Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,112 Wu Banxian

Wu Banxian raised his head in surprise and asked curiously: "My friends, are you reading fortunes or telling fortunes?"

I took out three copies of Mr. Mao and pretended to fan them casually: "I just want to get some news."

No one in the world would have trouble with money. When Wu Banxian saw money, his eyes were like those of a fishy cat.

I immediately handed the note over and asked him what the note meant.

Wu Banxian glanced at the note and said, "Everyone here knows this. I heard that the sponsor has a big villa in the suburbs. I don't know what happened recently. Her nanny found a lot of blue when she went to the toilet at night. The child was jumping and playing in the living room. He was frightened and fainted on the spot. He resigned and left the next day, refusing to work for life or death. Later, things became more and more serious. The family hired many experts, but none of them I can’t beat those brats..."

I nodded, so that’s it! I thought that a baby that died in infancy after living for seventy-seven forty-nine days might not be so capable of scaring people every night, so I immediately decided not to care about it.

When Li Mazi saw the note saying "Price Negotiable", he suggested that he should make some extra money on the way?

I understood what he meant. Li Mazi wanted to go to that haunted house to make some money. Generally speaking, the richer the family, the more they believed in these things. Li Mazi said that he could at least earn back the money from the two battery cars.

I shook my head, this time I came to find Guiwei Ganoderma, time waits for no one!

Just when we were going to the cemetery, the man in the T-shirt called me. He told me that he couldn't leave now and asked me to do a small favor. One of his clients' house was haunted and he asked me to solve it. Then he gave me his address and number.

I had to go through hell and fire to accomplish what the man in the t-shirt told me, but when I heard the number the man in the t-shirt reported, I was stunned...

I couldn't even hide. The number the man in the T-shirt gave me was exactly Ms. He's mobile phone number on the note.

The man in the T-shirt told me that after the incident was settled, he would give me ten high-quality talismans as a reward. I was overjoyed when I heard that, and happily said to the phone: "Don't worry, I will take care of it. However, I didn't go there for your talisman, but because of my duty as a ghost merchant. What? You don't believe it. , if I tell half a word of lies, Li Mazi will be struck by thunder."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rumble in the sky.

I took Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi on a battery car and rushed to the address the man in the T-shirt told me at a speed of forty yards. As soon as I got there, a Bentley luxury car parked over. I looked at the eight million luxury car that started with the word "b", and then looked at the little electric donkey that started with the word "b" under my crotch. I couldn't help but feel a little depressed. It's really good. You have to throw it away when comparing goods!

Just as I was about to call my contact person, the window of the Bentley slowly rolled down, and a girl wearing black-rimmed glasses peeked out: "Are you the one who can catch ghosts?"

When I looked at this girl with glasses, I suddenly felt a little familiar. Suddenly I remembered that this girl with glasses had fought with me for the last fried dough stick in the morning. We were really enemies of each other.

I snorted coldly and said, "Yes."

"Are you good at catching ghosts? You're not a charlatan, are you?" The girl with glasses didn't seem to believe me and was about to roll up the car window and leave.

In response to her distrustful look, I really didn't care, but when I thought of the T-shirt man's explanation and the ten high-quality talismans, I quickly stopped her: "Hey, don't leave. I'm the junior high school commander." Come."

"Really?" The girl with glasses tilted her head and asked me in disbelief.

I repeated it patiently and seriously: "If you don't believe me, you can call him and ask him!"

The girl with glasses made a suspicious phone call. After a while, she nodded and asked us to follow her car.

After about ten minutes, the girl with glasses took us to a luxurious villa. Before entering, the girl with glasses glanced at the rain boots on my feet with disdain and murmured, which was very annoying.

I was a little angry at this moment. I really look down on others. I, Zhang Jiulin, am not poor, I just keep a low profile.

If I show my savings, I can beat her to death!

Before going in, Yin Xinyue pushed me hard with her arm: "Can you be a bit promising? I blush when I see such an ugly girl with glasses."

I quickly smiled bitterly and said, "My dear wife, you are wronged. You are the only one in my heart. I am just blushing with anger and my neck is thick."

Li Mazi shook the goosebumps on his body and whispered: "I can't stand you anymore..."

The decoration in the mansion is different. Everywhere is full of the aura of wealthy people. An oil painting hanging on the wall is enough to buy two houses.

"Amei, have you invited your friend from the first grade of junior high school?" As soon as we entered, an old and majestic voice came over.

I followed the sound and saw an old man walking down the stairs holding a dragon-headed walking stick. Although he was carrying a cane, his steps were very steady, his voice was loud, and his cheeks were rosy. He was a sign of good fortune. With a person of such good fortune sitting at home, how could the house be haunted?

And when I first came in, I activated my spiritual sense to sense it, but I didn't sense any Yin Qi.

"It's right here." The girl with glasses pointed at us unceremoniously.

"You were really introduced by the junior high school principal. Do you think you are really capable at such a young age?" The old man kept looking at me, as if he wanted to see through my whole body.

I thought to myself that this family is so suspicious. Have they been deceived too much? Immediately he replied coldly: "The first grade of junior high school is my friend. Whether you have the ability or not, the old gentleman will know later."

Seeing that the old man was still undecided, I frowned and said, "How about this? I'll do the work first, and you can give me the money after it's done."

After hearing what I said, the old man nodded and winked at the girl with glasses.

My already unhappy mood became even more unhappy now. I thought to myself that I would definitely make this money, and I would give him a big hit later.

I winked at Li Mazi. Li Mazi understood and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Old sir, although we do things first and collect payment later for the sake of the first grade of junior high school, some things still need to be negotiated in advance, such as the price. …”

The old man is also a person who has seen big scenes. How could he not understand what we mean? He took over what Li Mazi said and said: "You guys make a price!"

Oh, what a loud tone!

So I held up a finger and said, "One million!"

The girl with glasses next to me heard this and shouted in surprise: "One million, why don't you go and grab it?"

I was too lazy to talk nonsense to them: "See clearly, the one million I mentioned is US dollars, not RMB, is that okay? If not, I will leave immediately."

After saying that, I made a gesture to leave, and Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi followed me in a tacit understanding.

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