Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1005 Li Mazi Jagged Teeth

Although he only has a hundred years of cultivation, the zombie in front of him is more powerful than the ghost spirit at the ghost king level. It is simply the best that is rare to see in a thousand years!

well! If I had known that this zombie was so spiritual, I would never have accepted this business. But now I regret that I don’t have to take the medicine, so I can only make this order in a down-to-earth manner, which can be regarded as repaying Mr. Wang’s favor.

As the saying goes, when encountering an enemy, you must draw your sword, so even though I know I am outmatched, I must bravely seize the opportunity.

I was the closest to the zombie. The zombie sensed the breath of the living person, looked up to the sky and howled like a hungry wolf, stirring up a fierce gust of wind.

"Roar"! The wind howled and blew in my face.

It opened its huge mouth and flew towards me, like a bolt of lightning, unstoppable.

When its nails were still three centimeters away from my neck, I turned over, put one hand on the zombie's shoulder, and gracefully circled around to its back.

The zombie reacted very quickly. As soon as I landed, it immediately turned around, its two fangs exuding a strong bloody smell.

Sooner or later, I quickly pulled out the ghost-killing swords and used the Yin-Yang sword technique. The two swords kept changing their moves in my hands, and the light of the flying swords flashed dark green under the starry sunlight. .

The speed of the zombies was slowed down by the knife skills I used.

Even so, I didn't dare to stop for a moment and attacked with all my strength, hoping to seal the zombies with the help of Mo Xie, the general in my double swords.

But after the zombies got used to my swordsmanship, they seemed to have discovered the flaws in my swordsmanship. Its ten long, shiny, red nails were stabbing at me.

The nails almost cut my throat several times, but I managed to avoid them with my dexterity.

Seeing that the zombies had been stabbed in the air several times, they became angry and roared to intensify their offensive.

The power of zombies is endless, just like a perpetual motion machine that doesn't know how to get tired. But I am a human being, and people will get tired.

Gradually, the zombies gradually gain the upper hand!

I could hardly hold on anymore, and the zombie's nails had already made several cuts on my back.

Suddenly, its nails seemed to be turning, from the left side of my neck to the right side of my neck. It was only a few centimeters away from my neck. I only saw blood red in my eyes.

I quickly raised my swords and tried to block the zombie's nails.

It's a battle of strength and power!

I put all my spiritual power on the two swords, but how can my power compare with the King of Zombies? After a while, I was already at a disadvantage.

The nails clicked and moved forward, and the skin on his neck felt a sharp tingling sensation.

In critical moments, I shouted! Ran Min's magical power was mobilized, and his nails were suddenly opened a little.

Suddenly, two light smoke floated out from the ghost-killing swords, it was Gan Jiang and Mo Xie!

As the two plumes of smoke rose, they quickly turned into several small groups, sealing the zombie's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. There was also a small group that went towards the lower half of the zombie, seeming to have penetrated into it. Zombie's anus.

The zombie's bell-like eyes closed instantly.

With a bang, the zombie with its seven orifices blocked fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

I walked over carefully with my two knives in my arms and gently kicked the zombie's head with my foot, only to find that it didn't react at all.

Then he safely put away the Yin knife and was about to use the Yang knife to saw off the zombie's teeth.

Li Mazi suddenly ran over and said: "Brother Zhang, let me saw!" Li Mazi stretched out his hand to me, staring at my ghost-killing swords with a pair of bright eyes.

Li Mazi and I have been brothers for many years, how could he hide his little thoughts from me? He just wanted to use his two swords to show off his power, so that he could brag in front of Teacher Xia when he went back!

I looked at the zombie and determined that its seven orifices had been sealed by = Gan Jiang Mo Xie. Besides, it was already noon, the time of day when Yang Qi was at its strongest, so there should be nothing wrong with it.

So I smiled and handed the Yang Dao to Li Mazi: "Be careful."

Li Mazi quickly grabbed the Yang Dao I handed him, walked towards the zombie with a relaxed expression, and then showed a malicious smile to the zombie.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the sun knife on the zombie's fangs.

But the pair of fangs seemed to be extremely hard. After a while, Li Mazi's face was already covered with sweat!

There was a clicking sound, and this continuous and slow sawing sound made me shiver all over.

I shook my head, trying to shake the discomfort caused by the sawing teeth out of my body, but Li Mazi sawed for a long time without success.

The sun was very strong at first, so I wasn't in a hurry. However, when the sun gradually set in the west and the surroundings became darker and darker, I became a little anxious...

I kept urging Li Mazi to hurry up. If he didn't saw off his fangs before the sun went down, it would be over.

Li Mazi held the handle of the knife with both hands and laboriously sawed the zombie's teeth. The beads of sweat on his forehead were as big as soybeans.

He cursed while sawing: "Why are you so anxious? Didn't you see that I'm working hard? Who the hell knew this guy's teeth were so strong? Do you use black toothpaste every day?"

I watched the sun getting farther and farther away, and I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. If I had known that Li Mazi was moving so slowly, I would have done it myself, and maybe I would have succeeded by now.

I kept looking up at the sun, and saw that the sun was getting smaller and smaller, and a large part of the sun had already set in the western mountains.

I couldn't wait any longer, so I took the Yin knife and wanted to step forward to help.

There are a pair of zombie teeth. Li Mazi saw one with the Yang Dao, and I saw one with the Yin Dao. This is always faster than cutting alone.

Suddenly, there was a popping sound from the zombie's buttocks, and a cloud of stench floated out.

I frowned and covered my nose, and Li Mazi also held his breath and cursed nonstop: "Damn it, zombies can actually fart, it really stinks!"

I fanned my nose hard to get rid of the stinky smell. It was really stinky. I have never smelled such a stinky fart!

Suddenly, Li Mazi screamed "Ah", and the zombie lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.

I suddenly realized that the fart just now helped the zombie unblock the seven orifices of Ganjiang Moye.

No, I shouted to Li Mazi in shock: "Li Mazi, run!"

Li Mazi reacted quickly. Hearing my shout, he had already disappeared.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast Li Mazi is, he can't be faster than zombies!

I saw the zombie bouncing up from the ground like a spring, with my sun knife still hanging on one of the zombie's teeth.

The zombie seemed to be very angry, panting non-stop, and staring at Li Mazi with a pair of red eyes.

Suddenly it lifted Li Mazi above his head and threw Li Mazi out like a sack.

I quickly jumped up and caught Li Mazi in mid-air. When I was falling, I held Li Mazi and rolled a few times on the spot before I could stop.

At this moment, the forest had fallen into darkness. I screamed inwardly, the sun was completely gone!

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