Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,115 Soul Array

I dug out the pile of Achnatherum splendens little by little. There were so many little devils that I couldn't finish it all by myself in a week, so I told Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi to help. This time, I saw the brave side of Yin Xinyue. Although it was the first time for her to come into contact with ghosts at such a close distance, she was not afraid at all. There was love in her eyes and she helped those children out of their misery.

After the female ghost's child woke up, he immediately threw himself into her arms and called "Mom". The female ghost's eyes immediately turned red. The kid told his mother that he was possessed by something while playing outside, and he could only play with the baby every day.

I quickly asked the kid, where did the baby come from?

The kid told me that the baby was buried in the largest cemetery in the town. It was the most luxurious tomb, and the baby's coffin was made of priceless golden nanmu. There was also a red and white arrow on the coffin. Ganoderma lucidum looks very interesting.

When I heard this, I was very excited. God helped me!

I worked harder to remove the splendens from these little devils. When I was done, the rooster outside just crowed for the first time.

After the rooster crows three times, all the ghosts in the hall disappear.

Seeing daybreak, Li Mazi rubbed his sore arms and complained: "Did you work all night in vain last night? Brother Zhang, you can make some extra money on the side, but don't forget the business! Secretary Liu just said My secretary sent me another text message asking us how we were progressing, but I didn’t even dare to reply.”

I patted Li Mazi hard on the shoulder and said, "You can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes. It takes no effort to get here."

Li Mazi's eyes widened and he asked me, "Have you found it yet?" After saying that, he moved his face in front of me, as if he wanted to kiss me.

I pushed away his pockmarked face in disgust: "It's not that easy, but I'm sure there really is ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum in this place!"

Li Mazi jumped up with joy and gave me a thumbs up: "Brother Zhang, you are really good."

I shook the goosebumps on my body while Li Mazi jumped up and ran to reply to Secretary Liu's secretary.

I was about to invite Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi to go to the so-called luxurious baby tomb, but Mr. He and his daughter, Miss Glasses, came.

As soon as I got off the car, Mr. He asked me anxiously if the matter had been resolved.

I don't want to pay attention to him. This kind of sanctimonious old man has prevented so many little devils from being reincarnated for his own selfish desires. His grandson is a treasure. Aren't other people's children their parents' sweethearts?

I briefly talked about what happened last night, of course omitting a lot of content. I only told Mr. He that there were a group of ghosts of children here. They probably thought the villa was fun, so they stayed and played every day.

As soon as Mr. He heard what I said, he pretended to be on crutches and said, "You are committing evil! In a few days, I will definitely pay for the liberation of those children."

Seeing him act so coquettishly made me really sick.

Originally I was thinking of going to the baby's grave to open the coffin tonight, but now I've changed my mind. I want this old immortal to come to me willingly and beg me to open his grandson’s coffin and help his grandson to transcend.

This Mr. He is so crazy about his grandson that he forcibly kept the soul of a baby. Presumably his grandson cannot be reincarnated and must be tortured every day in the human world, right?

Thinking of this, I suddenly coughed and said, "Old sir, do you know why these little guys don't go to other places to play, but choose to play in your villa?"

Mr. He was obviously stunned for a moment when he heard what I said.

The corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally a few times, and he said guiltily: "How do I know this? It's probably because the children from poor families think that my house is more luxurious and spacious."

"The world is huge, and there are more than just good houses here. There are many better houses than this one. Why do those children choose to be here? Mr. He, don't you really understand?" My eyes were like lightning, staring straight at them. He stared at Mr. He until cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

I slowly approached Mr. He and said word by word: "Someone set up a wicked formation and forcibly detained them in the villa. I guessed that the person who detained them must want these children to accompany them." A baby is playing with it, and to perform this formation, the baby's relatives must donate blood and essence every day. Once too much blood and essence is donated, no matter how strong the person is, it will be unbearable, and the power of the soul-binding formation will become weaker and weaker. "

"At first, the ghosts of those children could only wander around the baby's tomb. Now, the ghosts of those children have actually come to the baby's home, which means that the people who set up the formation have begun to be backlashed. Am I right, Mr. He?"

I suddenly stepped forward and picked up Mr. He's sleeves. Sure enough, Mr. He's arms were densely covered with countless small black handprints, which were the result of the kid's backlash.

Seeing that I had exposed his lie, Mr. He shouted angrily: "Yes, I found someone to set up a formation and arrest their souls, so what? Who told them that they are the offspring of poor families and have no money to pay for a job?" People who have been saved can only become lonely ghosts. I detained them and let them play with my grandson because I think highly of them."

I was speechless for such a stubborn old man, and I was too lazy to talk to him. Tell him directly that those brats have broken free from the shackles of the formation and will cause trouble for him and his grandson tonight, and let him decide what to do.

Mr. He was very stubborn and refused to listen to my explanation. He insisted that I was deceiving others and trying to scare him.

When he wasn't paying attention, I secretly sprinkled some motherwort juice on him. This juice could weaken his yang energy and increase his yin energy, making it easier to attract ghosts.

When those little brats go to settle the score with him tonight, what do I think he will do?

I stretched out a hand towards Mr. He: "Money."

Mr. He stared at me fiercely, as if he wanted to eat me alive.

I wasn't afraid, I just blocked his way coldly.

A few minutes later, Mr. He lowered his head like a deflated rubber ball and waved helplessly to the girl with glasses: "Bring me a check for one million US dollars."

I took the check, hugged Yin Xinyue with one arm, and Li Mazi with the other, and whistled all the way back to the hotel.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I jumped on the bed. This small bed suited me best. The luxurious big bed like the one in the villa was not suitable for me at all.

Li Mazi's cell phone kept ringing, and Pang Long's "You Are My Rose You Are My Flower" kept ringing.

No matter how good the song is, it’s uncomfortable to listen to it too much! I covered my head with a pillow and cursed vaguely: "Li Mazi, either turn off your phone or answer the phone quickly, it's so noisy!"

Li Mazi frowned in embarrassment: "Little Ancestor, I want to answer the call too, please take a look." After saying that, Li Mazi handed the phone to me, and I saw the caller ID on the screen was "Godfather Liu."

When did Li Mazi recognize his godfather? I do not know how.

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