Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1003: Seng Gelinqin’s Tomb

Li Mazi and I quickly ran to Boss Bai and asked in unison: "Boss Bai, what's wrong?"

Boss Bai pointed to the back of his neck painfully: "It suddenly hurts so much."

Li Mazi and I looked at where Boss Bai was pointing and found that it was the mark of the villain holding a spear.

Compared with before, the blue light emitted by this mark is more dazzling, and the pattern on it is becoming clearer and clearer.

Boss Bai kept twisting his neck in pain. As Boss Bai twisted his neck, I seemed to see what words were written on the pattern?

But the characters were too small, and Boss Bai was moving around, so I couldn’t see clearly.

I pressed Boss Bai's head, told him not to move, and then asked Li Mazi to come over and check together.

The two of us lay there and stared at it for a long time. Unfortunately, the text was too small, and due to the light, it was hazy where we could see it.

I suddenly remembered the principle of reflection mentioned in a physics magazine I had read. I quickly rummaged through my bag and found that the small mirror I had brought was missing.

When I saw the mobile phone, I had an idea. I used the mobile phone screen as a mirror and reflected the pattern on Boss Bai's neck into the screen. This time we finally saw the whole pattern clearly.

It was a little man wearing simple armor, with angry eyes and a spear tightly held in his hand. Behind him was an underground palace, which we often call a mausoleum.

I guessed that this was the person who guarded the tomb, because there were a few lines of words engraved on the chest of this person: "The Monk King is mighty, and the descendants of the Bai family have been ordered to guard the tomb, and they will remember it from generation to generation."

Based on these few lines, I guess this may be Boss Bai’s family imprint!

When I was in the ghost market, I heard the man in the T-shirt say that there was often a special connection between ancient tombs and the lineage of those who guarded them. This was also a method invented by the ancients. In order to prevent the changes of the times, the tomb-keepers forgot their mission.

The pattern on Boss Bai's neck should be the connection between the Bai family and the Tomb of the Monk King. The strong reaction to the mark means that we are not far from the Monk King's Tomb!

I excitedly told Li Mazi and Boss Bai what I had discovered.

Li Mazi jumped up with joy and kept chanting: "Thirty million, thirty million! Ah! Wait for us, we are here!"

It was as if there was a naked beauty in front of him.

"Don't be too happy yet," I vaccinated Li Mazi in advance: "This kind of zombie that has become a climate is not easy to deal with! What's more, we have to saw its zombie teeth. The most difficult thing now is..."

I looked at the only rope left in my hand to tie up the body, and shook my head helplessly: "Our equipment is all gone, and we only have this bundle of rope left. I don't know if it will work. I hope it's okay."

Li Mazi was very optimistic and said to me: "It's okay! Don't you still have two swords for killing ghosts and gods? You will definitely make a fortune this time. If you can get that reward, I will definitely choose a good day to propose to Teacher Xia. Then go to a Scottish castle with her for a romantic wedding!”

Li Mazi's intoxicated expression seemed as if a better life was just around the corner.

"Ouch." Boss Bai said with a pout, "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, my neck is getting more and more painful, as if a bee is stinging me."

"Let's go quickly. Only by finding the tomb of the Monk King can we relieve your pain." I put the things back into my backpack and said.

Li Mazi came to life and jumped in front of me: "Then how can we find the location of the tomb of the Monk King?"

I pointed at Boss Bai and said: "Boss Bai's mark reacted so strongly, which means that the tomb of the Monk King is less than a hundred meters away from us. There is a natural attraction between the bloodline of the tomb keeper and the ancient tomb. The mark is shining, and it should be It is a guide. As long as Boss Bai calms down, he will definitely be able to sense the location of the ancient tomb. Then we will be able to find the tomb of the Monk King!"

I taught Boss Bai to read a passage from the Tao Te Ching to help him calm down and relieve his pain.

Boss Bai recited it several times, and the pain was indeed not that intense.

I continued to teach him how to meditate and enter concentration. While teaching him this, I couldn't help but think of Zen Master Baimei, and my eyes suddenly became moist. Afraid that Li Mazi and Boss Bai would see my sadness, I quietly turned my head and wiped away a tear.

Boss Bai crossed his legs and meditated with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he stretched out his finger and pointed directly in front of us.

Li Mazi and I quickly picked up Boss Bai, and the three of us walked forward together!

Strangely enough, Boss Bai said that after he calmed down, a huge ancient map seemed to appear in his mind. There were many arrows on the map. Every time he was about to get lost, one of the arrows would light up.

We followed Boss Bai's guidance and moved forward. The further we went, the more I felt that the mark of the tomb keeper was really mysterious. Even a hundred years later, there is still a connection between the tomb keeper and the ancient tomb...

I think this is the belief of the Chinese people. It is this belief that promises and responsibilities are passed down from generation to generation. A family that can be the guardians of tombs must be a family that keeps its word.

After passing through a large jungle of weeds, a large open area suddenly opened up before our eyes. A collapsed tomb stood conspicuously in the center, with many marks of knife and ax chiseling on the gray tomb bricks.

The tombstone fell to the ground, and a corner of the tombstone had been chipped off.

Eleven characters are clearly engraved on the tombstone: "The Tomb of Monk Gelinqin, King of Horqin County".

Li Mazi pointed at the tombstone and shouted excitedly: "I found it, I finally found it."

Strangely enough, as soon as he found General Seng Gelinqin's tomb, the mark on Boss Bai's neck immediately disappeared and there was no more pain.

I hurried over and was immediately disappointed. My heart felt like a five-flavor bottle had been knocked over. It was not a taste.

General Senggelinqin's coffin has been pried open, all the burial objects inside have been emptied, and the body has disappeared, leaving only a rotten coffin telling the story of its owner's misfortune...

I let out a long sigh. Really, after going through all kinds of hardships to get here, is it just like this that I just returned without success?

I don’t believe that God can be so cruel. He will definitely hear my call and he will definitely let me get zombie teeth.

According to the old man's description, the last people to see Senggelinqin's body were the Red Guards who went into the mountains to search for zombies. But they had already been wiped out. So where should I go to find clues?

Facing the empty coffin, the three of us felt very depressed.

Li Mazi threw the bag in his hand to the ground and said: "Fuck, if I had known this, we, the third brother, might as well have stayed in the hotel, drinking foreign wine, eating steak, and enjoying the decadent bourgeois life! In the end, we sweated and bled. I came here and all the trip was in vain, it’s so damn depressing!”

I was about to answer the call when suddenly a hurricane roared around the ancient tomb.

Boss Bai covered his eyes and said, "How could such a strong wind come from deep in the mountains and old forests?"

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