Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,024 Arowana

I cautiously entered the house, and there was a low chewing sound coming from the corner of the house, mixed with a roar like a pig eating.

It's Brother Deng's voice!

As soon as I turned on the light, a big snow-white cat jumped out from the cabinet, and its sharp claws quickly scratched across my face. Suddenly, my face was burning.

Being scratched by a cat hurts so much that it makes me gasp.

Sister Guan was very particular when decorating her house. There was a large fish tank in the center of the living room opposite the door. There were several arowanas in the fish tank. The water in the fish tank was circulating and was living water.

This is called the Living Water Bureau in Feng Shui, and it is a Feng Shui pattern for gathering wealth!

The big fish tank with the golden arowana can be said to be a cornucopia, attracting wealth from all directions. But now, the fish tank that collects money is covered with bright red blood.

Brother Deng stood on the edge of the fish tank, holding a golden arowana in one hand and shooting from left to right. The two golden arowanas in his hands had been chewed beyond recognition and were bleeding.

Seeing me coming in, Brother Deng turned back and stared at me with blood in his mouth, his eyes glowing green.

Brother Deng pointed at me with one finger holding the fish and yelled: "Who are you? How dare you disturb this prefect's enjoyment of eating fish. What crime should I be punished for?"

I was completely confused when I heard it. This is a typical rhythm of ghosts, and they are also ghosts who like to eat fish and meat.

I quickly sprinkled a handful of refined salt on Brother Deng's body. Salt has the effect of exorcising evil spirits. As soon as the salt came close to Brother Deng's body, black smoke immediately came out, and a painful scream sounded in the room.

Just when I thought the salt could make the Yin spirits leave, Brother Deng suddenly rushed forward, his face changing several expressions in an instant.

His nostrils also doubled in size, and his eyes protruded outwards. Green light emitted from his eyes, which soon turned red, like a demon from hell.

That face was definitely not that of Brother Deng, it was clearly another person.

Ghost! I suddenly realized that I made a big mistake last night.

I quickly shouted out the door: "Stay outside and don't come in." The ghost possessed can use the body of a mortal to exert infinite brute force. The person possessed by the ghost does not know the pain, let alone the danger.

It can be said that fighting a ghost-possessed person is more dangerous than fighting a zombie. Zombies basically have no IQ, but a ghost-possessed person has the cunning of a ghost. It can be said that I would rather fight two zombies in darkness than struggle with a ghostly person for ten minutes.

Sister Guan wanted to run in, but was blocked by Yin Xinyue.

I stared closely at Brother Deng in front of me and asked Sister Guan without looking back, are there any red chopsticks in the kitchen?

Sister Guan quickly said that there was, and that it was in the cupboard under the kitchen.

‘Ho ho ho’!

After listening to Sister Guan's words, Brother Deng, who was possessed by the ghost, pointed at me and let out a weird laugh. The laughter did not come from his throat, but more like it was squeezed out from his stomach.

My scalp went numb.

He made a vague sound: "Haha, I'm here to watch. I'll see how you get the red chopsticks."

I have to admit that what he said is true.

Suddenly, I had an idea. Touched the cinnabar in the bag, cinnabar can cause damage to ghosts. While the ghost was injured, I was confident that I had the ability to go to the kitchen and get the red chopsticks.

While the other party was still feeling proud, I immediately jumped up and accurately stuffed a handful of cinnabar into Brother Deng's mouth!

The moment cinnabar was stuffed into Brother Deng's mouth, his stomach bulged rapidly, and then quickly subsided, and a ball of air traveled from his stomach to his mouth.

Through Brother Deng's open mouth, I saw that the air was clearly black and ghostly. I didn't expect that the handful of cinnabar just now would be an unexpected harvest, so I quickly ordered Brother Deng to try his best to spit out the breath in his mouth!

Yin Ling's face faded quickly, and Brother Deng's face returned to its original appearance, but the expression on his face was still very painful.

I saw one of Brother Deng's hands pinching his neck, and he was pushing it upwards, as if he was trying to get the ghost spirit out of his throat.

But the strange thing is that Brother Deng's other hand is stopping him.

I know that this is the struggle between the Yin spirit in the upper body and Brother Deng himself!

Without further ado, while Brother Deng was fighting with the evil spirit, I quickly ran into the kitchen and found a pair of red chopsticks according to Sister Guan's instructions.

Red chopsticks are usually used to worship gods, but in fact they can also be used to ward off evil spirits and suppress ghosts.

Use a pair of bright red chopsticks to pinch the middle finger of the person possessed by the ghost, and you can force the ghost away from the body.

When I got the red chopsticks, Brother Deng was still fighting with the evil spirit.

I took the opportunity to clamp the middle finger of Brother Deng's right hand with the red chopsticks. The moment I clamped the middle finger, another face appeared on Brother Deng's face, with a very painful expression.

At the same time, a dark red line appeared on the middle finger of Brother Deng's right hand. This was the true form of Yin Ling!

I pushed the red chopsticks upwards hard and forced out the dark red line.

The Yin spirit seemed to know my intention, and controlled Brother Deng's hand to hit me continuously. The casserole-sized fists fell on my head like raindrops, hitting me so hard that I felt dizzy and my head was buzzing with pain. ring.

But I dare not let go! I'm afraid that if I let go, the Yin spirit will occupy Brother Deng's body again, and Brother Deng's yang energy will be exhausted by the Yin spirit. By then, Brother Deng will really become a dead ghost.

Finally, I used red chopsticks to force the dark red line out of Brother Deng's body, and a red figure appeared in the center of the living room.

I gasped, damn, it was actually a red Yin spirit! The black Yin spirit has more than a hundred years of cultivation, while the red Yin spirit has thousands of years of cultivation.

The red color can only be seen by Yin spirits with great resentment.

I stared blankly at the Yin spirit in front of me, who had thousands of years of cultivation. I clenched my fists involuntarily, and an unknown fear swept through my body.

Missed! This time I really missed it!

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