Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,022: Ghost Shop (Additional update)

I nodded: "It's okay. If you are so afraid of big white dogs, you must be a demon, and he is also a cat demon who loves to eat fish."

Black dogs can ward off evil spirits, while white dogs are a great magic weapon for warding off demons. I didn't know about it at first, but I remembered it only after hearing it accidentally mentioned by Zen Master Bai Mei.

well! Thinking of Zen Master Baimei, my heart twitched again, and I had no intention of staying any longer. I hurriedly said goodbye to Sister Guan and returned to the store.

As soon as I got back to the store, I fell asleep. Thinking of Zen Master Baimei, tears flowed down the corners of my eyes involuntarily. I held the corner of the quilt tightly and kept reminding myself in my heart that the great revenge has not been avenged and Longquan Villa has not been eliminated, so I must not relax.

Thinking of this, I climbed out of bed energetically and danced the Yin Yang Knife technique in the deep night.

I know that Longquan Villa is not easy to mess with. It is rich and powerful, and there are countless masters. If I want to take revenge, I must cultivate myself both internally and externally to have a glimmer of hope!

I practiced the Yin Yang Knife technique over and over again in a down-to-earth manner. Although I was eager to take revenge, I secretly told myself that there was no need to rush, and I had to practice step by step to become good at Kung Fu.

It probably corresponds to that sentence - as long as you really want to do something, human potential is endless.

I am such a lazy person who likes to sleep when I have nothing to do. Just because I was thinking about the four words "revenge", I didn't feel tired after practicing sword skills all night, but became more energetic.

At 7:30 in the morning, Yin Xinyue came to my store to have breakfast with me carrying soy milk and fried dough sticks. She looked at me sweating profusely. She was surprised at first, then narrowed her eyes slightly, and asked me in a nonchalant manner: "Why am I sweating all over? Tell me honestly, what were you doing last night? It couldn't be some female ghost." =Will I crawl into your bed automatically when I’m naked?”

I smiled bitterly and shook my head. They say women are fickle, and I learned the lesson after getting married.

Before marriage, Yin Xinyue was as gentle as water, and sometimes she was as shy and timid as a little girl. After getting married, Yin Xinyue has changed. She is very jealous. Sometimes when I come home late, she has to sniff me. If she smells any perfume, come on, I have to sleep on the sofa for the next week. .

However, sometimes I really like her jealousy.

I put my arm around Yin Xinyue's waist from behind and told her about going to Sister Guan's house to drive out the cat demon last night.

Yin Xinyue listened to these novel stories with admiration and a hint of worry in her eyes. She drank soy milk and said to me worriedly: "Husband, have you ever thought about retirement? Anyway, our family's money will never be spent in the next life..."

I took a bite of the crispy fried dough sticks and shook my head firmly: "Being a human being is not only about fighting for money. I must seek justice for the revenge of Zen Master Baimei and the death of my grandfather! I must also eradicate this evil thing in Longquan Villa. The scum of the world.”

When I said this, I felt so proud.

Yin Xinyue looked at me with wide eyes, as if she didn't know me. She was so surprised that she didn't even notice the soy milk flowing down the corner of her mouth.

I reached out my hand and gently wiped the soy milk from the corner of her mouth, patted her head lovingly, and asked her if she thought her husband was awesome?

As soon as she finished speaking, Yin Xinyue gave me a big roll of her eyes: "Bah, give me some sunshine and it will be brilliant! You, I can't help but praise you."

I laughed and said nothing. This ordinary little happiness gave me the motivation to move forward and the courage to fight against all evil forces.

After a happy breakfast, Yin Xinyue went to work at the company, and I was ready to close the store and go to sleep.

After taking a shower and just lying on the bed, Sister Guan called me. On the phone, Sister Guan told me that Brother Deng was awake now, was normal, and was eating hot pot! She thanked me profusely for my help, asked for my bank card number, and transferred a million yuan to my account. Seeing that there were so many zeros in the account balance, I smiled and closed my eyes. Entered dreamland.

Yin Xinyue is right, our family will never be able to spend all this money in the next life.

As soon as I lay down, I was dreaming. In the dream, I was counting money until my hands cramped!

I slept so deeply that I slept from morning to six o'clock in the evening. After having a simple dinner, I tidied up and prepared to open the store.

My shop is the only one open on the quiet street, and my antique shop is the only one with red light on the dark street. It looks particularly warm at night, with a hint of weird color.

Because my store is only open at night and is in the business of collecting vaginal objects, many people now call my store a "ghost store." When I first heard such a store name, I was a little angry, but after thinking about it, I laughed it off. Collection of vaginal objects will inevitably involve dealing with ghost spirits, so calling it a 'ghost store' is quite appropriate.

The night is getting thicker and thicker, as thick as a piece of ink that cannot be melted.

I looked at the time on my phone. It was already past twelve o'clock in the evening. It seemed that there was no business tonight.

That's what it's like to be in the femininity business, if you don't open it for ten years, if you open it, it will last for ten years!

Seeing that there was no business tonight, I picked up the double swords for killing ghosts and gods and prepared to practice some more sword skills. Just as I was taking out the double swords, my phone suddenly rang.

It's Li Mazi! This guy who forgets his friends after seeing sex, only remembered to call me after being out for so long.

"Hello, Li Mazi." I picked up the phone, ready to tease: "Why did you remember to call me? Did you forget to bring the paper in the toilet?"

"Ah, bah." Li Mazi spat at me on the other end of the phone: "Brother Zhang, your words are getting more and more like a toilet. I can smell the grain reincarnation in your mouth through the phone. the taste of."

Yep, the reincarnation of grains is equivalent to shit. I guess it was Teacher Xia who taught him this, and he came to show off his culture to me.

I also want to tease Li Mazi twice. After all, I haven’t seen him for so long and I miss him very much.

The longing between men is not so much grudge, but more of a life-and-death friendship, sharing joys and sorrows.

Li Mazi suddenly said seriously that he had a business and asked me if I would take it.

As soon as I heard that there was a business, I quickly asked what was going on?

Li Mazi told me that he had just met a Hong Kong gourmet in a Michelin three-star restaurant in Provence. The other person was looking for a yin object, a yin object that could help him distinguish the world's delicious food. If he found it, he was willing to pay for it. Five million in remuneration.

five million? I stuck out my tongue when I heard it, foodies can make money like this! I used to really look down on this industry. I thought those gourmets who did nothing every day and only knew how to eat everywhere and then make random criticisms were all poor cowards who were pretending to be cool.

It seems that it is far from what I imagined.

I pondered for a moment and immediately replied with one word: "Take it!".

Li Mazi asked me if I had thought about it?

I immediately said: "Nonsense, if you don't make money, you're stupid."

Li Mazi was delighted when he heard this and said he would sign a contract with the gourmet.

(PS: Today there is a general reaction from readers. After the website is updated, previously purchased chapters need to be re-purchased. Laojiu has already reported it to the website, and the website is currently actively solving the problem. Dear friends, please be patient!)

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