Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,027 You all must die!

The small Japanese-style restaurant suddenly felt windy.

I quickly comforted: "Calm down, calm down, this store doesn't have sashimi, I will take you to another one!"

"Yes." Yin Ling nodded to me: "The waiter pays, you, lead the way."

After saying that, Yin Ling stretched out his hand, and a stack of money suddenly appeared in his palm.

If the store owner saw this, wouldn't he be scared to death? I quickly pressed its hand and said, "I'm treating you this time, hehe."

After hearing what I said, a satisfied smile appeared on Yin Ling's face, and he slowly put away the money.

I took the bill and looked at it. The number on it shocked me: eighteen thousand yuan.

Before leaving, Oudama licked his fingers and shouted to the shop owner: "Boss, here are two more boxes of fried tempura, take them away."

"Okay." The shop owner agreed happily, only to hear a clicking sound from the cash register: "Hello, guest, your bill plus two tempuras, the total is 18,200 yuan. .”

I swallowed hard, took out my bank card and swiped the bill to pay. The moment I signed the voucher, my heart was bleeding! Eating almost 20,000 yuan in one meal, isn’t this really the reincarnation of a pig?

When I saw Otama, I suddenly thought of a question. There is no way that the thousand-year-old Yin spirit who loves to eat sashimi could not realize that Otama is a fox demon. Why is it not curious at all?

Look at Oudama again, he is a complete snack food, not like that Yinling at all.

One demon and one ghost, it’s as if the other doesn’t exist!

What the fox demon is best at is seeing through other people's thoughts. Oudama held a tempura in one hand and explained leisurely: "I can't defeat this Yin spirit, and that Yin spirit can't defeat me. Although we have met, the ghost Monsters have different paths, and everyone eats his own thing, so there is no need to get to know each other! The world of ghosts and monsters is the most real, unlike you humans, who are obviously disdainful in their hearts, but can still pretend to be polite for a long time, fake! "

After saying that, Oudama rolled his eyes towards the sky.

My neck choked up, but after thinking about it carefully, I was speechless.

Yin Xinyue drove around the city and couldn't find any Japanese restaurant open. I took out my phone and looked at it. It was already past two o'clock in the middle of the night. Are there any restaurants open?

It's not like Japan, where there are late-night restaurants. We only have food stalls, but there are no sashimi in the food stalls.

Seeing that he couldn't find a place selling sashimi after looking around for several times, the thousand-year-old ghost sitting in the back seat became anxious and kept roaring: "Why haven't you found it yet? Could it be that you want to sweep away the Yaxing of this governor."

I kept comforting Yin Ling, and while waiting for the red light, Yin Xinyue secretly sent me a WeChat message: "All Japanese restaurants are closed at this time, what should I do?"

It was nearly three o'clock, and three o'clock was the time when the rooster began to crow.

According to the rules, there is a strict order in the Yin and Yang worlds. When night falls, lonely ghosts can come out and walk around, but as soon as the rooster crows, they must leave immediately.

I immediately replied to a WeChat message: "Try to delay as much time as possible until three o'clock!"

Yin Xinyue drove the car in circles in the city, and time passed by. I sat in the passenger seat, seemingly calm, but in fact only I knew how anxious I was feeling.

Although the seat cushion of the car is made of high-grade genuine leather, it feels like I am sitting on needle felt. The most terrible thing is that I have to constantly comfort the ghost...

The ghost in the back seat kept complaining, and I could feel his powerful anger from across the seat!

Sister Guan is also a sensible person and kept helping me fool it.

Regarding the elder sister's help, things went much smoother. Finally, when I was about to lose my temper, the number on my phone turned to three o'clock, the morning star rose, and there was a hint of whiteness in the east.

How high is Yin Ling's IQ? When he saw the bright light, he immediately understood our intention, pointed at us angrily and said, "Just wait, the prefect is going to kill everyone tonight! None of you can escape."

A red ghost flew out from the top of Brother Deng's head. Brother Deng's body trembled a few times, his eyes rolled and he fainted. At the same time, the dashboard in the car was rotating rapidly, and the entire body was drifting.

Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she screamed while sitting in the car.

I pasted three medium-sized talismans on the steering wheel, and the car that was spinning around came to a stop.

Yin Xinyue's face was as pale as paper with fright, and she asked with a cry: "Husband, that ghost said he was going to kill us tonight, is it true?"

I nodded. Most Yin spirits are petty and very vindictive. They said they would come to kill us and they will definitely come tonight.

When Sister Guan heard this, her tears flowed down like pearls without any money, and she kept begging me to save their family. She said that she has an eighty-year-old mother, and her youngest child is only four years old. What if she and Brother Deng have anything to do with each other? If unlucky, the old and the young will starve to death.

I was already upset, but hearing Sister Guan nag me like this made me even more upset.

I couldn't help but frown and said: "Sister Guan, please stop making trouble! Since the Yin Spirit said that no one can escape, it is also related to my wealth and life. I will definitely find a way."

Sister Guan finally stopped crying, but she still twitched in Brother Deng's arms. I hate hearing women cry the most, and this kind of sobbing cry is even more upsetting.

I opened the car door and said to Yin Xinyue: "You can send Sister Guan and Brother Deng home first! I'll go and think of a solution."

Yin Xinyue said hello.

Seeing Yin Xinyue leaving with Sister Guan and Brother Deng, I breathed a sigh of relief. I found a bench in the roadside park and sat there smoking a cigarette.

Not long after I lit my cigarette, a fat man covered in blood came over.

"Brother, I'm addicted to smoking. Can you give me a cigarette?" the little fat man asked me politely.

I wanted to drive him away, but when I saw that there was no shadow of him under the street lamp, I nodded.

After saying that, I took out a cigarette, lit it, and asked him, "What's your name?"

"I forgot my name. They all call me Brother Flathead." The little fat man replied.

I inserted the lit cigarette into the ground with the filter tip down, and said, "Brother Flathead, come and smoke."

Immediately, the little fat man had a cigarette in his mouth.

The reason why the smoking process is so cumbersome is because the little fat man is a lonely ghost wandering on the roadside. He has no way to smoke real cigarettes and can only accept offerings from people. I asked him his name just now, just to deliver this cigarette to him accurately and to invite the ghosts in the underworld to eat. I just need to call the ghost's name before death and pour the offerings on the ground, and the things can be delivered to him. In hand.

Anyway, I can’t think of a good solution for the time being, so I might as well have a chat with this ghost first!

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