Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,028 Graveyard Rice

I looked at the little fat man and asked, "Hey, buddy, how did you..." The last word "death" got stuck in my throat and I didn't say it.

I thought about it and changed the wording: "How did you disappear?" After all, ghosts are very sensitive to the word 'death'.

The little fat man took a deep puff of the cigarette and swallowed the smoke into his throat. The ghost's throat was transparent, and you could see the smoke swirling around in its throat before spitting it out.

"Oh, I was distracted by looking at my mobile phone and checking Moments while crossing the road, and I got hit by a car..." the little fat man said helplessly.

When I heard it, I suddenly choked and coughed.

Nowadays, there are too many people who have their heads down. Everywhere they go, they see their mobile phones. Sometimes when danger comes, they are still immersed in the world of mobile phones. This little fat guy is quite miserable.

The little fat man and I chatted here and there, from our circle of friends to Steve Jobs, from Steve Jobs to Fengdu Ghost Town. I asked him if he had seen Steve Jobs down there.

The little fat man shook his head and said no. It smiled and said that if there was one, everyone in the underworld would probably use Apple 8.

I asked the little fat man why it didn’t go back to the underworld even though the rooster was crowing?

The little fat man asked for another cigarette and told me that it belonged to the dead ghost and could not enter the underworld. He could only sleep in the grave when the sun rose.

After saying that, the little fat man yawned greatly: "I'm sorry, I'm really sleepy, I have to go home..."

Then its figure became more and more faint, and finally faded into a wisp of white smoke and disappeared.

I waved to the little fat man as a way of saying goodbye.

The work and rest time of ghosts is opposite to that of humans. Humans have to work during the day and rest at night, but ghosts are just the opposite. They rest during the day and come out for various activities at night.

After a night of cold wind, my head was much clearer. Thinking that there might be a big battle tonight, I immediately took a taxi back to the store to prepare materials!

When I opened the store door, Yin Xinyue was still awake and walking around in the living room. Because he hadn't slept all night, his eyes were red and looked very distressing.

"Honey, you're finally back." When Yin Xinyue saw me coming back, she quickly threw herself into my arms: "Why are you coming back now? I didn't answer your phone calls. I was worried to death..."

I rubbed Yin Xinyue's head: "The phone is out of battery and has automatically shut down."

What else did Yin Xinyue want to ask me? I waved my hand and said that I needed to recharge my batteries, otherwise everyone would definitely die tonight.

Maybe it was because the burden on my body was too heavy. After a while, I fell into sleep.

In my sleep, I dreamed of countless things flying before my eyes. There were salt, black dog blood, red chopsticks and magic talismans, and the terrifying faces of countless ghosts... Suddenly, a voice in my head kept shouting: I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.

I was so frightened that I broke into a cold sweat, sat up suddenly, and screamed uncontrollably.

The moment I sat up, I instinctively pulled out the ghost-killing swords beside my pillow and looked around warily. I was relieved when I found that there was no Yin spirit at all. Damn it, I thought the Yin spirit was strong enough to attack me in my sleep.

The bedroom door clicked open.

Yin Xinyue ran in with an anxious look on her face: "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

I smiled: "It's okay, I had a nightmare..."

Yin Xinyue looked at me distressedly, took out a tissue and wiped the cold sweat on my forehead: "Husband, how about we just leave it alone? We are leaving overnight and going abroad. I don't believe that the evil spirit can still find a way to go abroad."

I scratched Yin Xinyue's nose: "Little fool, the Yin spirit has no borders, and the Yin spirit has already joined us. No matter where we go, it will find us. Besides, there are also Sister Guan and Brother Deng. Well, we can’t harm consumers.”

Yin Xinyue was amused by my words: "Consumers? Sister Guan and Brother Deng are consumers?"

I nodded seriously: "Yes, if you spend money to buy peace of mind, aren't you just a consumer?"

After such a fuss, I lost all my sleep, so I simply got up and took a shower. Yin Xinyue made me a cup of ginseng tea and cooked me a bowl of egg noodles.

I drank ginseng tea and ate the love egg noodles cooked by my wife. I sincerely hoped that it would be great if my life could always be so peaceful and peaceful.

As soon as this thought crossed my mind, I immediately shook my head. Don't think about the impossible. Being a fetish merchant is doomed to a lifetime of ups and downs. Once you step into this circle, you will no longer be able to live an ordinary life.

Yin Xinyue took her bag and car keys and told me that there was no rice in the store and she was going to the supermarket to buy some rice.

I said good, but after Yin Xinyue went out, I felt a little awkward again. I don’t know if I can get through tonight safely. What kind of rice will Yin Xinyue buy? I don’t know if we both have the life to eat it?

Suddenly, a clear term appeared in my mind.

right! Grave mound rice.

I remember the man in the T-shirt once told me that rice from the tomb has the effect of isolating Yang energy, which is much better than ordinary sun-shielding charms. If I can find rice from the tomb, isolate everyone's Yang Qi, and use the twin swords to kill ghosts and gods, I might be able to escape tonight.

I did it as soon as I thought of it. I immediately called Sister Guan and asked her to go look for Fentou rice with me.

Sister Guan promised repeatedly on the phone that she would drive over to pick me up soon.

After a while, Sister Guan arrived downstairs at my house. I calculated the time and distance. My dear, she must have been running over at a speed of 100 miles per hour. Thinking about it, the scene was a bit thrilling!

As soon as I got in the car, Sister Guan immediately turned the car around and drove all the way to the cemetery in the suburbs.

More than two months have passed since the Tomb Sweeping Day, and the Ghost Festival in July is still some time away. I wonder if I can still find rice from the tomb? But now I can only have the mentality of giving it a try.

The cemetery in the area is very large. Sister Guan and I divided the work and searched in one direction. I looked south, and Sister Guan looked north.

In the old society, there were often four types of things used to worship ancestors, namely ghost coins, incense candles, paper bundles and tomb rice. The rice at the tomb is the rice that is commonly eaten at home. It is best to fill the small bowls used by the deceased, pile them into the shape of a hill, and place them in front of the tomb. Three sticks of incense are placed on the rice. This will show the sincerity of the descendants.

It's just that cemeteries now have dedicated personnel to clean them. Many tombs are clean. Occasionally, some things are placed, which are just leftover incense burners and paper bundles. Where is the rice on the tomb?

After searching for about a hundred graves and still finding nothing, I was ready to give up. Picking up the phone, holding on to the last glimmer of hope, I asked Sister Guan if she had been found?

As a result, Sister Guan's tone on the other end of the phone was also very sad.

well! I sighed softly. Without Graveyard Rice, the chances of winning tonight's decisive battle would be much less. Could it be that I am destined to meet Zhang Jiulin and suffer this fate?

Suddenly, a roar came from a grave next to me: "Who the hell is sighing outside and disturbing my sleep."

This is the voice of a ghost. Since my spiritual power has improved, my ears are particularly sensitive and I can hear the ghost's movements within a hundred meters.

I quickly said calmly to the source of the sound: "Sorry for disturbing you."

Ghosts are all very stingy. Although I will kill one of these little ghosts every time I see one, it is best not to get into trouble.

The voice suddenly exclaimed: "Your voice sounds so familiar!"

I thought to myself, no way? Although I, Zhang Jiulin, am well-known in the circle of ghosts, I have never made friends with ghosts.

I looked up curiously and found that the photo on the tombstone opposite was the fat guy with the flat head who smoked with me in the park last night.

"Hey, it's you, why are you here?" Since it was daytime, the little fat man couldn't come out, so he could only sit in the grave and chat with me.

I thought that since the little fat man has lived here all year round, he must know everything about the situation here. Wouldn't it be easy to know which tomb has rice on the tomb in front of it if I just ask him?

Sure enough, the little fat man soon replied: "Go to the fiftieth tomb on the right from my tomb. There is rice in front of the tomb of an old ghost. I went there to eat there the day before yesterday, but the old ghost scolded me. Had a meal."

I quickly thanked him and looked in the direction the little fat man said. I soon found a bowl of grave rice under the tombstone of an old man. The rice was piled into a hill, with three pillars of unburned sandalwood stuck in it.

I quickly bowed to the tombstone and said, "Old man, I'm in trouble today, and I'd like to borrow rice from your grave! If you are willing, please accept three pillars of incense."

After saying that, he lit the three unfinished sandalwood incense sticks, and saw the three sticks of incense rising at the same time, floating towards the direction of the tombstone. I was overjoyed. This meant that the old man agreed to my request and was willing to lend me the rice from my grave.

I took out the plastic bag and poured the tomb rice into it.

After loading the rice on the tombstone, I said to the tombstone: "Thank you very much, old man. If I can survive this disaster tonight, I will definitely have a thank you gift in the future!"

I took the grave rice with me and called Sister Guan to tell her that I had found it. Sister Guan jumped up happily and asked if everything would be fine now?

Seeing Sister Guan's happy look, I didn't dare to tell her the truth, so I just nodded.

When I passed by the little fat man's grave, the little fat man stopped me and told me not to forget to leave a pack of cigarettes for him.

I remembered that this boy had never done anything evil, and he also helped me find the grave rice. I should have thanked him, so I placed the remaining bag of Yuxi in front of the grave, and also left a lighter.

I think of Yin Ling’s words, and I won’t let anyone go! If the four of us were separated, it would be easy for this Yin spirit to take advantage of the situation and defeat each other. In that case, I would be passive.

Thinking of this, I called Yin Xinyue and told her to bring the travel bag I usually carry when I go out and meet her at Sister Guan's house.

Yin Xinyue was silent for a long time on the phone, and finally sighed and said hello.

I know Yin Xinyue's concerns, but as long as it's something I decide, Yin Xinyue will fully support me even if she doesn't agree. Unlike Li Mazi's ex-wife Ruxue, who was noisy and playful.

I just respect Yin Xinyue for this!

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