Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,113 Ghost Villa

"Wait a minute..." the old man hurriedly called to us.

Li Mazi gave me a thumbs up.

The old man gritted his teeth and smashed his walking stick and said, "Okay, one million US dollars is one million US dollars!"

After the price was negotiated, I heard Li Mazi’s stomach growling. I thought that I couldn’t go to the cemetery tonight, so I would just have another meal, so I said, “Old sir, as soon as we got the call from the first grade of junior high school, we started working non-stop. I rushed to your house so quickly that I didn’t even have time to have dinner.”

The old man was a smart man and immediately ordered: "May, ask the servant to serve dinner. If there are distinguished guests tonight, ask the kitchen to add two dishes."

When he said the word 'distinguished guest', the old man deliberately raised his voice and gave me a meaningful look. Of course I understand that he is mocking us, but I am too lazy to argue with him. I will let him see how powerful I am later.

The girl with glasses made a gesture of invitation to us contemptuously, and said coldly: "If you want to eat, oh, no, if you want to eat, please come here."

No matter how well-educated Yin Xinyue was, she couldn't bear it anymore. She wanted to argue angrily, but I stopped her. If a dog bites you, why should you bite the dog? There is no need to lower one's status.

The three of us followed the girl with glasses to the restaurant. The old man rang the bell, and immediately four servants came over pushing two dining carts filled with food.

When the dinner plates were put on the table, I saw that it was really a wealthy person's ostentation, with saury, bird's nest soup, puffer fish and so on. I've been feeling a bit angry these past two days and have no interest in these bland soups. I directly put my hand into the plate with spicy duck, tore off a big duck leg and started to chew on it.

"How can you use your hands? It's so unhygienic. How can other people eat like this?" the girl with glasses asked in surprise and anger.

I was too lazy to pay attention to her and continued to chew on my duck leg. After a while, a whole spicy duck entered my stomach.

"Haha, my friend from the first year of junior high school is really generous. We are all sitting together for dinner. I don't know what to call him?" the old man asked in a neutral tone.

I am not a young boy who has just left the country, so how could I not understand the meaning of the old man’s words? He was simply saying that I was rude.

I burped and said nonchalantly: "You're welcome, my surname is Zhang, just call me Zhang Jiulin."

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with this contemptuous father and daughter, so I asked straight to the point: "Old man, I'm full, please take me to see the haunted house!"

The old man and the bespectacled girl looked at each other in surprise, and then said calmly: "Master Zhang, the haunted place is right here, didn't you see it?"

I rolled my eyes: "Old man, isn't this interesting enough? The villa in front of you is not haunted at all. If you insist on saying that it is haunted and refuse to tell me the truth, then I don't mind having two ghosts tonight. Come and play with you. Although my skills are not as good as those of Chu Yiyi, I still have the ability to recruit a few evil spirits at will."

Upon hearing this, the old man immediately lost his composure. He coughed twice in embarrassment: "Sorry, Master Zhang, the haunted villa is nearby. I will take you there right now."

The villa the old man mentioned was on a nearby hill. Judging from the location, a hill should have been dug out and built directly on the top of the hill. It was larger than two football fields and comparable to the palace of an ancient prince.

I couldn't help but sigh: "Damn, rich people just love to mess around! No wonder China's housing prices are so high, they are all speculated by these rich people..."

After sending us to the door, the old man and the girl with glasses threw down their keys and refused to come in. They said in fear that they would wait until tomorrow morning to pick us up.

Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue and I watched them leave in amusement.

As soon as I opened the door with the key, I felt a gust of wind blowing out from the crack in the door and going straight to my neck. Yin Xinyue couldn't help but wrap her clothes tightly and said, "The temperature on the mountain is colder than down here."

This is a very luxurious villa, but unfortunately the furniture inside is all dusty. It can be seen that no one has dared to live in it for some time. I don’t know why, since I stepped into this villa, in addition to feeling a strong yin energy, there is also an inexplicable emotion lingering in my heart. I suddenly thought of Fanfan who was far away in my hometown. Recently, I have been thinking of Fanfan. It seems that It's time to take some time to see him.

There was no sound in the empty living room.

I fumbled and pressed the light switch. There was a click, but the light didn't turn on. This is also what I expected. In a house with such a heavy Yin energy, nothing lights up...

At this moment, a gust of wind blew over, causing goosebumps all over my back. The gust of wind did not stop and went directly to the second floor of the villa.

I asked Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue to wait for me on the first floor. I ran up to the second floor chasing the cold wind and entered a large room.

I found that thing hiding behind the curtain. It was peeping at me, but it seemed to be afraid of me, so it hid.

I understand that I brought the ghost-killing sword with me this time, so ordinary ghosts will naturally not dare to approach me. But here comes the question, that ghost doesn’t dare to come close to me, how do I know what it wants to do?

To draw it out, you have to show weakness! Thinking of this, I stuffed the ghost-killing swords under the pillow, then shook the dust on the quilt, closed my eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

By the moonlight, I found that as soon as I lay down, the ghost figure hiding behind the curtain slowly began to move...

Although my eyes were closed tightly, my ears stood up and I listened carefully to any sound in the room. I could even hear the sound of the curtains being blown by the cold wind.

After a while, a cold hand touched my shoulder.

I pretended to be relaxed, as if my sleep had been disturbed, and muttered impatiently: "Shh, don't make trouble! Watch out for me to beat you."

After saying that, I couldn't help but laugh. I really admire my acting skills. If I don't open an antique store in the future, I might as well go filming with Yin Xinyue, and maybe I can become the best actor.

Unexpectedly, the ghost figure actually sat carefully on the other side of the bed, not daring to move.

Isn't this ghost too courageous?

I said deliberately: "I'm so cold, bring me a blanket."

After a while, I felt a dark wind blowing over me, and then a pillow landed lightly on my stomach.

This ghost is so brainless that he can't even tell the difference between a blanket and a pillow. I can't help but feel a little funny. I think the ghost I encountered this time was just a tease sent by monkeys, just to make fun of me!

I pretended not to notice it and continued: "Forget it, you took it by mistake. I'll get it myself."

Suddenly the female ghost revealed her true face, wearing a white nightgown, with long hair covering half of her face, and green pus flowing from the other half of her pale face.

The food in my stomach suddenly turned up, and a stream of acidic water rushed into my throat. I couldn't help but retched.

The female ghost pointed at me and made a sound like a stuck tape: "Give me my child, give me my child."

This kind of evil ghost wanders around the world with resentment, and every move she makes is unreasonable. There is only one way to deal with this kind of ghost, and that is to fight! Conquer her first and then talk.

I quickly sprinkled a handful of salt, and most of the tiny white salt grains were sprinkled on the female ghost's body.


White smoke came out of the female ghost's body, and small black holes were burned out by salt on her white nightgown, like dense ants, which made people look horrified.

The female ghost twisted her body in pain and let out heart-piercing screams.

Its figure became more and more transparent, and finally turned into a hazy shadow lying on the ground. Seeing the female ghost's appearance, I couldn't bear it anymore. I held down the ghost-killing swords with my hands and asked sternly: "Since you are already dead, why don't you want to be reincarnated? Are you still here to harm the people of the world?" Do you know that harming others will damage your moral character, and you may be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell, and you will never be able to live as a human being?"

The female ghost kept sobbing with her head lowered and did not answer my words.

I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted to go over and comfort her, but as soon as I had this idea, I heard Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi yelling from downstairs.

This cry brought me back to reality from my confusion, and I looked at the female ghost on the ground furious. Damn you, I think you are pitiful and I am ready to help you! Who knew you were not only ungrateful, but also wanted to confuse me.

I immediately prepared to teach this female ghost a lesson.

Soon enough, the female ghost suddenly rushed towards me with a yin energy, and her hair pierced me like needles!

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