Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,119 The Weapon of Love!

"Fuck you." Li Mazi and I came to the coffin, noisily.

Ghost Crying Ganoderma exudes a faint red light, and there is a little white halo outside the red light.

I didn't dare to stay, so I quickly picked up the black bag and covered it with Guiwei Ganoderma.

Just when I was about to take it off, I suddenly found the ghost baby sitting in the middle of the coffin!

This ghost baby suddenly appeared in front of me, which startled me greatly. The black bag also fell into the grave pit and disappeared.

Although the ghost baby is very small and has low cultivation, it is extremely fast, like a monkey. It jumped on me in the blink of an eye, bit a spot on my chest, and smacked. Sucked up.

I felt like my chest was going to be bitten and exploded. It really hurt. At the same time, I felt two streams of air passing through my body bit by bit.

I just wanted to take out a handful of cinnabar to fight off this grandson!

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the night and pushed me off the coffin. With a little starlight, I was surprised to find that the figure was actually Yin Xinyue.

"Wife." I struggled to get up, but Yin Xinyue had already been bitten on the chest by the ghost baby. Yin Xinyue's beautiful face instantly turned pale under the starlight, and her whole face was distorted by pain.

"Li Mazi, use cinnabar quickly." I shouted as I climbed out of the grave.

Li Mazi agreed with an 'oh', and in an instant, the air was filled with the pungent smell of cinnabar powder. Some powder floated into the nose, making it itch.

I yelled like a pig, and Li Mazi sprinkled all the cinnabar in the air, not a single bit touching the ghost baby.

I jumped out of the grave in a hurry, with only one thought left in my mind: I must rescue Yin Xinyue. If she was sucked by that Xiaozhi a few more times, Yin Xinyue would probably have sex as an adult, and even the Great Luo Immortal wouldn't be able to save her.

Seeing that Yin Xinyue was about to be dragged into the coffin by the ghost baby, I felt murderous and took out the superior talisman!

Yin Xinyue turned her head and cried and shouted to me: "Husband, leave me alone. Remember to tell Fanfan that mother will always love him."

Strangely enough, as soon as Yin Xinyue said these words, the ghost baby suddenly stopped what he was doing, changed his scary ghost appearance, showed his cute baby appearance, and threw himself into Yin Xinyue's arms, babbling non-stop. .

It also made a sound like "kiss" from its mouth.

I suddenly understood that this ghost baby must have heard the words 'mother will always love him' and regarded Yin Xinyue as his mother.

Scientific research shows that babies will have a sense of the outside world when they are in the mother's womb. Although babies cannot speak, they can understand and distinguish some simple words, such as "mom" and "dad."

When Yin Xinyue saw how cute the ghost baby looked, she was filled with maternal love. She had already forgotten about the ghost baby biting her chest, and the horror of the ghost baby.

Yin Xinyue responded softly and gently stretched out her hands to hug the ghost baby. Then he gently held the ghost baby in his arms and rocked it gently, as if he was coaxing his son to sleep.

A faint white shadow floated over, it was the female ghost.

The female ghost told me that because the ghost baby’s family had set up a soul-binding array in its grave, which damaged the ghost baby’s moral character, the ghost baby could not go to the underworld to report its reincarnation...

Therefore, the female ghost suggested that Yin Xinyue should adopt the ghost baby as her son? Keep the ghost baby with you and help it cultivate its negative virtues before sending it to be reincarnated.

I was a little embarrassed when I heard it. It is good for Yin Xinyue to recognize a son, and I am also very happy to have multiple sons who are filial to her. However, this time he is a ghost. Can ordinary people accept it?

I looked at Yin Xinyue worriedly.

Yin Xinyue's eyes were shining with motherly love. She turned to me and said, "Husband, I am willing to adopt him as my son! You see, he is quite cute."

I nodded, thinking that Fanfan had no choice but to be sent to the Zhang family in Jiangbei due to safety issues. This was better, but he had to raise a ghost baby.

Maybe this is the will of God!

The ghost baby seemed to understand, and giggled happily, and the black resentment surrounding it instantly faded a lot.

It is not only Taoism that can resolve resentment, but also love! Love is the most powerful weapon of mankind, which can destroy all evil and all hatred.

The ghost baby's soul left the coffin and has been nestling in Yin Xinyue's arms, babbling and so cute.

Li Mazi and I jumped down from the tomb together, found the black cloth bag that had fallen, picked up the ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum, and walked away together.

The next day, the three of us checked out of the room and drove back to Wuhan.

Along the way, Li Mazi took the black bag containing the Ghost Crying Ganoderma and looked around: "Brother Zhang, now we are famous. We have found the Buddha sitting in a vat, the century-old zombie teeth, and the Ghost Crying Ganoderma. Now, you say it’s awesome or not, you say it’s awesome or not, hehe!”

I smiled and said nothing. The greater the fame, the greater the danger, and there will be more and more invisible enemies.

But I know that I am quite happy now. Yin Xinyue fell asleep in the back seat, as if she was holding a little baby in her arms, with a kind smile on her face.

When we returned to Wuhan from Tenglong Town, Mr. Wang called again...

He asked me if I had obtained Ghost Crying Ganoderma? I told him I had brought it back.

Mr. Wang breathed a sigh of relief on the phone and promised that the Wang family would definitely work with me in the future, as long as it was useful to the Wang family, just one sentence.

When Secretary Liu heard the news, he immediately sent a car with license plate number 00001 to pick us up!

We rushed to Secretary Liu’s house as quickly as possible with the Buddha sitting in a vat, the century-old zombie tooth, and the ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum. I thought I would see a more luxurious house than the He family villa in Tenglong Town, but I unexpectedly discovered that Secretary Liu’s house is In an old cadre building, even the doors and windows were rusty, with a few pieces of glass inlaid in them.

Secretary Liu's home was full of people. An old lady with sallow skin and gray hair was lying on the bed. Her weak moans seemed to tell people that she was still alive.

Needless to say, this old lady must be Secretary Liu's mother.

Secretary Liu's mother is old and suffers from various diseases. She has been losing more air than taking in. I walked forward and found two cold breaths on both sides of the old man's bed.

This is a sinister plot that seduces the old man. He waits for the old man to die and seduces the old man's soul to go to Fengdu Ghost City.

When Secretary Liu saw me coming, he excitedly held my hands: "Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang. mother..."

Secretary Liu of the Provincial Party Committee, who usually gives advice on TV, stuttered at this moment, his hands were sweaty nervously, and his eyes were red.

I patted Secretary Liu's back with my backhand to reassure him. At this moment, Mr. Wang and Wang Xun'er also arrived.

As soon as Mr. Wang saw me, he said, "Jilin, if you need anything from us, just ask."

I shook my head: "No need for the moment."

After saying that, I placed the Buddha sitting in a vat at the end of the old lady's bed, placed the ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum on the old lady's pillow, and hung the century-old zombie tooth around the old lady's neck.

It's really miraculous. As soon as the three vaginal objects were placed, the old lady's face immediately turned rosy, and her eyes that were originally closed opened.

Two cold breaths drifted from my side to the door.

The old lady pointed at Secretary Liu, who quickly knelt down beside the bed, held the old lady's hand, and burst into tears.

I told Secretary Liu that these three magical objects could extend the old lady’s life for at most one month. One month later, on the old lady’s birthday, I would come back to take away these three magical objects.

A month later, I came to Secretary Liu’s house as promised.

A cake filled with birthday candles was placed in front of the old lady's bed. The old lady was lying on the bed, her face gradually turning pale. She stroked Secretary Liu's head with her withered hands and said lovingly: "My dear, you have to act according to your conscience. You have to be a good official! You can't deceive the people and take things they shouldn't. People are doing it, God is doing it. I'm watching, so I can rest assured to reunite with your Red Army dad..."

Secretary Liu's face suddenly turned red. He choked with sobs and buried his head in the old lady's arms, and started crying.

The old lady smiled and blew out the birthday candles. Time passed quickly, and the hands of the clock on the wall soon pointed to twelve o'clock.

As soon as the twelve o'clock bell rang, the old lady who had been fine just now suddenly closed her eyes and breathed her last breath.

I felt a dark wind blowing past me and drifting out the door.

Secretary Liu tremblingly probed the old lady's nose with his trembling hand. The moment his fingers touched the old lady's nose, Secretary Liu's pupils dilated in disbelief, and two lines of hot tears flowed down his cheeks, dripping on the There was a sad ticking sound on the floor.

"Oh my God, my God!" Secretary Liu threw himself on the old lady's body and cried loudly. I couldn't help but feel moved when I heard this.

I was about to exit the room, but was caught by Secretary Liu: "Boss Zhang, I beg you, please save my mother, no matter how much money you want, it will cost me my life, as long long as you can save her." .Boss Zhang, I kowtow to you."

I sighed and helped Secretary Liu up, shook my head and said, "Secretary Liu, it's not that I won't help you, it's really not possible! Life and death have their own destiny. It's a great grace to be able to delay it for a moment and a half." "

This scene of separation between mother and child reminds me of a poem: The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the clothes on the wanderer's body!

I couldn't bear to listen to Secretary Liu's crying anymore, so I silently took the three vaginal objects back to the antique shop with Li Mazi.

A few months later, when I saw on TV that Secretary Liu braved the heavy rain and personally delivered consolation money and rice to the poor elderly, I smiled with relief.

Human nature is multi-faceted, and Secretary Liu finally started working towards becoming a good official!

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