Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1002 Black Evil

Unexpectedly, my actions annoyed the other party, and the extension speed of the arm suddenly increased several times! At this moment, a bright yellow lark flew past the big tree. The hand casually grabbed the lark and caught it firmly.

The lark only fluttered twice and then stopped completely. When the hand opened its five fingers, the three of us were horrified to find that the lark had turned into a piece of black carbon.

Li Mazi swallowed hard, big beads of sweat broke out from his forehead, and asked, "Brother Zhang, what on earth is this?"

Before I could answer, a black figure squeezed out of the tree trunk.

Li Mazi screamed in fright, and the thing seemed even more proud, letting out a sinister laugh.

Now, I can finally see the full appearance of that thing!

It was a black person, a carbon-like person to be precise. His whole body was dry and black, with only two white eyeballs exposed.

Then the whole forest was filled with that thing's laughter. The sound was sharp and long, and it almost pierced my head.

I covered my ears in pain, but it had no effect. The sound became even sharper. Boss Bai and Li Mazi were the same, covering their heads and rolling on the ground.

After an unknown amount of time, the thing finally stopped laughing weirdly, and we were freed. However, all our strength was drained by the pain, and we could only collapse to the ground weakly.

I barely managed to stand up and pulled up Li Mazi and Boss Bai with difficulty one by one.

Li Mazi's body became weak and he could hardly stand. As soon as I let go of my hand, he collapsed again. I could only yell in his ear: "Li Mazi, you must not lie down! If you lie down, your yang energy will be weak, and even the gods will not be able to save you."

When Li Mazi heard what I said, he tried his best to stand up. It was obvious that he was struggling and his body was shaking constantly.

The thing's eyes were still staring at us.

To be honest, I was really scared at that moment. But I understand that if you want to save your life, you have to carry it and not show any fearful expression, otherwise the other party will definitely become more unscrupulous.

I mustered up the courage, recited the Tao Te Ching silently in my mind, forced myself to suppress the fear, and bravely looked into those eyes.

Come on, I'm not afraid of you! If the evil does not suppress the good, I don't believe that the double sword that kills ghosts and gods cannot destroy you.

The battle between the two armies is about momentum!

Suddenly the thing stretched out its dry fingers and pointed behind us, with a strange smile on its face, as if it had seen something interesting, and its whole body was distorted by the smile.

My back hunched, and I suddenly noticed the sound of cracking bones and twisting coming from behind me.

Li Mazi also heard it and asked in a trembling voice: "Brother Zhang, is there something behind us?"

I turned my head carefully, and from the corner of my eye I saw several black figures twisting their limbs and slowly pulling out of the tree.

The sound of clicking and clicking surrounded us from all directions, so frightened that Li Mazi and Boss Bai hugged each other.

The atmosphere in the air became increasingly tense and depressing. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I fiercely pulled out my double swords for killing ghosts and gods.

However, in the dense forest, there were still black figures squeezing out of the tree trunks. After a while, the forest was completely surrounded. A fishy smell rushed straight into my nose, and instantly, my stomach was churning.

The smell is too bad!

Li Mazi was so frightened that his legs were weak. If I hadn't been holding him up, he would have fainted by now. I was going to use coarse salt to create a defensive formation, but when I touched my backpack, I secretly screamed, "I've run out of salt."

The black figure is getting closer and closer to us.

Boss Bai and Li Mazi didn't know where they got the courage. They picked up branches from the ground and kept beating the black figures.

But there were too many figures, and the branches could not resist their footsteps.

Li Mazi shouted to me while swiping at the figures: "Brother Zhang, think of a way quickly, we can't hold it anymore."

I sprinkled the chili powder on those figures, and the wind blew the chili powder back a little, causing the three of us to cough repeatedly.

Those black figures also took a few steps back. Just when I was happy that the chili powder could repel them, the next second, I was stunned.

The black figures actually grabbed chili powder and stuffed it into their mouths.

After eating the chili powder, they moved faster, like a flock of crows flying towards us. Although the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods are powerful, they cannot kill such a dense number of enemies at the same time!

The hands of some figures had already grabbed my arm, and my arm turned black instantly. A cold pain penetrated my bone marrow in an instant, making me gasp in pain.

In desperation, Li Mazi didn't care, grabbed the things in his backpack, and threw them towards the black figures in annoyance!

The black donkey's hooves were thrown everywhere, and the last remaining bottle of rooster blood was spilled by him. I just wanted to stop it, but it was already too late...

At this moment, the black figure's movements suddenly slowed down, as if he had taken a dulling drug, his movements were slow and a bit funny.

Li Mazi held a black donkey's hoof, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Humph, are you bullying me? I have many magic weapons to cure you. Let's see if you accept it now?"

Suddenly, the leading black figure recovered first and pounced towards us.

Too late, but not too long, Li Mazi hit the figure on the head with a black donkey's hoof, and the figure fell to the ground.

I was the first to come to my senses. Li Mazi looked triumphantly at the black figure who was knocked to the ground by him. Just as he was about to win, I grabbed him and Boss Bai and shouted: "Stop being so." Run! When they come to their senses, it’s our turn to cry!”

We ignored the severe pain in our bodies and quickly shuttled through the forest.

I didn't know how long I ran, but I couldn't run anymore, so I stopped to rest. I couldn't wait to check the equipment and found that all the good things I prepared when I went up the mountain were only bundles of corpse ropes.

I couldn't help scolding: "Li Mazi, you are a loser. When you throw the black donkey's hooves, you don't take it easy. At least you leave some for the zombie. What should you do now? If you encounter a zombie that has become a climate, you will not be black." How can a donkey's hooves fight? I'm just a ghost dealer, I can't deal with zombies at all."

Li Mazi couldn't utter a single word after being scolded by me. Finally, he sat down and smoked a cigarette.

Actually, I don't really blame Li Mazi, I'm just a little impatient. Thinking that the time for this mission was so tight and that the three of us were trapped in the wilderness again, we inevitably felt irritable.

I was about to step forward and pat Li Mazi on the shoulder, but then Boss Bai groaned and struggled to cover his neck with both hands, looking like he was in great pain.

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