Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,029 The First Line of Defense

As soon as Sister Guan and I arrived at her house, Yin Xinyue also came.

Brother Deng was already awake at this time, but he looked quite bad, his face was sallow, and he kept having diarrhea.

Brother Deng said that what he pulled out were all bugs, and they were still alive, densely packed and squirming in the toilet!

The wealth-gathering feng shui bureau in Sister Guan's home has been destroyed, and the two golden arowanas that were used to attract wealth have turned into dead fish, lying straight on the ground.

Once the feng shui fish that attracts wealth dies, it will turn into a vicious fish that harms the peace of the home.

I quickly asked Sister Guan to throw away the two fishes. Placing these two vicious fishes in the house would undoubtedly attract more negative energy...

Yin Xinyue and I took out the ink fountain, dipped it in black dog's blood, and filled all the exits of the house, including the windows, with dense ink fountain lines.

Suddenly, the room was filled with the stench of black dog blood.

I checked carefully and confirmed that every door and window was sealed with ink pipes, and then I felt relieved.

After finishing all this, it was already half past five in the afternoon, and there were still forty-five minutes until sunset!

Just when I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief, Brother Deng suddenly covered his nose and ran to the toilet to vomit.

Yin Xinyue, Sister Guan and I rushed into the toilet and found a disgusting scene.

I saw Brother Deng holding the toilet and spitting out. The toilet was full of white bugs that he spit out. Some of the bugs had crawled to the edge of the toilet bowl and covered it with sticky liquid.

A big living person actually vomited so many bugs?

Yin Xinyue couldn't bear it anymore and covered her mouth and kept retching.

Sister Guan burst into tears, kept beating Brother Deng's back, and begged me: "Boss Zhang, please, please save our old Deng."

"Ugh." Brother Deng scratched his throat and said, "Honey, I really can't stand it anymore. Give me a break and kill me!"

After hearing this, Sister Guan cried even harder and kept begging me to save her husband.

I quickly went to get a cup of concentrated salt water and asked Brother Deng to drink it.

After drinking, Brother Deng really felt better and had temporarily stopped vomiting.

I took out a few medium-sized magic charms and pasted them on the doors and windows. I gave one to Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan, and told them that if they were in danger and I couldn't come to save them in time, they should use the magic charms to resist for a while.

After doing this, I gave each of them a handful of the grave rice that I had asked for.

I told them that once they find a Yin spirit, they can just chew the rice. Chewing rice from the tomb can temporarily isolate the Yang energy from the human body. Ghosts rely on the yang energy emitted by the human body to find targets. Once the yang energy is cut off, the ghost will be blind. However, the time limit of the tomb rice is limited. It only takes half a stick of incense, which is about twenty minutes.

After preparations were completed, all of us held our breath and did not dare to say anything! The living room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Suddenly, the electronic clock in the living room chimed the time, and the same female voice said: "Hello, it is 6:30 pm Beijing time."

I was startled, and the hand that was holding the rice shook, and a few grains of rice came out.

I asked Sister Guan strangely: "Other people's clocks always tell the hour, why do you still tell the hour?"

Sister Guan explained sheepishly: "This is the time when my daughter comes home from school, reminding me that it's time to make dinner."

I nodded and said nothing. After having a child, the child becomes the backbone of the entire family, and everything in the family naturally revolves around the child.

Sister Guan seemed to have thought of something: "It's already this time. You must be hungry. How about I cook you some food? Home-style stir-fry, how about it."

I quickly stopped Sister Guan: "This Yin spirit is most sensitive to food. If he smells smoke and smoke in the house, won't he come over immediately?"

Yin Xinyue said how about we eat some bread and biscuits.

Sister Guan quickly said yes, turned to the kitchen, and brought out bread and biscuits.

By the time we finished eating, it was completely dark. The bugs in Brother Deng's body have improved a lot under the suppression of salt water. At least he doesn't want to vomit anymore.

Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan were chatting away. Brother Deng and I looked at each other and smiled. We were really impressed by these women.

It's clear that the enemy is coming, but we can still talk and laugh! It seemed as if this living room was not a battlefield, but a women's tea party.

"Boss Zhang, can we escape this disaster?" Brother Deng stared in the direction of the door worriedly.

I shook my head: "I don't know, I can only leave it to fate..."

Brother Deng took a deep breath: "Thank you for your honesty."

When life and death are imminent, brutal honesty is often better than white lies, because I think everyone has the right to know the truth.

Suddenly, Brother Deng looked at Sister Guan with infinite tenderness in his eyes, and said in a voice that only the two of us could hear: "If that ghost gets on my body later, please don't worry, just chop it off with a knife, and let me and that ghost The ghosts will perish together!"

I looked at Brother Deng in surprise: "How do you know my knife can hurt it?"

Brother Deng chuckled twice: "When a ghost comes to my body, I can occasionally feel its thoughts."

Jingle bell, jingle bell, there was no wind, but the wind chime hanging at the door suddenly rang.

It’s here, it’s finally here!

A red figure gradually appeared on the door. The red figure twisted its body crazily, trying to squeeze out from the crack in the door.


The ink line on the door suddenly made a sizzling sound.

I quickly gestured to Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan, telling them to chew the rice from the grave. I also picked up a handful of rice from the tomb and chewed it. The rice from the tomb had a smell of incense ash, which was particularly unpleasant to eat. The hard rice grains were also very chewy.

I endured the discomfort and swallowed, and so did the other three, with uncomfortable expressions on their faces.

Under the strong defense of the ink pipe line, the red shadow becomes darker little by little.

Sister Guan gave me a thumbs up excitedly!

Haha, I couldn't help but feel a little proud in my heart. If I hadn't had the foresight to set up the first line of defense with spells and ink sticks, the Yin spirit would have come in long ago.

But then I sighed softly, and I understood that it was just a prelude, and the real battle was still to come!

Bang bang bang!

All the doors and windows began to shake and bang.

From time to time, there were sizzling sounds in the air, accompanied by bursts of howling ghosts!

Suddenly Sister Guan shouted and pointed at the innermost window. Her hands kept shaking, as if she wanted to say something. Yin Xinyue also leaned closely against Sister Guan, her eyes looking in the same direction, her delicate body trembling.

I followed their gaze and suddenly found that the transparent glass was covered with blood, and the blood gradually gathered into a big word 'death'.

not good! I was shocked.

Immediately, I discovered that the outside of all the window panes was covered with white bugs. The bugs were so densely packed, with three layers inside and three outside, that it made people want to vomit just by looking at them.

Thinking that those bugs might crawl in later, fear immediately surged into my heart.

I would rather commit suicide than be eaten by these bugs!

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