Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1011: Suspicious Clouds in Tenglong Town (Additional Updates)

The three of us rushed to Tenglong Town non-stop and arrived at midnight that day.

As soon as I arrived in Tenglong Town, I couldn't help but sigh that the country's development was so rapid. This suburban town was no worse than the city. In the middle of the night, the lights in the town were brightly lit, and the fires in the stalls became more and more prosperous.

That night we simply ate some fried noodles and rice cakes and found a hotel to sleep in.

When I woke up the next day, it was already half past seven. Although the rules passed down from our ancestors dictate that being a trader of femininity has to happen day and night, but as long as I have a normal schedule, I will still get up early.

Yin Xinyue hadn't woken up yet. Looking at her sweet sleeping face, I couldn't help but kiss her on the face.

Then, I turned around and went to Li Mazi's room. Li Mazi's door was open, but I didn't see him. I remembered the flirting between Li Mazi and the pretty front desk clerk last night. After thinking about it for a moment, I immediately went downstairs. As expected, Li Mazi was enjoying the same breakfast as the front desk clerk.

Li Mazi also saw me and smiled sheepishly at me, while I was thinking about whether I should go back and tell Teacher Xia?

The business in Tenglong Town is quite prosperous. At seven o'clock in the morning, all the businesses in the town are open, and the stalls are full of people buying things.

I bought two fried dough sticks and two bowls of tofu curds, one sweet and one salty. The sweet one was for Yin Xinyue and the salty one was for me.

When I returned to the room, Li Mazi was standing at the door waiting for me. I knocked on the door, and Yin Xinyue yawned and ran to open the door.

I handed the fried dough sticks and tofu pudding to Yin Xinyue, who immediately gave me a kiss in return. Li Mazi shook the goosebumps on his body and said, "I really can't stand you guys anymore. You are spreading dog food everywhere. Have you considered the feelings of others?"

I bit the fried dough stick and corrected me: "First, you are not someone else, you are one of our own; second, you were the one who spread the dog food first, how dare you do this behind Teacher Xia's back!"

Li Mazi quickly stretched out his finger and swore: "I swear to God, I am loyal to Teacher Xia. I just wanted to get information from that waiter this morning."

"Hmph!" Yin Xinyue snorted while drinking the sweet tofu pudding, and I rolled my eyes too.

Li Mazi hurriedly waved his hands: "I'm sorry! That beautiful woman and I, no, the waiter is really innocent. I was really just trying to get information."

"What about your information?" I swallowed the last mouthful of bean curd and asked dubiously.

Li Mazi showed a proud smile, and then told us that last year, the child of the He family, the richest man in town, died in infancy. The third master of the He family insisted that the child be buried, so he spent a lot of money to retrieve the child's body from the crematorium. They were carried out and buried.

He was buried in the cemetery to the west, because that was the best Feng Shui treasure in the town.

Yin Xinyue suddenly interrupted: "I heard that the Ghost Crying Ganoderma looks very powerful. Can it grow on a coffin in just one year?"

It’s true that those who are close to vermillion are red. After Yin Xinyue became my wife, she became more and more aware of femininity.

I flicked Yin Xinyue's forehead lovingly and said, "Ghost Crying Ganoderma is a different kind of thing. It's something between a ghost and a plant. It mainly depends on chance!"

Yin Xinyue nodded as if she understood.

I wonder if Ghost Crying Ganoderma can grow on this baby’s coffin? But time is running out now, even if there is a 1% chance, I have to go and see it. I decided to go to the cemetery at night, dig the grave and open the coffin. Although this was a very immoral thing, I had no choice but to do it.

Thinking about going to the cemetery at night, driving makes too much noise, and riding a bicycle is too eye-catching. After all, how many people ride bicycles these days? After some thought, I decided to buy two old battery cars and purchase some tools to be used at night, such as engineer shovels and the like.

The most basic means of transportation in a small town is a battery car, and there are several battery car stores on the street.

I spent a thousand yuan to buy two shabby cars. The logos on the cars were very interesting. One was BMW and the other was Mercedes-Benz. I couldn’t help but feel happy and sighed that the Chinese people’s level of copycats was really high.

There was still some time before night, so I decided to catch up on some sleep at the hotel first.

We finally stayed up until late at night, and we were about to set off when we suddenly found a strange note attached to the newly purchased battery car!

At first glance, I felt that the note was very familiar. I picked it up and looked at it carefully, and found two obvious oil stains on it. I suddenly realized, isn't this what I used to wrap the fried dough sticks in the morning? I seemed to have left it on the side of the road. Why is it here now?

I looked carefully and saw that there was nothing on the note, only a small revelation, which read: Please ask an expert to exorcise evil spirits and avoid evil. The price is negotiable! Contact person: Miss He, followed by a series of phone numbers.

When I heard that Ghost Crying Ganoderma appeared in Tenglong Town, I immediately guessed that the content of the note was related to Ghost Crying Ganoderma! But we are unfamiliar with the place in Tenglong Town, who should we ask about this matter?

The word 'master' on the paper inspired me. I slapped my thigh, waved to Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi and said, "Let's go to the park in the town."

Yin Xinyue complained all the way, saying that I didn't do business, so why did I just do other things? I replied that it was purely out of curiosity. I have been a femininity merchant for a long time, and many things depend on intuition. My intuition told me that when this piece of paper appeared in front of me, everything had its own will.

When the three of us arrived at the park, the whole park was already very lively, and the music of the square dance could be heard from far away. There is also a fortune teller sitting in the southwest corner of the park, with a white flag hanging next to it that reads, "Tiekou Divine Fortune Teller, Wu Banxian, is not allowed to give away money."

I gave a big smile and the insider was found. Most of these fortune tellers know the local customs and customs very well. If something evil happened to someone's family, ask the fortune teller and they will definitely know.

I saw Wu Banxian sitting on a bench in the park, wearing sunglasses and crossing his legs. I don’t know why, although he was wearing sunglasses, I still felt that he could see the same thing, and I found that the moment my eyes locked on his, he also noticed me, and he quickly sat upright, and the bamboo pole leaning on the side also stopped. He held it in his hand, showing an air of immortality.

Seeing me walking over, Wu Banxian said nonchalantly: "Young man, I see your hall is dark, be careful of a bloody disaster recently!"

I almost couldn't hold back my laughter. Bah, if you open your mouth or shut it up, you will suffer a bloody disaster. If you don't get beaten to death, your life will be in danger.

I showed a mysterious smile, leaned into his ear and asked, "Wu Banxian, are you interested in making a deal?"

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