Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1031: Kill the evil ghost with one sword

Brother Deng seemed to be fearless. He rushed forward with two kitchen knives and screamed. The two kitchen knives were played with great force in his hands.

Swish, swish, swish!

A lot of insect slime fell on the ground, and the pieces looked like melted butter, emitting a pale white light at night.

The big bug got angry and roared, and I felt like my eardrums were going to be shattered.

The big insect swung its long tail over. Brother Deng was thrown into the air and hit the ground with a thud.

The bug was too fat. Although it was strong, it moved slowly.

The moment it attacked Brother Deng gave me an opportunity to take advantage of it. Several of its legs were raised high, revealing its vitality--- its soft abdomen. Seeing the opportunity, I immediately held up the double swords for killing ghosts and gods. Stab it in the abdomen!

The sharp knives pierced into the soft abdomen, making a muffled sound.

Time stood still again and I heard no sound except my own heartbeat.

After a while, the insect let out a heart-rending roar, and the whole house seemed to be overturned by the roar!

The huge bug went crazy in the small living room, its eight legs moving together, and one of them kicked me right in the heart. The pain was so painful that I pulled out with a knife.

The moment the two knives were pulled out from the insect's body, a stream of white liquid sprayed directly in front of my face like a water column. It was fishy and smelly, worse than the hot canned herrings on the Internet.

Really, I wasn’t kicked to death by the bug, but I was almost killed by the smell of its blood...

The huge bug opened its teeth and claws, and it looked very ferocious, but I knew that this bug was injured by my ghost-killing swords, and it was already a grasshopper after autumn---it couldn't hop around for much longer!

Sure enough, as I expected, after a while, the insect was like a deflated rubber ball, paralyzed on the ground, with only a shriveled skin remaining in its originally huge body.

The ground was filled with yin energy overflowing from all directions, and Brother Deng fainted in this yin energy.

I hurried over, helped Brother Deng up, and called him several times.

Brother Deng still didn't wake up, so I had to pinch him.

A breath came out of Brother Deng's mouth. The moment the breath came out, Brother Deng opened his eyes leisurely.

"That monster just now..." Brother Deng's eyes were full of horror.

I comforted him and said, "It's okay, I've killed that thing." After saying it several times, Brother Deng finally believed me.

I helped Brother Deng stand up slowly.

Brother Deng looked around the living room and said to me in disbelief: "I didn't expect that there are ghosts in this world. It's really eye-opening."

I nodded: "Yeah, everyone didn't believe it before I met him."

Brother Deng is also considered to be one of the braver ordinary people I have ever met. He was not intimidated when faced with ghosts and an army of insects, and he dared to pick up weapons to fight. This is really commendable for his courage.

I helped Brother Deng to a relatively clean place and sat down. I looked around and saw that all the ink lines had melted. I thought the evil spirits would attack soon.

Looking at the insect corpses all over the ground, I thought to myself that this ghost might have been a master who led troops to fight in life, and actually knew how to send death squads to explore the way! Really insidious and cunning.

I stared at the dark corridor outside the door until my eyes started to feel sore and swollen, but there was still no sign of the Yin spirit's appearance.

It’s so infuriating!

I yelled at the corridor: "Aren't you going to leave no one behind? Why are you acting like a coward?"

The only thing that responded to me was the flashing light of the voice-activated lights in the corridor.

I let out a long sigh. What I fear most is meeting this kind of ghost. He is obviously very powerful in cultivation, but he insists on making himself like Zhuge Liang, attacking in the east and attacking in the west, abandoning the army to protect the commander, and using all kinds of tactics.

Fortunately, this is a high-end community, with one household per floor. Otherwise, I don’t know how many people would suffer tonight...

No more waiting! I simply put down the ghost-killing swords and sat down at the door with a cigarette in my mouth to relax my tired body and mind.

After taking a rest, I suddenly thought of Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan who were locked in my bedroom. I wonder how they are doing now? I haven't heard their voices for so long. Is everything okay?

Hey, that's not right.

I stood up in shock. Brother Deng asked me why I was so startled.

I rushed to the room, knocked on the door, and shouted Yin Xinyue's name loudly, but there was no movement inside.

At this time, Brother Deng also rushed over. When I saw him still standing there, I shouted anxiously: "What are you doing standing still? Bang on the door!"

When Brother Deng and I burst open the door, we found Yin Xinyue passed out on the bed, and Sister Guan sitting in front of the dressing table with her back to us, combing her hair.

Brother Deng wanted to walk into the bedroom, but I pulled him back. I pointed at Sister Guan's action of combing her hair and asked him to take a closer look.

That movement was too stiff, and at the moment of a life-and-death battle, how could Sister Guan have the leisure to comb her hair?

Look at the position where Sister Guan combs her hair. Every stroke is from the root to the end of the hair. Every stroke is very hard, so hard that the hair is almost pulled out. Moreover, she combs her hair in the same place every time.

Brother Deng soon noticed something was wrong with Sister Guan and was so anxious that he shouted.

I quickly covered Brother Deng’s mouth and made a gesture of silence.

If a person possessed by a ghost is suddenly woken up, he is likely to become a fool when he wakes up. Therefore, special means must be used to drive the ghost out, just like the last time I used red chopsticks to force the ghost out of Brother Deng's body.

I found a small mirror from the drawer in my bedroom, bit my finger, and drew an apotropaic charm on the mirror with the blood from my fingertips.

After drawing the talisman, I immediately picked up the mirror and carefully touched Sister Guan's back, pointed the mirror at Sister Guan's heart and took a look.

A miserable scream suddenly sounded in the room!

After a while, a red shadow was ejected from Sister Guan's body. As soon as the possessed Yin spirit left her body, Sister Guan rolled her eyes and fainted.

"Boss Zhang, hurry up and kill this harmful person." Brother Deng picked up the fainted Sister Guan and shouted to me.

The ghost that possessed Sister Guan just now had long hair and a curvy figure. She looked like a woman, not the previous foodie ghost.

I'm a little lost and a little scared.

Looks like we have more than one enemy to deal with tonight!

This female ghost's whole body was covered in blood red, even her eyes were red, and her body was very violent, indicating that she had harmed countless people, and if she was not killed, there would be endless troubles.

I immediately jumped up and slashed at the female ghost's Tianling Gai with my twin swords.

Ghosts are the same as humans. The Tianling Gai is where the spiritual energy of the body is located and is also the largest life gate!

The female ghost had just been injured by my mirror, and before she could catch her breath, she had no time to dodge the fatal blow from my double swords.

The blade is so sharp that even the air is torn wherever it goes!

The female ghost was split in half from the middle by my ghost-killing swords. Two red shadows floated into the air. The red became lighter and lighter, and finally turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

I quickly helped Yin Xinyue up, and looking at Yin Xinyue's pale face, I really wanted to slap myself in the face.

Really, I didn’t expect that this Yin spirit would use the trick of driving the tiger away from the mountain!

It obviously first sent an army of insects to attract our attention, and then sent other ghosts to sneak attack Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time. If it had been a little later, I really don’t know what would have happened? I don't even dare to think about it.

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