I held the hairpin in the palm of my hand and observed it carefully. This hairpin was golden in color, but its texture was very hard. It was obviously not made of pure gold, but gold-plated.

Moreover, I didn’t feel any signs of Yin Qi fluctuations on this hairpin!

I believe that based on Wang Xun'er's family background, I can definitely tell that this is just an ordinary antique.

How could I not guess what this little girl is thinking? The more fiercely she looks at me, the less I can let it go. I have to make it clear to her, lest she fall deeper into the trap.

I organized the words in my mind, and just when I was thinking about how to evade Wang Xun'er's kindness, my cell phone rang.

It's Li Mazi.

"Hello, Li Mazi." I answered the phone and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Mazi told me on the other end of the phone that he forgot to tell the man in the T-shirt something.

I asked him something that was worth calling him in person in the middle of the night, so that I wouldn't be afraid that Teacher Xia would get angry and kick him out of bed.

Li Mazi sighed and scolded me for being immoral.

Then he said seriously that the man in the T-shirt should use the ten superior spiritual talismans sparingly. Although the superior spiritual talismans were infinitely powerful, they contained the compassionate heart of the Sanqing Taoist Patriarch, rather than the murderous spirit. Because when you encounter a Yin spirit at the level of a ghost king, don't be afraid of it, thinking that throwing a talisman will make everything fine.

I couldn't help but admire the broadmindedness of the man in the T-shirt. He obviously has the ability to kill all the evil spirits in the world with just one hand, but he always has a compassionate heart. This is a role model for a ghost dealer!

Li Mazi asked me again how was the search for Hua Tuo's Yin spirit?

As soon as I heard the word Hua Tuo, I frowned: "I don't know anything about him at all. If it doesn't work out, I have to find other colleagues in the circle to get some information."

Just when Li Mazi hung up the phone, Wang Xun'er suddenly patted me on the shoulder with bright eyes: "Brother Zhang, I..."

Before Wang Xun'er finished speaking, my phone rang again. When I opened it, it was Yin Xinyue.

"Hey, wife." I deliberately called the word 'wife' very affectionately.

Yin Xinyue asked me if I had eaten and if I would like to send some food over.

I looked at Wang Xun'er and shook my head resolutely. Last time, Yin Xinyue was so jealous that she punished me by sleeping on the sofa for a week because I touched the glasses at the banquet. Now if she sees me and Wang Xun in the middle of the night, My son is alone in a room, so you can't kill me with a knife.

I hurriedly said: "No, wife, I've already eaten. Don't be so tired, put on a facial mask and go to bed early."

Yin Xinyue agreed shyly.

When I hung up the phone, Wang Xun'er was still standing next to me, but her face was no longer as cheerful as when she came in, but instead had a hint of sadness.

"That Miss Wang." I took a step back politely, thinking it would be better to keep a distance: "What did you want to say just now?"

Wang Xun'er was obviously stunned for a moment, and then a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I just want to give you a surprise. My family happens to have a fragment of the "Qing Nang Book" in my collection. I guess there may be something you want in the fragment. …”

"Green Bag Book"?

Wang Xun'er nodded and told me that "Qing Nang Shu" is a medical book written by Hua Tuo. It is also Hua Tuo's lifelong effort. It records various experiences he summed up when practicing medicine.

At that time, Hua Tuo had been put on death row by Cao Cao. Knowing that he was about to die soon, he gave his life's work "Qing Sang Shu" to a jailer, hoping that his medical skills could be passed down to future generations and save more people.

Unfortunately, the jailer was afraid of death and burned the book in a hurry, leaving only a few fragments that could be handed down. The Wu Qin Xi we know now was learned from the fragments of "Qing Nang Shu".

I looked at Wang Xun'er in surprise. If what she said was true, then the power of the Wang family was far beyond my imagination, and "The Green Bag Book" was comparable to a national treasure.

Moreover, the Wang family's "Qing Nang Shu" is an authentic work by Hua Tuo, and there might actually be a trace of Hua Tuo's soul in it!

I was so happy that I quickly thought about how I should borrow books from the Wang family? Unexpectedly, Wang Xun'er smiled and said that for such a trivial matter, just come to the door.

After thinking about it, it was true. Based on my friendship with Mr. Wang, he would still give me this thin noodles.

I immediately closed the store door and went to Wang's house with Wang Xun'er.

The Wang family is one of the four famous aristocratic families in Wuhan. Naturally, they live in high-end mansions and are equipped with bodyguards who all wear black sunglasses and black suits. When the bodyguard at the door saw that it was Wang Xun'er's car, he immediately bowed respectfully.

Wang Xun'er looked very natural and seemed to be used to this kind of dedicated service.

As soon as they entered Wang's house, the servant came up and took the bag from Wang Xun'er's hand. Wang Xun'er asked where Mr. Wang was?

The servant replied that Mr. Wang was entertaining guests in the study.

Wang Xun'er nodded and led me to the study.

It took about ten minutes to walk from the front door to the study. The luxury inside the house was comparable to that of the White House in the United States.

The most amazing thing is the study door, which was hollowed out from Hainan Huanghuali during the Ming Dynasty.

There is a set of classical sofas at the door of the study. Sitting on the sofa is a young man in a suit and leather shoes. There is a black briefcase at the man's feet. Judging from his attire, he was the secretary of some high official.

We sat down and waited. About half an hour later, the study door finally opened.

Mr. Wang walked out with a bald old man. This bald old man looked familiar to me, as if I had seen him somewhere. If you think about it carefully, isn't it the new mayor who just took office in the city?

My dear, this mayor has only been in office for less than a month, and he has become Mr. Wang's guest. The Wang family is really good at it.

After Mr. Wang finished seeing off the guests, Wang Xun'er couldn't wait to run forward, hugged his hand and said coquettishly: "Grandpa, Brother Zhang wants to use the "Qing Nang Book", take it out!"

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but I saw Mr. Wang’s mouth twitching obviously when he heard the three words ‘Qing Nang Shu’.

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