Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,025 High IQ Yin Spirit

The crimson Yin spirit slowly appeared in front of me.

The intestines dripping with pus were dragged all over the floor, and the belly seemed to have been cut open. The exposed flesh was covered with white bugs. The bugs fell to the ground like melted butter, rustling and squirming.

The crawling sound was particularly clear in the quiet living room.

Facing the strong Yin energy on this Yin spirit, my hands trembled uncontrollably.

At that moment, I forgot what I was here to do!

Wei Yu immediately reminded me: "Bad brother, this ghost has at least a thousand years of practice. Quickly use the ghost-killing swords to defeat him quickly."

I quickly drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods, and slashed at the Yin spirits alternately.

When Sister Guan and Yin Xinyue saw this scene, they were so frightened that they fainted.

The Yin spirit is extremely fast and has a high level of cultivation. A single touch of my ghost-killing swords will kill ordinary ghosts. But the moment my double swords were about to get close to it, it immediately turned into a red line and deftly dodged the attacks of the double swords.

I turned around quickly, holding my swords tightly to my chest.

Yin Ling floated to the corner of the wall, opened his mouth with a gasp, and a bunch of grayish-white bugs spit out from his mouth, vomiting all over the floor.

Seeing that the insects were about to crawl towards Yin Xinyue and the others, I quickly picked up the ghost-slaying swords and swung out a blast of sword energy to drive away the insects.

But those insects seemed to have no end, killing one group and spitting out another group.

Yin Ling stood in the corner, pointing a cyan finger at me, with a proud smile on his face.

I don’t know how many batches of insects I killed, but my arms were so sore that I couldn’t even lift the knife. Looking at the weird smile of Yinling, I suddenly understood its purpose. It must be afraid of the power of the ghost-killing swords and did not dare to come forward to confront me directly, so it spit out a lot of disgusting bugs to distract me. Protect Yin Xinyue and others.

When I am exhausted, it will naturally have the opportunity to deal with me, and then everyone in this room will become its prey.

what to do? Another wave of insects is about to come up in front of us.

The Yin spirit saw that my physical strength had reached its limit, and a triumphant smile appeared on its face. Its huge mouth almost reached the base of its back ears, and hundreds of insects kept pouring out from the depths of its throat.

I forced myself to calm down. Cinnabar, yes, cinnabar!

Since cinnabar is the nemesis of evil things, it should be no problem to drive away these little bugs.

But these bugs are transformed by the Yin Qi of thousands of years of Yin spirits. I am not sure whether the cinnabar is useful or not, but now I can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Feeling uneasy, I sprinkled a circle of cinnabar around Yin Xinyue and others, fearing that it was not powerful enough, so I added some blood from the tip of my tongue.

Sure enough, the little bugs were also yin, and they retreated when they saw things with strong yang energy such as cinnabar and tongue blood.

When the little bug retreated, I took the time to adjust my breathing and try to restore my physical strength to the maximum extent.

The Yin Spirit roared at the little bugs. The little bugs that retreated seemed to be afraid of the Yin Spirit. Under its roar, they crawled desperately in the direction where we were. But as soon as I got close to the circle I made with cinnabar and blood from the tip of my tongue, I was so timid that I didn't dare to step forward.

The Yin spirit roared, and I saw a red figure flying towards me, and at the same time, a huge Yin wind blew in the room.

All the furniture in the living room that was not fixed was banging and the lighter benches were already flying in the air!

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, like a tornado, which can blow people away.

I quickly inserted the two swords for killing ghosts and gods on the ground, holding the handles tightly. At the same time, my other hand was not idle, and I kept slashing at Yin Feng.

The knife breaks through the dark wind, and the sound of breaking the wind is endless!

I tore a big hole in the layers of Yin Feng. I knew that if I didn't take in the Yin spirit, no one would be able to get out alive today.

He immediately jumped out of the torn hole, switching from slashing to stabbing, with the tip of the knife pointed directly at the crimson ghost deep in the dark wind.

Seeing that the blade was about to hit the Yin spirit, I couldn't help but be overjoyed. Huh, no matter if you have practiced cultivation for thousands of years, you can still bear enough pain from me!

However, what I didn't expect was that the moment the tip of the knife pierced Yin Ling's chest, I felt as if it had pierced into a thin skin. Based on my experience of fighting against Yin Ling countless times, I felt that there must be something wrong with it. , but for a while I didn’t know what the problem was.

Just as I was thinking, the dark wind that was roaring just now disappeared without a trace. If the things in the living room hadn't been blown all over the floor, I would really doubt that I was dreaming.

Soon I knew why I was surprised, because the Yin spirit disappeared, and there was only a piece of red human skin hanging on the tip of the knife.

I was shocked and looked around.

The invisible opponent is the scariest thing!

My hands holding the two knives felt cold, and I was sweating on the palms of my hands!

I shouted into the air: "Come out if you dare, you coward, believe it or not, I will beat you to death."

The only answer I got was silence, deathly silence.

Suddenly, a familiar and terrifying sneer sounded from behind me.

I turned around suddenly, holy shit, that ghost was on Brother Deng again!

Brother Deng's body stood upright, and another face appeared on his pale face. I have never seen such a shameless Yin spirit, who actually resorted to the golden cicada's escape plan. This guy must have been a treacherous villain during his lifetime, otherwise how could he play so many tricks?

I held my two swords and couldn't bear it anymore. I yelled at Yin Ling: "I know how to play tricks. If you have the guts, come out and let's have a good fight."

The Yin spirit didn't get angry when he heard me yelling. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and taunted me: "How dare you act wild in front of me, you little kid? I see how you hold the knife like a lady holding an embroidery needle. It's really funny." Human beings too.”

Its words were very sophisticated and I couldn't quite understand them, but I could clearly understand the last sentence. It said that I use a knife to embroider like a woman. Isn't this a roundabout way of saying that I look like a woman?

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable!

The news spread about being teased by a Yin spirit, how could I, Zhang Jiulin, hang out in the circle of Yin spirits?

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