Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,330 Giant Insect with Human Face

Fortunately, those bugs are only composed of Yin Qi, and the Mo Dou Thread is still very lethal to them!

But I saw waves of insect corpses falling from the window, and waves of insects came one after another.

Whenever an insect touches the ink pipe line, the ink pipe line will emit little red light like a power grid, burning all the insects in contact...

I was very optimistic at first, but as time went by, my confidence began to collapse.

Although these bugs can't break through the defensive array I set up, they can't stand up to large numbers, and just like the Japanese kamikaze squads during World War II, they launch wave after wave of suicide attacks without fear of death!

Gaps have appeared in several doors and windows, and small insects crawled in along the gaps.

I quickly said hello: "Kill those bugs quickly, don't let them in! Otherwise, you won't be able to stop the Yin spirit."

Yin Xinyue held a feather duster and looked at the little bugs that kept getting in through the cracks in the door in horror. She asked me in a tearful voice: "Husband, how do I fight them?"

"Hit them with a stick and stomp them with your feet." I stepped down and crushed several bugs to death, then shouted, "Just like you stomp to death cockroaches at home."

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound in the living room. This was the sound of us stepping on the insects with our feet, and the sound of the insects being crushed...

Finally, we got rid of the first wave of bugs that came in.

The wooden floor of the living room was covered with insect corpses. Occasionally, one or two alive ones raised their heads high, but they were just struggling to death.

The shoes on my feet were stained with the disgusting bodily fluids of insects. They were sticky, white, and exuded a stench.

I looked at other people's feet, and just like me, their shoes were basically useless.

The army of insects lying on the glass saw this formation and retreated one after another, leaving us with time to breathe.

I immediately called on everyone to work together to fix all the loopholes!

Brother Deng and I were responsible for repairing the holes in the doors and windows, while Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan went to the bedroom and kitchen to check.

The gaps between the doors and windows were filled with insect corpses, and white liquid filled all the gaps. It stinked terribly!

Brother Deng and I endured the stench and flicked the ink brush up.

I don’t know how long I played it, but finally it was almost done, leaving only one window. I breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a clicking sound in the ink fountain box.

I frowned, opened the ink fountain box, looked at it, and secretly screamed "Oh!"

Brother Deng asked me what was wrong, and I told him that the black dog's blood had run out!

After saying that, I raised my head, trying to find out if there was anything else in the house that could replace the black dog's blood.

At the moment when I was looking for a substitute, out of the corner of my eye I saw the corner of Brother Deng's mouth twitching unnaturally.

I asked Brother Deng what happened?

Brother Deng smiled lightly at me and said, "It's okay. Maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest in the past two days and I'm tired."

I nodded. It was true. It was strange to be able to rest well after being haunted by ghosts for several days in a row.

I comforted Brother Deng and said, "Brother Deng, just hold on a little longer. You'll be fine after tonight. You can sleep as long as you want."

Brother Deng replied with a feeble "good" word behind me.

From his weak voice, I could tell that he had no confidence in whether he could defeat the Yin Spirit tonight.

Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan finished the inspection. When they saw my sad face, and then looked at the empty ink fountain, they immediately understood what was going on.

Sister Guan looked at the window worriedly and asked, "What should I do now? If bugs get in from here, I won't have the strength to step on them. My legs are still numb."

I smiled and said it was okay, I could make up for it even if there was no black dog blood.

After saying that, I bit the tip of my tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood. My tongue tip blood is full of spiritual power and can also play the role of black dog blood, but using the tip of my tongue blood every time is really harmful to the body.

I thought about it, if I can pass the test smoothly this time, the first thing I do when I go out is to find the man in the T-shirt and learn more about how to deal with special situations from him.

"Old Deng, are you croaking?" Sister Guan looked at Brother Deng in surprise: "Why is your neck moving like a duck?"

Brother Deng rubbed his neck and said, "It must be because I haven't had a good rest in the past two days."

Sichuan dialect is just like spicy hotpot, spicy and spicy, and I can only barely understand it.

I put the ice jade gourd at my waist into Yin Xinyue's hand and said, "If I can't hold on anymore, you can summon Wei Yu. If I can hold on for a while, I'll be fine until three o'clock..."

When Yin Xinyue heard what I said, her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and her eyes were filled with tears.

She stuffed the ice jade gourd back into my arms: "Honey, you can definitely do it."

At this moment, I really want to make a guarantee with Yin Xinyue. But people need to be self-aware. Compared with the Lu Bu and Ran Min they met before, the Yin Ling this time is not inferior in any way, and is even more cunning in terms of IQ, and is even proficient in various military techniques! I even made the plan to activate the Eternal Spirit Ring when I was about to die!

Just as I was thinking about my next plan, there was a rustling sound on the door and window.

It's a bug!

I have a hunch that the bugs will be very different this time.

I pushed Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan into the room, and told them to close the door and never come out no matter what noise they heard.

After saying that, I immediately closed the door, flicked the last bit of blood from the tip of my tongue on the door with an ink fountain, and pasted a precious and high-quality talisman on the door.

Brother Deng had already taken two kitchen knives from the kitchen. He said to me with trembling hands: "I...I am better at using knives."

I nodded. Indeed, Brother Deng opened a hotpot restaurant, so he was naturally used to holding a kitchen knife.

The stamping just now made my legs numb, and I don't want to crush those disgusting bugs with my feet again.

At this moment, he drew out his twin swords for killing ghosts and gods, and stood ready!

Brother Deng and I stared at the door eagerly, and he suddenly said: "Boss Zhang, don't forget what I just told you. If it doesn't work, kill me. Don't be soft."

I looked at Brother Deng seriously and knew that this was a sacrifice a man made for his family and a husband's responsibility.

I nodded solemnly and said with a heavy heart that if it really comes to that point, I will.

The rustling outside the door became louder and louder, and it sounded like a storm was about to hit.

The rustling stopped...

The air around me seemed to have frozen, and it was so quiet that the hairs on my back stood up one by one.

Boom, boom!

At this moment, there was a loud knock on the door suddenly in front of us.

The stainless steel security door was shaken by the impact.

"Brother Deng, are you ready?" I stepped back, staring closely at the door.

Brother Deng roared: "Grandpa is ready, little bugs, come up quickly! Grandpa is not afraid of you."

Brother Deng roared so heroically, like a warrior out of the frontier, sacrificing everything for the most precious thing in his heart.

With a bang, the security door fell to the ground.

The culprit who crashed into the door also revealed his true appearance, it was a huge insect!

This insect has countless legs, and its body is very similar to a centipede, but its face is clearly a human face, with two long beards on both sides of the face.

Its head is red and its body is more than two meters long!

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