Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1004: General Fang

Boss Bai covered his eyes and said, "How could such a strong wind come from deep in the mountains and old forests?"

I stared at the hurricane, and my pupils shrank sharply. This was the Yin Wind, that is, the strong wind formed by the gathering of Yin spirits.

Under normal circumstances, the cold wind is gray and invisible. At most, it is like the cold air when you open the refrigerator door.

But the evil wind at the moment is tangible and black, which shows that there are not only a large number of evil spirits nearby, but also a lot of resentment!

I reached out and touched my bag and cursed secretly. When I went up the mountain, I was thinking about how to deal with zombies. I didn't expect that there were so many powerful ghosts in the mountains. The materials brought were not complete at all, not even a grain of salt was left.

I looked at the ghost-killing swords on my waist in despair, feeling like crying without tears. Am I supposed to deal with so many ghosts single-handedly?

Although the power of the two swords is huge, there is a moment when my spiritual power is exhausted...

In order to save my spiritual energy, I immediately unsheathed all the ghost and god-slaying swords and inserted them into the ground. This was equivalent to temporarily setting up a simple spirit trap array, using the powerful evil energy of the ghost-slaying and god-slaying swords to trap us. Protect in the center.

The center of the hurricane is getting closer and closer to us. There seems to be a huge eye in the center, staring at us. If we don't pay attention, we will be sucked in.

Under the fluctuations of the hurricane, the ghost-slaying swords made a clanging metal collision sound, becoming more and more unstable.

I yelled: "Hurry up and bite your tongue and spit the blood from the tip of your tongue onto the two knives!"

The blood on the tip of the tongue is the blood with the strongest yang energy in the human body. This can replenish the yang energy of the ghost-killing swords and make the swords last longer. Of course, this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

But it is better to die than to live. How long can we last? Maybe a miracle will happen.

The black hurricane finally swept in front of us. The shaking of the two swords became more and more violent, and a dark green sword energy was vaguely released to compete with the hurricane.

Being in the hurricane, I felt as if my limbs were being bitten by countless teeth. Even my shirt was torn into pieces, and my nostrils and mouth began to bleed uncontrollably.

But at this moment, I can only pinch with both hands, grit my teeth and recite the "Tao Te Ching" to maintain the formation, while the intermittent screams of Li Mazi and Boss Bai can be heard behind me.

I feel that my spiritual power is almost exhausted, and the dark green sword energy released from the surface of the ghost-slaying swords is getting darker and darker. However,

Instead of stopping, the hurricane intensified.

I felt deep despair and kept saying in my heart: "Crescent Moon, Fanfan, farewell..."

Finally, I could no longer hold on, my feet left the formation little by little, and my body was wrapped in the roar of the hurricane.

The rapidly rotating hurricane was like countless sharp knives scraping against my body. At that moment, a word suddenly popped into my mind: Lingchi execution.

The severe pain on my skin at this moment made me lose the courage to struggle, and I slowly gave up resistance.

At this critical moment, a roar that shook the forest came over, and my will to survive was awakened by the roar!

I suddenly pulled out the ghost-killing swords on the ground, mobilized the last bit of spiritual power in my body, and urged the ghost spirit of Gan Jiang Moye to sweep across the hurricane in front of me.

The huge hurricane was split into two by the sword energy, and the wail of the fierce ghost resounded through the sky like a drum.

But there are so many evil ghosts that I can’t kill them all by myself!

Looking at the dark ghost blood all over the ground, I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and showed a victorious smile. Damn it, even if I can't get out alive, it's worth it for me to kill so many ghosts.

Another wave of evil spirits pounced on me, and I no longer had the strength. The hand holding the knife shook violently, and the wounds on my body were bleeding profusely.

I put down the knife and looked at each other with Li Mazi and Boss Bai and smiled.

Li Mazi wanted to say something to me, but the wind was so strong that I couldn't hear what he had to say. Just judging by the shape of his mouth, Li Mazi was saying to me: "Good brother, we can't be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but if we can die in the same year, the same month and the same day, there will be no regrets..."

I replied silently: "Okay".

Just as the three of us were preparing to fight to the death, the roar just now sounded again. The sound sounded like a beast and a monster, and it became clearer and closer.

The hurricane seemed to be very afraid of the roar, and with a roar, it rolled away like a frightened bird and beast with hundreds of ghosts.

I was thrown to the ground hard, and all the bones in my body seemed to be falling apart, but this pain also made me a little happy, I survived.

Not far from me, Li Mazi and Boss Bai were also moaning and covering their buttocks.

I put one hand on the ground and tried hard to pick up the two knives, but suddenly a huge black shadow covered my head.

I subconsciously raised my head to see the owner of the black shadow, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Standing in front of me was a two-meter-tall giant wearing Manchu Eight Banners armor, with disheveled hair.

When I saw the lifelike unicorn pattern embroidered on the giant's armor, I immediately thought of General Seng Gelinqin!

Because the hierarchy of officials during the Qing Dynasty was very strict, the clothes of civilian officials were embroidered with birds, and the clothes of military attachés were embroidered with animals. This is also the origin of the idiom "dressed beasts". It's just that this word was a compliment in ancient times, but in modern times it has become a curse. And Qilin is the kind of clothing only the highest-ranking military attache should wear, so I concluded that he was Seng Gelinqin.

Legend has it that Seng Gelinqin turned into a fanged general. In order to confirm my conjecture, I moved my eyes to the face of the black shadow master.

But I saw that his entire face was indigo, with a layer of fine white fluff covering the blue face, and his eyes were as black as the eyes of a dead fish. The nails on his hands were thirty centimeters long, glowing with a strange light, and looked extremely sharp.

The most terrifying thing is his two exposed fangs, which are white and reddish. It's obvious that he has feasted on countless human blood over the years.

As the saying goes, a zombie that grows white after a hundred years will grow white hair, and a zombie that grows after a thousand years will become a drought monster.

Such dense white hair has grown on the face of this century-old zombie, which shows that his cultivation has reached a certain level. In addition, in his previous life, he was a powerful general, and his viciousness is even more intense.

When I first saw this zombie, I was a little ecstatic. This trip was finally not in vain. But for a moment, I felt a little uncomfortable again. Can I cope with a century-old zombie with white hair? After all, evil merchants don’t have any special tricks for dealing with zombies.

When Boss Bai saw a zombie for the first time, he was so frightened that his legs were shaking like chaff. If Li Mazi hadn't been holding him up, he might have collapsed to the ground in fear.

I saw that the zombie in front of me moved freely and was not affected by the sun at all.

I think if this forest sea hadn't trapped it, I'm afraid it would have been able to move freely wherever it wanted to go and do whatever it wanted to do.

Thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat!

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