Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1008: The new look of the T-shirt man (more updates)

Before our helicopter landed on the helipad in Wuhan, Mr. Wang couldn't wait to see me.

Mr. Wang seemed very anxious. As soon as I got off the plane, he trotted up to me and asked anxiously: "Jiulin, have you got everything?"

"There's still one last thing left! Ghost Cry Ganoderma lucidum." I don't quite understand Mr. Wang's anxiety.

Although Secretary Liu of the Provincial Party Committee is the protective umbrella of the Wang family, the relationship between businessmen and politicians is nothing more than gathering and dispersing. Regarding what Secretary Liu explained, Mr. Wang provided money and effort. I think he has done his best, but Mr. Wang's reaction seems to be a bit excessive...

Mr. Wang came to pick us up with a Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car. The moment we saw the car, Mazi Li and I almost stared out of our eyes.

Wow! Even I am reluctant to buy such a luxurious car, and the price would be at least US$7 million.

It seems that the Wang family's financial resources are really not guaranteed. When no one was paying attention, I nodded secretly to Li Mazi.

As the car slowly drove out of the airport, Mr. Wang suddenly asked in a deep voice: "Jilin, if you only use the physical Buddha sitting in a vat and the zombie teeth, can you achieve the same effect of extending lifespan?"

I shook my head very firmly and said it was impossible.

If you want to prolong your life, you must collect three great evil things, one of them is indispensable! This time we were short of time, so we had to reluctantly replace the thousand-year-old zombie teeth with one-year-old zombie teeth, but the Ghost Crying Ganoderma lucidum must be authentic, and it must be the Ganoderma lucidum grown on a baby’s coffin! The most important thing is that the baby must be seven or seventy-nine days old. It is useless to live one more day or one less day.

I patiently explained the reason to Mr. Wang. The collection of three evil objects is the ultimate magic weapon to prolong life, but if one is missing, it will become a disaster.

Mr. Wang is also a sensible person, so he naturally knows how powerful it is. After hearing what I said, he lit a cigar and frowned.

Li Mazi was outspoken and said to Mr. Wang: "Mr. Wang, I think you shouldn't be so anxious and get angry. If Secretary Liu falls, can't we find another Secretary Li, Secretary Zhou or something?"

Mr. Wang sighed deeply and said, "How can you young people understand the mystery of this? To be honest, I don't value Secretary Liu very much, but..."

Having said this, Mr. Wang paused, as if thinking about what to say next.

After a while, he coughed and said: "The most important thing for this person in the world is 'trust'. If our Wang family breaks our trust with Secretary Liu this time, then other leaders in the province will look down on the Wang family." At that time, my Wang family wanted to find another reliable protection umbrella, but it was not that easy..."

I couldn't help but give Mr. Wang a thumbs up. This is the wisdom of the old fox in the mall!

Mr. Wang's far-sightedness and foresight are comparable to those of my grandfather who was the culprit. I want to consult Mr. Wang more often in the future. To make a career in the world, you must not only have excellent skills, but also have the ability to discern people's hearts.

Mr. Wang’s Mercedes-Benz drove Yin Xinyue and I back home first.

As soon as we arrived at the antique store, the phone rang!

When I saw it was the man in the T-shirt calling, I was very happy. I was about to ask him for a drink tonight to express my gratitude. If he hadn't told me about Zombie Teeth and Boss Bai, I might not have been able to find him for the rest of my life.

Unexpectedly, there was a clanging sound coming from the T-shirt man's side, which sounded like he was being chased by something.

I fed him several times before the man in the T-shirt responded: "Zhang Jiulin, come and take your little fox away. You have to arrive within an hour. If it's later, I'll skin it and roast the fox meat." Offer it to the ancestor."

The man in the T-shirt gave me his address, and I put down the phone and was stunned for a moment.

Although the man in the T-shirt is cold, he has always been warm-hearted. Why has he become so impatient today?

I hurried to the place the man in the T-shirt told me. It was the best hotel in Wuhan, just opposite the Yellow Crane Tower. The environment was very good, and there were many exotic flowers and plants planted in the yard.

The t-shirt man stayed in the best presidential suite in the hotel.

The lobby attendant led me through the magnificent corridor. I glanced at the price tag hanging on the wall out of the corner of my eye. Oh my god, the presidential suite costs 18,000 yuan a night. What kind of room is this? , made of gold?

It is said that T-shirt man is really rich. Every time I see him, he is wearing a Kumamon T-shirt. He is very simple, but he is always generous with his actions.

When I arrived at the door of the presidential suite, I smiled and said thank you to the waiter who led the way.

The waiter gave me a weird smile, as if he wasn't ready to leave.

I'm confused, you've completed your mission, why don't you leave? Is it possible that you still stand here waiting for me to come out? The service is also very good.

I quickly waved my hand to her, telling her not to wait for me at the door.

As soon as I said this, the waiter's expression became even weirder, and he looked at me like he was an alien. She casually put her hand in front of her face to fan herself, pinched her thumb and index finger together, and made a gesture of counting money.

I suddenly realized, oh, I understand, this is a tip!

I frowned, waved my hand and said no. The waiter glared at me, then twisted his butt and left.

I rang the doorbell, and after a long time, the bloody man finally opened the door.

I put on a sincere smile that came from the bottom of my heart, but the moment I saw the man in the T-shirt, my smile froze on my face and my mouth opened in an O-shape involuntarily.

Is this person in front of me still the cold T-shirt guy I know? His handsome and fair face was like a palette, covered with colorful lip gloss. What was even more ridiculous was that his bangs, which were so charming that they were not worth his life, were cut in half.

Looking at his appearance, I couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing.

I pointed at the man in the T-shirt’s face and asked him what’s going on? He said with an impatient look that it was all Odama's fault.

A graceful figure threw herself into my arms, and my arms were suddenly filled with warmth and warmth, which made me feel uneasy. Fortunately, my concentration was strong enough and I took control.

It's Otama! I patted her back. I haven't seen her for more than ten days. The little one is recovering well and the color of her pupils is darker than before. This means that Oudama's spiritual power has improved to a higher level.

It seems that the T-shirt man has been taking care of it while I was gone.

The man in the T-shirt was a germaphobe. He wiped the lip gloss on his face with a tissue in disgust, and impatiently told me to take Otama away quickly. I patted Weiyu's little head lovingly. When Weiyu heard that he wanted to go back with me, he was so happy that he immediately turned into a wisp of smoke and got into the ice jade gourd.

I was about to ask the man in the t-shirt out for a drink, but the man in the t-shirt said he had business and would not go, so I could only say goodbye with regret.

(ps: Happy birthday to Zi Su, the reader of "The Merchant of the Underworld", special update.)

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