Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1009: Ghost Crying Ganoderma lucidum

Back at the antique shop, Yin Xinyue had already prepared a table of dishes.

I couldn't help but sigh that it would be better to have a wife! After eating, I lay on the sofa and picked my teeth, thinking about looking for ghosts to cry for Ganoderma lucidum.

The body that gave birth to Ghost Crying Ganoderma is a ghost baby that lived for 7749 days. If you want to find Ghost Crying Ganoderma, you must first find the grave of the baby who died after living for 7749 days. This is what makes me difficult. place!

In the old custom, babies who died like this were hastily cremated. Very few families would put babies who died in a coffin into a coffin and bury them properly, not to mention that it would take a coincidence to make the coffin grow Ganoderma lucidum. Just thinking about it makes me wonder. It's enough of a headache.

I rubbed my sore brain. Alas, I don’t want to think about it anymore. It’s useless to think about it too much. I simply jumped up from the sofa and went to spend the evening together with my dear wife...

Before I got up the next day, Mazi Li knocked on the door of the antique shop. I climbed out of bed with difficulty and asked impatiently: "Do you want to pay for breaking the door with so much force?"

I opened the store door angrily, and Li Mazi rushed in happily, unable to stop me.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Mazi rambled on about the story of how he raised his fangs in front of Teacher Xia. Teacher Xia fell into admiration and looked at his lover with a pair of watery eyes.

I rolled my eyes: "How dare you come to my house so early in the morning just to show off the wonderful night you and Teacher Xia spent together?"

Li Mazi's old face turned red instantly, and he asked sheepishly: "How did you know?"

I snorted and ignored him. I turned around and went to the bathroom to wash my face and finally woke up.

Li Mazi kept calling me outside, and I quickly made a gesture of silence at him, signaling him to keep his voice down, while pointing at the bedroom door. Yin Xinyue is still sleeping, and I don't want to wake her up.

Li Mazi understood, nodded at me, then came to me softly, and asked me in a low voice when I was going to look for Ghost Crying Ganoderma?

I looked at Li Mazi in surprise. When did this guy become so diligent? He actually took the initiative to look for Yin objects. It was like the sun was coming out in the west.

Li Mazi scratched his head in embarrassment and said, Mr. Go find Ghost Crying Ganoderma, and then tell the story to his dear Teacher Xia.

After hearing Li Mazi's reasons, I almost choked on the mouthwash. I bet this guy is really serious this time, risking his life to act out Chasing Love!

Looking at the shy and coquettish look on Li Mazi's old face, I had to sigh that the power of love is so great!

When I think about the ghost crying Ganoderma lucidum thing, I feel a little depressed again.

Where can I find the grave of the 7749-day-old baby? Li Mazi and I were on the phone while having breakfast. As a result, we couldn't find any clues when we called the numbers in the phone book from a to z.

After all this hard work, another day has passed. Li Mazi and I have exhausted all our connections and still have no results, so we can’t help but feel a little discouraged.

I leaned on the sofa feebly and wanted to give up. Alas, sometimes I feel so tired!

Li Mazi said, how about we go to the countryside to dig graves one by one and look at them?

When I heard this, I immediately gave him a slap in the face and said, "Can the idea be any worse?"

Li Mazi suddenly became silent.

Suddenly, Li Mazi slapped his thigh and said, "I know where to find it."

"You, just..." Before I could finish my words, Li Mazi continued: "Go to the crematorium. There must be news from Lao Zhou."

After hearing this, I felt ecstatic, and my hand pointing at Li Mazi trembled a few times: "You, you are getting smarter and smarter recently..."

Li Mazi gave me a proud expression.

We went downstairs in a hurry, picked up the car, started it, and went straight to the crematorium.

As soon as he arrived at the crematorium, Li Mazi couldn't wait to find Lao Zhou. Lao Zhou was a network developed by Li Mazi. Because of his position within the agency, Lao Zhou could always get something that others couldn't get.

In the business of being a ghost dealer, you inevitably have to deal with people at the crematorium.

We came with high hopes, but Lao Zhou spread his hands and said no. Li Mazi and I were immediately discouraged.

Lao Zhou suggested that we go to the back hill of the hospital to look for it. Maybe there is one there.

I shook my head. I knew the back of the hospital. It was where the hospital disposed of abandoned babies. The bodies of babies who died at birth and those who had been aborted were packed in plastic bags and thrown away as trash in the back. The baby corpses there do not meet the conditions for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum, so there must not be any there.

Li Mazi and I walked out of the crematorium disappointed. As soon as we arrived at where the car was parked, Li Mazi touched his pocket and said "Huh" and said he couldn't find the car key.

I reminded him to think about where he had just been and whether he had lost it somewhere.

Li Mazi thought about it for a long time, then patted his head and said he remembered it. He lost his car keys in Lao Zhou's office.

He said: "You wait for me here for a while, I will go back to Lao Zhou's place to get the key."

When I saw that night had fallen, it was time for the lonely ghosts around the crematorium to come out. Although I wasn't afraid, I was a little frightened when I stayed here alone. I quickly followed Li Mazi and went to get the car keys with him.

Before we reached Lao Zhou's office, we heard a fierce quarrel coming from inside. The sound of the quarrel was high and low, like a quarrel and a prayer.

Everyone is curious! Li Mazi and I looked at each other, and Li Mazi made a gentle walking motion with his hands.

I understood immediately, kept my footsteps as low as possible, and walked slowly to the door of Lao Zhou's office. I put my ear against the door and listened carefully to what was going on inside.

"Director, please don't accuse me wrongly. How can I charge so much money?" This was Lao Zhou's voice.

Judging from Lao Zhou's tone, the person who had the dispute with him should be the director of the crematorium.

"I don't care." A gruff voice came from the office: "You secretly took away the body of a baby, which is a serious violation of national laws. You must have accepted the red envelope given by the family, right?"

Lao Zhou seemed anxious: "Director, I really don't have one."

"Don't be pretentious! Lao Zhou, we are blind men eating glutinous rice balls - we know better." The factory director snorted coldly.

Then there was a silence in the office.

For fear of being discovered, Li Mazi and I did not dare to continue listening. I pointed to the bathroom next to me, Li Mazi understood, and we immediately hid in the bathroom.

The smell in the bathroom is so bad. Do you dare to think that the people in this agency don't clean the toilet? I covered my nose and threw a cigarette to Li Mazi.

Li Mazi blew out a smoke ring and said: "It seems that this old Zhou is hiding something from us. This old guy is too boring. We usually give him a lot of benefits!"

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