Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1006 Zombie Escape

Night is a world of zombies, and I have no confidence that I can defeat this zombie that occupies the right place at the right time!

The sound of zombies jumping and jumping could be heard in the darkness, which seemed particularly eye-catching in the dark night.

Li Mazi was already scared out of his mind. He was holding me and his body was shaking.

Through the faint moonlight, I found Boss Bai hiding behind a big tree, and I felt a little relieved. Boss Bai is a comrade I dragged here. If anything happens to him, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life.

Suddenly, a zombie kicked me in the chest.

I immediately fell to the ground, and my internal organs seemed to have shifted. It hurt me so much!

I clutched my chest and dragged myself back. But the zombie seemed to have a grudge against me and kept chasing me.

Before I could recover from that kick, it was already catching up with me.

The zombie's arms were fierce, and one arm fell down. The big tree they were hugging was shaken by it, and a lot of leaves fell.

I kept moving back, but even so, I still got a lot of cuts on my body.

Finally, I was forced to the edge of a big tree, with no other shelter except low weeds.

I thought to myself, I am really depressed, why is this zombie always staring at me and attacking?

The fangs of the zombie looked particularly pale under the moonlight, and the sun knife that had not yet been pulled out kept shaking with the zombie's movements.

I suddenly understood, why are zombies always chasing me? My ghost-killing swords are divided into yang and yang. They are born with the ability to attract each other, just like the two poles of a magnet, opposite sexes attract each other. Now the yang knife is on the zombie's body, and I have the yin knife on my body. Naturally, the natural attraction of the two knives will attract the zombie to chase me.

I clutched my chest, which was in unbearable pain, and watched helplessly as the zombie approached again, waving its straight arms.

The survival instinct made me forget the pain for a moment, I recovered immediately, and I got wise and climbed up the tree.

The limbs of zombies are hard and cannot bend, so they cannot climb trees flexibly. It could only slap the trunk angrily, causing the tree to sway. I hugged the trunk tightly to prevent myself from falling.

I know that if this thing falls, it will definitely become a zombie’s dinner!

After filming for an unknown amount of time, the zombie finally gave up and turned towards Li Mazi and Boss Bai.

I was shocked and shouted at Li Mazi and Boss Bai: "Climb the tree quickly, climb the tree quickly."

In the darkness, the sound of Li Mazi and Boss Bai climbing the tree could be heard.

Not long after the sound of climbing trees stopped, the sound of zombies beating the tree trunks came again. I judged from the sound that Li Mazi, myself, and Boss Bai formed a triangular formation.

Li Mazi asked me in a trembling voice what should I do now?

I raised my head and looked at the sky and said, "Bake it up, you'll be fine if you wait until dawn."

I suddenly remembered that my ghost-killing swords, which I obtained with great effort and an adventure like winning the lottery, could not be destroyed so easily.

During the long night, in order not to be bitten to death by zombies, I hugged the tree trunk and did not dare to let go for a moment. I wrapped my hands and feet tightly around the tree trunk.

Several times along the way, I almost couldn't hold on anymore and slid down. Fortunately, there were no dangers and I survived at the critical moment.

Li Mazi and Boss Bai also kept shouting that they were tired and couldn't hold on any longer, so I could only keep cheering them up.

The zombie under the tree seemed to be tireless, jumping back and forth between three trees.

In the morning, when the first ray of cold sunshine shone on the top of the tree, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was so dangerous, but I finally got over it.

The zombie seemed unwilling to just go away without success, and slapped the tree trunk harder! However, the sun was getting closer and closer, and the zombies roared and struggled to jump into the depths of the jungle.

I screamed: "No, my sword is still on the zombie's tooth!" These ghost-killing swords are rare artifacts, how could I give up so easily.

Besides, I haven’t gotten the zombie teeth yet!

In desperation, I bent my fingers, popped out a Yin Chasing Talisman and hit the zombie on the back.

After the zombies were gone, Li Mazi, Boss Bai and I climbed down from the tree.

I looked at the missing Yin Dao in my hand and shook my head with a wry smile. This deal was really not a good deal. I might have to lose my wife and my army.

Boss Bai was trembling like chaff: "Zhang... Shopkeeper Zhang, I think we should go back! It's hard to make money, and it's not worth risking your own life just for a little money!"

Seeing that Boss Bai was thinking of quitting, Li Mazi quickly comforted and boasted, recounting our past heroic deeds in a more elaborate manner.

Boss Bai looked at me with such admiration that my old face turned red. I was so embarrassed! This Li Mazi is really capable of boasting. If his boast is broken, how can I step down?

I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi, who winked at me.

When Boss Bai heard what Li Mazi said, he calmed down and said, "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, what do you think we should do next?"

Due to Li Mazi's 'foreshadowing', I had no choice but to pretend to be confident and said: "Don't worry, I put a charm on the back of the zombie, and I will definitely be able to find its lair and get the pair of zombie teeth back. "

Boss Bai has no doubts about my words. In fact, I know that zombie teeth are not so easy to obtain this time.

Just when I was worrying about how to deal with the zombies, there was a sudden sound of propellers overhead. The three of us looked up to the sky and suddenly became energetic.

It’s actually two helicopters, that’s amazing!

The helicopter dropped to a certain height, the cabin door opened, and two rope ladders hung down.

Two people wearing helmets descended down the rope ladder. When the two people came to us and took off their helmets, I was so happy that I almost cried.

It's Yin Xinyue and Wang Xun'er!

I hurried forward, hugged Yin Xinyue hard, and called my wife. If Li Mazi and Boss Bai weren't beside me, I would really want to bite my wife.

There is nothing more exciting than seeing the person you love most after a disaster.

"Honey, why are you here?" I let go of Yin Xinyue and asked quickly.

Yin Xinyue pointed to the two helicopters above her head and said, "We've got something for you!"

I looked in the direction Yin Xinyue pointed and found that there were only two civilian helicopters in the air.

"Which one to send?" I pointed at the helicopter in confusion and asked, "Honey, you don't want to direct a helicopter vs. zombie king, do you?"

Wang Xun'er sneered a few times: "Hmph, has Boss Zhang even forgotten his best method?"

Wang Xun'er has always called me Brother Zhang, but now he suddenly calls me Boss Zhang, which I'm not used to.

After speaking, Wang Xun'er gestured towards the helicopter.

Two big bags were immediately thrown down from the helicopter, and the bags were bulging.

Li Mazi quickly stepped forward and opened the zipper: "What are these?"

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