Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1007 The dignity of the empire!

After speaking, he took out several sets of Qing Dynasty army armor from his bag, shook them in his hands, and then took out several yellowed robes from his bag.

I also looked at Wang Xun'er in confusion.

Wang Xun'er cleared her throat and said with a hint of a royal sister's tone: "I have investigated Seng Gelinqin's life. He fought on the battlefield for the Qing Dynasty throughout his life and almost never lost a battle, thus winning the honor of the Iron Hat King. "

"But the biggest regret in his life was the Battle of Bali Bridge! At that time, the British and French forces broke through Tianjin and approached the capital, scaring the Empress Dowager Cixi to the point of peeing. Urgently asked Seng Gelinqin to lead 20,000 of the Qing's most elite cavalry in the area of ​​Bali Bridge, and The British and French allied forces fought to the death! However, the British and French allied forces were well-equipped with muskets, cannons and other weapons, but the Qing army only had sabers and bows and arrows. This battle was extremely fierce. The British and French allied forces only killed or injured about ten people, but the Qing army died. Tens of thousands of people, this was the only defeat in Senggelinqin's life. Afterwards, he was so ashamed that he would never let his subordinates call him the Iron Hat King again. If we can put on a good show in front of the general, maybe we can pacify the general. The resentment..."

After listening to Wang Xun'er's words, I secretly cursed myself for being so confused. Over the years, my methods have become more and more sophisticated, and I can draw a few talismans, but sometimes I forget the basic skills of the Yinwu merchant to conquer Yinwu.

We followed the breath left by the Yin Chasing Talisman all the way to a large cave.

This large cave is very secluded, even at noon when the sun is blazing, it looks eerie! There are overgrown weeds in front of the cave. If it weren't for the Yin Chasing Talisman and the Yin Yang Dual Swords, I might not be able to find this cave even if I look for it all my life.

Li Mazi and I picked up a stick and pushed away the weeds in front of the cave.

At the moment when we were clearing the weeds, Li Mazi and I were both stunned. Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she turned pale and threw herself into my arms, shaking constantly.

Li Mazi and I have seen the world before, but we still couldn't help but be frightened when we saw this scene.

I saw dozens of bones hidden in the weeds in front of the cave. These bones were twisted in various strange postures, and the expressions on their faces looked painful. Some of the bones turned black and emitted a foul odor.

Those white bones were covered with snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Several snakes penetrated the ribs of the white bones and spit out long red tails at us.

One of the bones has a rusty Chairman Mao badge on its chest.

I immediately thought of the group of Red Guards who went into the mountains to fight zombies. It seemed that they all became delicious meals for zombies! Sure enough, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and evil deeds will be rewarded in the end.

At this time, the Yin Dao in my hand made a clanging sound, which was caused by the induction of the two ghost-killing swords.

The tip of the Yin Knife pointed directly at the cave. Yes, the zombie was definitely in the cave. Just now I was worried that the Yin Chasing Talisman would fall off, but now it seems that my worries are completely unnecessary. I can't wait to go into the cave to find out!

Wang Xun'er quickly stopped me and pointed to the clothes in her bag.

I immediately understood, and I immediately put on the armor of the Qing Dynasty generals with Li Mazi and Boss Bai. Wang Xun'er put on the clothes of the Empress Dowager Cixi, and Yin Xinyue dressed up as a little palace maid to serve Wang Xun'er.

After we got dressed, I suddenly discovered that an important role was missing from this dream-fulfilling drama, that is, the British and French coalition forces. Who would play the role of the British and French coalition forces?

I frowned and looked at the remaining uniforms, wondering what to do?

What General Senggelinqin hates most is the British and French allied forces. If he is not allowed to fulfill his wish, I am afraid he will not easily let go of his resentment. But now in the barren mountains and wild mountains, who should I ask to play the role of the British and French allied forces? This is not Hengdian. There are a lot of extras, just waiting for you to pay to pick them.

Now I'm in trouble! I thought to myself, I'm afraid this play won't work...

Suddenly, I missed Oudama a little bit. If Oudama was here, he would definitely be able to transform into a bunch of British and French soldiers. It's a pity that Otama is still recuperating in an antique shop.

Just when I was dejected, Wang Xun'er suddenly threw out a lot of paper figurines, with his eyes closed and muttering something in his mouth. The paper figurines he threw out all took on the shape of foreigners.

I gave Wang Xun'er a thumbs up.

Then Wang Xun'er ordered the paper figures to rush into the cave. At the same time, she took out her mobile phone. There was a burst of gunfire and artillery fire from the mobile phone, reenacting the Battle of Bali Bridge, which caused the Chinese people to lose their national dignity.

I can't help but admire Wang Xun'er. Girls are so attentive and even think of such details.

Sure enough, the zombies in the cave reacted!

After a while, there was a roaring sound in the cave, and from time to time there were shouts: "You are a small barbarian country, how dare you offend the divine power of the Celestial Empire! Watch your sword."

Although I could not see with my own eyes the scene of General Senggelinqin standing on his horse, directing the cavalry to charge towards the guns and guns with tears in his eyes. But just hearing the sounds of fighting coming from the cave is enough to make every Chinese man's blood boil, wishing he could immediately go into battle to kill the enemy and protect his family and country.

Finally, the shouting to kill stopped.

I winked at Wang Xun'er, who immediately raised his voice and stepped forward: "General Seng Gelinqin defeated the British and French allied forces at Bali Bridge. He has made great contributions to the country. He will be given a yellow mantle and a three-eyed feather. Granting titles to kings and titles, but hereditary succession."

"Thank you, Lord Buddha, for your kindness." Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the cave, and the zombies knelt on the ground with a plop and kept kowtowing: "Since he can expel the barbarians and defend the dignity of our country, Seng Gelinqin will have no regrets in this life!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a black shadow rising from the zombie's head, slowly floating in the air, and finally turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared into the vast forest.

The surrounding temperature immediately rose a lot, and the zombie quickly decomposed. Without the support of resentment, it immediately turned into a pile of withered bones.

Now, the famous general Seng Gelinqin is finally dead!

Before the corpse was completely decomposed, I sawed off the zombie's teeth and took back the Yang Dao.

Like magic, Wang Xun'er took out the walkie-talkie, and after a while, the sound of a helicopter roaring overhead came again.

The five of us took two helicopters and left the legendary Balhu Mountain.

Looking at the pair of fangs radiating with cold light in my hand, I couldn't help but be filled with emotion. When a person dies, his spirit will never die. Are you talking about people like General Seng Gelinqin?

If the Qing government at that time could work hard to govern and Empress Dowager Cixi could not be greedy for pleasure, how could the fire of the British and French allied forces destroy the Old Summer Palace?

How could the lives of 20,000 heroic cavalry be lost to foreign guns?

Dignity is achieved through fists, not through negotiation...

With endless emotion, I took a helicopter and flew all the way back to Wuhan!

As soon as we landed, Mr. Wang called us. He kept urging us to hurry up on the phone because Secretary Liu's mother's condition was deteriorating rapidly and time was running out.

Now the old mother relies solely on nutrient solution to maintain her vital signs. If she doesn't find Ganoderma lucidum, it would be a fool's errand to live until her 70th birthday!

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