of the monster's face. That half of the face was full of eyes, densely arranged like lotus pods.

Countless eyes were staring at me condescendingly at this moment.

A thin dark wind blew towards my back, carrying a distant roar. I didn't dare to look back, for fear that the monster on the roof would jump over and attack me.

Thinking about being bitten by the teeth on that half of his face, I shuddered a little.

At this time, the door creaked open, and the monster on the roof quickly jumped into the jungle outside like a frightened ape, and was gone by the time we chased it out.

"What are you doing?" the old man asked, holding a kerosene lamp and yawning.

"Old man, yes, yes..." Li Mazi was so frightened that he could not speak incoherently. He just pointed to the place where the monster disappeared.

The old man didn't seem to hear Li Mazi's words, and said to himself: "It's windy in the woods at night. When you go out to relieve yourself, you have to go to a nook to get away from the wind. Otherwise, if the wind is frightened by that thing, you won't be able to give birth to a son." .”

After saying that, the old man leaned against the wall and peed.

I was stunned for a moment. At this moment, I had an intuition that this old man must be no ordinary person. He must know many secrets of Balhu Mountain.

All experts like to pretend to be low-key, isn't that the case with T-shirt men?

In the hazy state, I saw the old man's body shaking twice. Every man knows that this is what he does after urinating.

The three of us were still staring outside the house with full vigilance, not daring to move. Until the old man told us to come in the house! We just came to our senses.

After entering the house, the old man seemed to be fine and lay down to sleep again. However, after a while, the snoring sounded again.

My hands and feet are so cold that I don’t even know what to say? Those densely packed teeth and eyes kept swaying in my mind, making it difficult for me to sleep.

The old man's snoring made me feel a little relieved. After a while, I said to Li Mazi and Boss Bai: "Go to sleep! If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Li Mazi and Boss Bai quickly retracted their heads into the quilt.

That night, I didn't dare to sleep anymore. My eyes were fixed on the roof, for fear that the monster would appear again!

The next day, it was broad daylight, but the three of us still didn't get up. I turned my head and looked at Li Mazi and Boss Bai lying next to me, and found that they had also not slept all night, and their eyes were red.

The place where the old man slept had long been empty.

The sound of an ax chopping firewood came from outside the door. After a while, the old man opened the door and shouted: "Get up, it's time to eat." Then we got dressed and got out of bed.

Breakfast is a typical Northeastern farm dish, polenta, pickles and dumplings.

After eating some polenta and waiting for the warm food to go down, I gradually recovered. My first reaction was, does the old man know what happened last night?

When the old man wasn't paying attention, I secretly observed his facial expression and found that he was calm and there was nothing unusual about him.

The calmer it is, the more problems there are!

The time he came out to pee last night was too coincidental. I don't believe there are such coincidences in the world.

A lonely old man lives alone on the mountainside, but he is not afraid at all. Thinking about it makes people feel suspicious.

I pretended to help wash the dishes and got close to the old man: "Old man, do you live here alone? Where is your child?"

The old man replied in a hoarse voice: "I don't have a family, and I don't have any children. I'm the only one here."

After saying that, he concentrated on his work. No matter how I asked him, he pointed to his ears and said he couldn't hear.

I originally wanted Li Mazi to make excuses. After all, Li Mazi is the master of the world, but seeing how he behaved, I gave up the idea. Li Mazi still hadn't come to his senses at this time, and even looked back frequently while eating.

I looked at the mountains in the distance, remembering the strange feeling I had when I came to the Princess Mausoleum yesterday, and guessed that this monster must be related to the evil things in the mountains.

Damn, it's not my style to be so fearful. No matter what, I must investigate to get to the bottom of it!

Thinking of this, I turned around and went back to the house, grabbed my luggage, and said hello to Li Mazi and Boss Bai: "Let's go into the mountains."

Li Mazi and Boss Bai hesitated for a moment. When I saw how hard they were working, I felt a little annoyed: "What are you afraid of? Don't forget that we don't have much time left."

In the end, Li Mazi and Boss Bai obeyed their orders and walked with me into the mountains carrying their bags.

When we walked a few meters away, the old man who was chopping firewood suddenly stopped us. He turned around and picked a bunch of peppers and a handful of garlic from the eaves and stuffed them into the bags of the three of us.

I was surprised. At this moment, I was even more sure that the old man in front of me was a master. Maybe he also knew about the zombies in the princess mausoleum. Because pepper and garlic are powerful weapons against zombies! Since ancient times, folk exorcism masters have been divided into two schools, one is the southern school and the other is the northern school.

The southern faction mainly uses charms and ink lines to conquer zombies, while the northern faction mainly uses chili pepper and garlic to conquer zombies.

There is a master here, how can I let him go? At that moment, he excitedly grabbed the old man's hand and asked excitedly: "Old man, do you know there are zombies in this mountain? Can you tell me where the zombies are?"

The old man's eyes flashed, but soon disappeared.

He broke away from my hand, shook his head coldly and said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

I unzipped my backpack and asked him why he stuffed garlic and chili peppers into our bags if he didn’t know there were zombies hiding in the mountains.

The old man was stunned for a while, then laughed loudly and said: "Young man, chili and garlic are dry food prepared for you."

Bah, only a devil can believe it! Your family only eats chili and garlic.

(ps: The fourth update is delivered today.)

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