Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,032 Superior Talisman

I checked Yin Xinyue's body, and luckily she didn't suffer any fatal injuries.

The two medium-sized talismans in Yin Xinyue's pocket have been used up. No wonder the female ghost in red was instantly killed by me with one move. It turned out that she had been injured by the talisman a long time ago.

There must have been a fight between Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan and the female ghost in red. Why couldn't I hear it through a door?

After thinking about it, I think there is only one explanation, and that is that the Yin spirit has set up a soundproof barrier between the bedroom and the living room, so Brother Deng and I can't hear anything.

What is the origin of this Yin spirit? I became more and more curious, and they actually started to play a conspiracy to fool me around.

At this moment, a strange noise came from the bathroom, which sounded like someone walking slowly.

Although the sound was slow, it was terrifying, as if it was deliberately trying to scare us.

On the contrary, I felt relieved, the real master was finally here!

I picked up Yin Xinyue, and Brother Deng held Sister Guan, and retreated to the balcony in the southeast corner of the living room.

I told Brother Deng that the southeast corner is the place where Yang Qi is most likely to gather. No matter what happens, don’t come out!

I gave all the talismans and cinnabar I had to Brother Deng and asked him to keep them for his own protection.

Then he looked up at the electronic clock on the wall. The time was exactly 6:59 in the afternoon. In one minute, the effect of the tomb rice would expire...

This means that the Yin spirit can accurately sense our position, and all I can rely on is the last trump card: the Eternal Spirit Ring.

I even doubt that the Eternal Spirit Ring may be useful, because this Yin Spirit will definitely crush any general I summon from the IQ!

The footsteps in the bathroom were getting closer and closer. Judging from the heavy footsteps, the other party was not light. He must be a heavyweight.

I focused all my attention on the bathroom door.

I planned that no matter what came out later, I would be the first to kill that thing with my sword.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Getting closer, the thing finally got close to the door, and I even heard the doorknob turning.

With a creak, the bathroom door finally opened!

I yelled, brandished my two swords, and slashed forward. There was also a cry of surprise from the other side of the door, followed by a stumble.

But soon I was stunned. It was Li Mazi who was at the door.

Li Mazi fell down on the toilet and said to me in shock: "Brother Zhang, I haven't called you for a long time. You don't have to kill me when we first met."

"Li Mazi, didn't you go to France? Why are you here?" I asked in surprise.

Li Mazi screamed: "Stop talking nonsense and pull me out first."

I put away the knife in embarrassment and quickly reached out to pull Li Mazi.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi's buttocks were so small that his whole buttocks sank into the toilet. It was so stuck that he couldn't pull it out no matter how hard he tried! I can't help but wonder, how come the sizes match so well?

I tried all my strength to suck, but I couldn't pull Li Mazi out.

Finally, I had no choice but to cut open Li Mazi's jeans before dragging him out of the toilet.

Li Mazi rubbed his butt and said, "Damn it, after I went back, I dismantled all the toilets in my house and replaced them with squat ones."

I originally wanted to tease him that if he fell into a squatting pit, it would not be as simple as pulling him out. Maybe he would have to ask the fireman uncle to fish him out of the shit. But then I thought about it, it seemed inappropriate to say this now.

Anyway, Li Mazi came, and I felt a lot more relaxed. Li Mazi has a kind of magic power in him. He can always use his unique sense of humor to make people around him relax. No matter how big the issue is, it doesn't matter if it comes from Li Mazi's mouth.

Li Mazi came to the living room, rubbing his butt, and was immediately startled: "Is this a war?"

I briefly told him that I was fighting a ghost that could control insects, and then asked him quickly: "How did you find this place?"

When Li Mazi heard this, he punched me hard: "You still said, it's all your fault! Since signing the agreement, that gourmet has been urging me to hand over vaginal objects every day. I had no choice but to take Teacher Xia back to China in advance. I went to your shop to talk about femininity. But you were not there, but Chu Yi was there. As soon as he saw me, he told me your location, and gave me ten high-quality talismans, and asked me to send them to you. .”

"Ten high-quality talismans?" When I heard this, my eyes lit up: "Great! Now even if the King of Hell comes, I won't be afraid anymore."

"Where's the magic talisman?" I hurriedly searched Li Mazi's body.

Li Mazi pushed me away dissatisfied: "Go and touch around, the magic talisman is here."

After speaking, Li Mazi raised a hand. When I saw the ten high-quality talismans filled with spiritual power and drawn with gold thread in his hand, I felt like a drowning man grabbing a lifebuoy.

I hurriedly took it over, but Li Mazi didn't want to give it to me so easily. He kept hiding, but in the end he didn't escape me. I grabbed it and said, "Stop pulling it, this thing is priceless! If it gets broken, today We both have to explain here tonight."

Upon hearing this, Li Mazi let go of the superior magic talisman and touched his nose boredly: "Hey, aren't you curious why I appeared in the bathroom?"

I carefully touched the high-grade magic talisman, not wanting to listen to Li Mazi's words at all, so I casually replied: "Don't talk if you like!"

Li Mazi deliberately sighed heavily: "Oh, I know no one cares about me, except my Teacher Xia."

While I was sorting out the charms, a low sneer suddenly came from the southeast corner of the room.

I was suddenly shocked, it was Brother Deng!

I saw that Brother Deng's eyes had all turned into snow white, and no pupils could be seen at all.

His body was floating in the sky like a marionette, one hand pointed straight at me, and a very ugly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Damn, here comes this trick again! Why does this Yin spirit go to other people's bodies every day? I would be annoyed if he didn't bother me.

This time I had a high-quality talisman in hand, so without any further ado, I took out one and slapped it on Brother Deng's forehead.


A burst of ghost crying and wolf howling came from Brother Deng's body, and then a ghost figure wearing an ancient scholar's robe and disheveled hair popped out from Brother Deng's back.

I stared blankly at Yin Ling's fleeing figure, and my back went cold in shock. How high is this Yin Ling's cultivation level? Even the high-quality talisman drawn by the man in the T-shirt could only force it back.

At this time, Sister Guan woke up. She saw a ghost popping out of Brother Deng's body, and she was so frightened that she screamed.

I covered my ears. This woman's potential and lung vitality are really incredible. She has so much energy!

I ran to Yin Xinyue, pinched her body, and called softly, and Yin Xinyue also woke up leisurely.

She told me that not long after I sealed the bedroom door, the female ghost appeared. Because Yin Xinyue and Sister Guan ate rice from the tomb, their Yang energy was temporarily cut off, and the female ghost did not notice them. Suddenly, the female ghost went crazy, picked up the furniture in the room and smashed it everywhere. As a result, a chair accidentally hit Sister Guan's stomach, and all the food that Sister Guan had eaten was smashed out. Yin Xinyue took out He used the magic talisman to save Sister Guan, and then he was exposed.

I nodded, that’s it, no wonder they fell into the trap!

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