Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,114 Splendens splendens (additional update)

Her speed was so fast that I didn't avoid her first wave of attacks and was knocked to the ground unexpectedly.

The pain in my chest made me out of breath. The female ghost wouldn't let me rest. She turned around and shot her long hair towards me like a bullet.

I gritted my teeth and endured the pain, rolled on the spot, and escaped the second wave of attacks from the female ghost. At the same time, he grabbed a handful of cinnabar and threw it on the female ghost's face.

The female ghost covered her face and screamed "Ahhh", the air was filled with the pungent smell of burnt flesh, mixed with the strange smell of rotting corpses.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I vomited out all the spicy duck I had tonight with a 'wow' sound.

After vomiting, I felt quite awake.

Before the female ghost could react from Cinnabar's attack, I quickly stood up, stabilized my body, and took out five copper coins from my pocket.

These five copper coins are exactly the legendary Five Emperors' coins, but what I have in my hands are the authentic Five Emperors' coins, that is, the Qin Banliang, the Han Five Baht, the Tang Dynasty's Kaiyuan Tongbao, the Song Dynasty's Song and Yuan Tongbao and the Ming Dynasty's The Yongle Tongbao of the Qing Dynasty is not the Little Five Emperors' money of the Qing Dynasty.

I spent a lot of money to get these from the hands of Captain Mo Jin, and the Five Emperors money is also soaked with black dog blood, which is more than enough to deal with ordinary evil spirits!

The female ghost stretched out her machete-like red nails and pointed at me in horror: "Who are you?"

"Here comes your man." I replied coldly.

Seeing her figure flash, I instantly threw the Five Emperors' Money that I had prepared into the sky.

The moment the Five Emperors Money flipped over my head, I tied a knot in my hands and shouted, "Sleepy!"

"Bang!" The five copper coins hit the female ghost's body accurately. Suddenly, five lines of black smoke came out of the female ghost's body, which was a sign that the soul was damaged. The Five Emperors' Money formed a simple trapping spirit formation, trapping the female ghost firmly in the middle.

I asked the female ghost: "What grievance do you have that you are unwilling to report to Fengdu Ghost Town?"

The female ghost replied very disdainfully: "Why should I tell you?"

I pointed to the formation around the female ghost and said calmly: "I'm stronger than you."

The female ghost opened her eyes wide in horror, then lowered her head and said nothing. After a long silence, she told me that she died unjustly and that there was still an unborn child in her belly when she died.

Because he died unjustly, he was not allowed to be reincarnated, and the child in his belly also suffered!

Originally, the female ghost and her child were at odds with each other in the human world, and they never harmed anyone. However, since last year, her child seemed to be possessed by something, and was trapped in this villa unable to get out. She suspected that the owner of the villa was responsible, so she tried to scare the family over and over again in an attempt to rescue her child, but to no avail.

As she spoke, the female ghost began to cry, quietly at first, and finally loudly.

I carefully checked the situation around the villa and said doubtfully: "No, apart from you, I didn't feel any other ghosts in the villa when I came in."

The female ghost cried and replied: "It's not time yet, as soon as twelve o'clock in the evening, the children come out to play..."

children? I was shocked: "You mean there are not only your children here, but also other imps?"

The female ghost raised her tearful eyes and nodded towards me.

I had an ominous premonition and hurriedly asked the female ghost: "Where do those children usually play?"

The female ghost pointed downstairs: "In the hall on the first floor."

Damn it, are you talking about such an important thing now? Are Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi still down there?

I ran down the stairs in three steps and two steps.

The scene in the hall shocked me. Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi were made to fly in the air by those ghost children, who kept clapping their hands and laughing around Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi.

Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi were spinning in mid-air so dizzy that they kept shouting. I felt a little relieved when I saw that those ghost children were not malicious.

He quickly pulled out a few medium talismans and shouted: "Broken"! The talisman paper burned into ashes out of thin air, and Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi also slowly fell down.

I looked at these ghost children carefully and found that these ghost children all had blue skin and pale pupils, like dead fish eyes. Their eyes were all staring in one direction.

Reminiscent of the way they clapped their hands and laughed just now, as if these ghost children were teasing someone.

I followed the children's gaze and looked up, and I was so frightened that I took three steps back!

There was actually the soul of a baby floating above my head. I saw that the baby was very gorgeously dressed, with a big golden unicorn around his neck, gold bracelets on his hands, and gold bracelets on his feet.

The baby's dark eyes suddenly appeared in front of me, and I looked at him, which shocked me.

As the saying goes, it is better to offend the king of hell than the devil. The devil is the most difficult of all ghosts.

The souls of the children around are probably all detained here to play with this baby, right? Damn it, who is so perverted as to capture the ghosts of so many children to accompany a baby?

The female ghost found her child, pulled it hard, and kept shouting "Baby, baby." But her child seemed to be bewitched by a magical power. He heard nothing and just looked at the baby in mid-air and giggled.

I rescued Yin Xinyue and sat on the sofa. I thought she would be very scared, but she didn't show any fear at all. She just looked at the female ghost and her child with tears in her eyes.

I couldn't help but sigh, maternal love is so great, it can make an ordinary person feel pity for the evil ghost, and also make a female ghost never forget her child.

The female ghost suddenly knelt down in front of me with a plop: "Master, please save my child! Please, I will repay you in the next life as a cow or a horse."

I was about to refuse, when Yin Xinyue suddenly said: "Husband, just do your best and save their mother and son!"

In fact, it is much more difficult to save a ghost than to destroy one, which is why it is difficult for traders of ghost things to do.

But now that Yin Xinyue has spoken, I will do it no matter how difficult it is.

I said to the female ghost: "If you want to save your child, you have to tell me the cause and effect of the matter. You must not hide anything, otherwise your child will be trapped in this villa for the rest of his life!"

The female ghost nodded repeatedly and told me that this was the house of He Sanye, the richest man in Tenglong Town. His grandson died not long after he was born. He Sanye was unwilling to let his grandson be burned to ashes, so he secretly gave it to his grandson. A burial was carried out and an expert was invited to perform acupuncture.

Mr. He was also afraid that his grandson would be lonely underground, so he asked the master to set up a wicked formation to arrest all the little ghosts wandering nearby to play with his grandson. The son of the female ghost was also detained in the same way. Come.

I snorted coldly. The Ghost Crying Ganoderma I was looking for was indeed related to this company. Rich people act overbearingly and force other people's children to accompany their own grandchildren. Have they ever considered the feelings of other people's parents? It's so selfish and shameless!

Grandma, I really think that just one million US dollars was too cheap for this family. If I had known, I should have asked him for five million dollars, and then done the deed

Come and save these imprisoned imps.

I looked carefully at the children and found that their ear holes were blocked by something. I reached out and picked some off, put it to the tip of my nose and smelled it. It was Achnatherum splendens. Legend has it that splendens can be used to block the ears of ghosts so that they cannot hear sounds from the outside world.

This method is very unscrupulous and would only be done by evil merchants or magicians!

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