Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,116 Li Mazi’s Godfather

Li Mazi touched the back of his head and explained sheepishly: "It's Secretary Liu, that's what I usually call him. Hehe, you also know that condoms are close enough!"

After hearing this, I kicked Li Mazi directly. This sycophant! Pooh!

Secretary Liu's phone kept ringing like a reminder, while Li Mazi clasped his hands aside and kept begging me to answer the phone.

I held back my laughter and answered the phone pretending to be very reluctant: "Hello, Secretary Liu?"

Secretary Liu chatted on the other end of the phone. The content of the phone call was the same as last time. The first half was full of national curses, and the second half was filled with tears.

I was too lazy to pay attention to him. As soon as he finished speaking, I hung up immediately.

Seeing me hanging up Secretary Liu so rudely, Li Mazi's eyes instantly dilated twice in size: "Little ancestor, this is a big leader who may protect us in the future. Why are you so rude?"

I dug my ears and said, "Some things can't be rushed, and Ghost Crying Ganoderma won't be that easy to get."

"What's not easy to get?" Li Mazi said anxiously: "We already know the location of the grave, why don't we just go dig it with a shovel? Brother Zhang, don't wait, let's go now! I'll get the tools .”

After saying that, Li Mazi went to pack the package.

I was about to speak, but Yin Xinyue stopped Li Mazi first: "Li Mazi, don't be so impatient. Jiulin certainly has his reasons for not going."

Li Mazi stopped twisting the door lock: "What's the point?"

Yin Xinyue glanced at me and explained for me: "The baby's tomb was built by the richest man in the local area. We haven't figured out how powerful the He family is in the local area. If you dig up other people's graves so blatantly, think about it. What are the consequences? Besides, you also saw the ghosts of those children last night. I believe the baby's tomb is more dangerous. If we rush there without understanding the situation, what's the difference between that and committing suicide? "

As soon as Yin Xinyue finished speaking, I gave her a thumbs up. As expected of her, she was not ambiguous at all at the critical moment.

Li Mazi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he sighed, turned back dejectedly, sat on the sofa and smoked a cigarette.

After finishing a cigarette, Li Mazi slammed the cigarette butt on the ground: "Brother Zhang, I'm sorry, I was too impatient."

I have been a brother for many years and I know that something must have happened to Li Mazi when he looked like this.

"Which of us is following who? There's no need to say sorry." I walked over and patted Li Mazi on the shoulder: "If you have anything, just tell me, don't hold it in your heart!"

Li Mazi glanced at me with emotion: "Hey, isn't this for Xiaomeng? I want to help Secretary Liu get things done this time, so that he can help Xiaomeng enroll in a key university, and then become a government official. . But unlike us, even though we can earn two stinky bucks, we still don’t make people look down on us.”

I understand Li Mazi's mood. Since ancient times, people have been divided into three, six or nine classes. Officials and people are always two classes, one heaven and one earth. Li Mazi has helped me take care of my business for so many years and has seen all the ugly faces in the world. In his words, asking the government to do something. If there is no one in charge, it will be easy to spend three to five years.

I can buy and sell yin objects and tame evil spirits, but there is nothing I can do about Chinese society except to comfort Li Mazi.

The three of us fell into silence.

But then my stomach growled unsatisfactorily, and the gurgling sound made Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue turn to look at me.

I touched my stomach awkwardly: "Excuse me, I didn't mean to spoil the atmosphere. The female ghost made me vomit for a long time last night. I vomited all the big food, and there was no residue left. Now my My stomach is flat, hehe."

Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi first pursed their lips and snickered, then laughed loudly.

I scratched my head. Although I was embarrassed to be laughed at, it was worth it to make my brother and wife laugh.

"Let's go and eat!" Yin Xinyue picked up her bag and was about to open the door and go out, but the girl with glasses from the He family bumped in.

I saw her running over in panic, and as soon as she came in, she knelt down with a bang: "Please, Master, please save my eldest brother and sister-in-law!"

Li Mazi and I were stunned. How come in just a few hours, an arrogant rich second generation knelt down on my knees.

I looked at the girl with glasses in surprise. Although she was not very polite to us, I still felt a little unbearable when I saw her like this. I stretched out my hand to help her up, but Yin Xinyue was one step ahead of me, knocked my hand away, and rolled her eyes at me: "This girl is spoiled and pampered, how can she withstand the hands of a rough man like you, so I'll do it." Bar!"

Gee, this is so jealous! I stuck out my tongue at Li Mazi, who made a face in return.

The girl with glasses grabbed Yin Xinyue's hand and said with tears and snot that she didn't know why. His eldest brother and sister-in-law suddenly started vomiting blood in the morning and vomited a lot of black blood clots. Mr. He also fell down the stairs and is now lying down. on the bed.

I was shocked inside. If I guessed correctly, the formation had begun to backfire. But it's broad daylight now, the sky is clear, and in broad daylight, do those little devils dare to come out and harm people? If this is the case, then this formation is really powerful, and the person who set it up must be an expert.

I didn't dare to be careless. After all, the T-shirt man entrusted me with this business. I must not destroy his sign.

I quickly picked up all the tools and told Li Mazi to leave. Yin Xinyue also wanted to go along, but I coaxed her and asked her to stay for support, and she gave up.

It's not far from the hotel to the He family villa. It takes a few minutes to get there in the eight million Bentley.

As soon as I arrived at the He family villa, I couldn't help but take a breath!

Oh my God, it was normal here yesterday, but now there is so much black air surrounding the villa.

With such strong black energy, no wonder something happened to the people in the villa. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but turn my head and glance at the girl with glasses standing next to me. It was strange that she was okay!

I quickly took out a handful of soybeans and told Li Mazi and the girl with glasses to chew a handful each. Once they were chewed, they must not swallow them.

There was a strong gloom in the villa. As soon as I entered the villa, I subconsciously shrank my neck. The villa that was just normal yesterday is now covered with water droplets on the walls, dripping on the floor, and there is even a thin layer of ice on the bathroom tiles.

I took out the compass and found that the place with the heaviest yin energy was actually on the second floor. The compass pointer pointed at a certain direction on the second floor and was swinging.

I pointed in that direction and asked the girl with glasses whose room that was?

The girl with glasses said that was the room of her elder brother and sister-in-law.

I nodded and said no more words, fearing that if I spoke too much I would release my yang energy and be easily hurt by the evil ghost.

(PS: There will be additional updates in the evening. There is a double monthly ticket event recently. You can support "Merchant of the Underworld", but it is within your ability. There is no need to deliberately spend money to buy it.)

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