Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,020 The Strange Tale of the Fish-Eating Monster

Afterwards, Mr. Wang was very trustworthy and 30 million was transferred to my account. As per the old rules, I divided half of it between him and Boss Bai. Li Mazi immediately took Teacher Xia to see the lavender in Provence, France.

I originally wanted to take Yin Xinyue to the Maldives, but Yin Xinyue said that she missed Fanfan. But under the current circumstances, it is impossible for Yin Xinyue and I to go to Fanfan. It's not that we as parents don't love our children, but for the sake of Fanfan's safety.

I suddenly remembered that the ghost baby was still following us.

The ghost baby's moral integrity was too much depleted by his cheating family, and he was unable to reincarnate in the ghost town of Fengdu. Therefore, I can only send it to the T-shirt man and let the T-shirt man nurse it back to health slowly.

Yin Xinyue said goodbye to the ghost baby reluctantly, and on the way back, she asked me sadly if she could see it again in the future.

I know in my heart that the ghost baby's moral character has been greatly damaged, and I don't think even the man in the T-shirt can save it. But I didn't dare to tell the truth to Yin Xinyue, for fear that she would be sad and uncomfortable, so I had to comfort her and say, if we are destined, we will meet the ghost baby again!

Li Mazi shows off his affection in the circle of friends every day. He eats three meals a day, plus a midnight snack and spreads dog food. It almost makes me sick, but I am really happy that I have found a new friend for my good brother. I am sincerely happy for my emotional home.

Yin Xinyue and I lived an ordinary life. I slept during the day and opened the shop at night as usual.

Yin Xinyue will occasionally come to the store after work to drink a pot of tea with me and play a few games of "Glory of the King". Such a day is a little monotonous, but it is very happy, and every cell in the body can feel the deep happiness.

That night, after dinner, I started playing with antiques as usual, but Yin Xinyue said she would have to work overtime and stopped coming to accompany me.

I was sitting on a chair playing "Honor of Kings" boredly, but within ten minutes I was hit by the opponent. I was so angry that I stared at the screen, glared angrily and roared: "Wait for me, I'm going to trick you." I curse you all to lose!"

"Boss, what are you doing?" A female voice with a strong Sichuan accent sounded outside the store: "I just want to ask you for a favor, you are trying to curse me."

I looked up suddenly and saw a slightly fat middle-aged lady with curly hair walking into the antique store.

Judging by her authentic accent, she knew she must be from Sichuan.

"Sorry, I'm playing games." I quickly stood up and apologized: "What can I do for you?"

The middle-aged elder sister told me that her husband likes to do some strange things every day recently. She suspected that something dirty had been provoked, so she wanted to invite me to come and take a look.

Ordinary people would call vaginal objects unclean things.

In fact, Yinwu also has its own set of rules of conduct and will not harm others casually.

When I started working as a femininity dealer in my early years, I often made this mistake. I would take it seriously as soon as a customer told me how evil spirits had happened to their house.

Having experienced many things, I have become much calmer and no longer listen to the wind or the rain. Then he asked the eldest sister to sit down and poured her a cup of tea: "Hello, what do you call me eldest sister?"

"My surname is Guan." Sister Guan nodded politely to me.

It was obvious that Sister Guan was someone who had seen the world, so I immediately asked her to tell her the whole story.

Hearing my question, Sister Guan immediately became nervous. She looked around nervously with her two round eyes. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, she leaned into my ear and asked in a low voice: "Zhang Boss, have you ever seen anyone eating sashimi?"

I was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Of course I have seen it, I often eat salmon myself."

"Don't you think that's abnormal?" Sister Guan said in a trembling voice.

I said that eating sashimi is purely a personal dietary preference. Just looking for such a fresh bite is not abnormal, right?

Sister Guan was so anxious that she shook her head like a rattle and said that whenever her husband ate sashimi, it would be like being possessed by a ghost. It was so terrifying!

The more she talked, the more excited she became, and by the end her limbs were twitching crazily.

I quickly brought a cup of tea to Sister Guan and told her not to rush, speak slowly!

Sister Guan took several sips of tea, and her nervous look calmed down. She told me that she and her husband had been working hard in Wuhan for many years. They had no skills and no education. They could only work part-time jobs at first. Later, the couple relied on their hard work to open a Sichuan hotpot restaurant, and the business became booming. .

But starting last month, Sister Guan found that her husband seemed to be abnormal and suddenly became very fond of eating sashimi!

I smiled and said, there is nothing abnormal about this. People’s eating habits will change with age, and the older they get, the more particular they become.

Sister Guan looked into my eyes and shook her head firmly, saying that her husband was different. Her husband is from Sichuan, and he always enjoys hot pot, maocai, and spicy hot pot every day because he doesn't think it's spicy or spicy enough, so he has to sprinkle chili powder in it himself. But since last month, her husband suddenly changed his gender and stopped having sex at all. He also left early and came home late every day, and didn't come home until midnight.

At first, she thought her husband had a mistress outside, and they started to have family conflicts, and even took action, but her husband always denied it.

Sister Guan didn't believe it, so she secretly followed her husband one night...

At this point, Sister Guan's face instantly turned pale. She was so frightened that she covered her chest and said nervously: "Boss Zhang, what I saw that night was really scary."

Sister Guan's eyes were wide open and she trembled: "My husband...he was eating raw fish in the kitchen of the hot pot city, raw fish with blood! When I turned around, that ferocious face scared me to death. .”

Hearing this, my brows wrinkled slightly. Listening to Sister Guan’s description, her husband might have really hit something dirty!

But I basically didn’t take a break during this period. I was really tired and didn’t want to take on any business. Furthermore, after listening to Sister Guan’s description, I felt that this was not a big deal, so I told Sister Guan to sprinkle salt on her husband every night, and her husband would stop making trouble.

Sister Guan kept saying thank you and left the antique store. Before leaving, she asked for my phone number.

After seeing Sister Guan off, I had no interest in playing games anymore, so I turned on the TV and randomly changed channels. It just so happened that a TV station was broadcasting "Late Night Diner" starring Huang Lei. I wasn't interested in such heartwarming stories, but the delicious food made me greedy.

Isn’t food just for filling the belly?

I really don’t understand why so many chefs want to make dishes in small portions and exquisite.

I turned off the TV, picked up my phone, opened the Meituan takeout app, and ordered something to eat. Compared to those high-end delicacies, I still like Wuhan’s hot dry noodles. With a bottle of beer, it’s a great day!

After a while, the takeaway boy delivered the hot dry noodles.

I took big gulps of the fragrant hot dry noodles and drank beer. It was a very satisfying meal.

After eating and drinking, I wiped my mouth with my hand and burped with satisfaction. I was about to continue playing "Honor of Kings" when my phone rang.

My phone suddenly rang late at night, which really startled me!

I picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. I was planning not to answer, but then I thought, there must be something urgent if you call me so late.

I quickly pressed the call button: "Hello, hello."

Sister Guan's voice came from the other end of the phone. Sister Guan said very anxiously that as soon as she got home, she took salt and sprinkled her husband with salt. Unexpectedly, a burst of black smoke came out of her husband's body, and then, The eating of sashimi has become even more intense, and now I have begun to eat live fish directly.

On the phone, Sister Guan kept begging me, begging me to go to her house.

I frowned, thinking that this was quite strange. Generally speaking, if you put a handful of refined salt into something that is not clean, it will definitely escape. Why is it getting worse and worse?

Unable to resist Sister Guan's pleas and to satisfy my curiosity, I picked up the car keys and went to Sister Guan's house.

Sister Guan's home is in a mid-range residential area in Wuhan, and the environment inside is pretty good.

When I arrived at the gate of the community, I called Sister Guan, who immediately came down to pick me up. Less than three hours after we were separated, I suddenly felt that something was not right with Sister Guan!

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