Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,336 Xun'er's dowry

Mr. Wang frowned and invited us into the study, then locked the door with a bang.

As soon as I saw this battle, I knew that things would not be that simple, but at the moment I had no other choice but to stay and listen to what Mr. Wang had to say.

As soon as Mr. Wang sat down, I said straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, I recently took over a business, and I need to use the remaining volumes of "Qing Nang Shu"! I forgot to part with you for a few days. After using it, Zhang Jiulin will definitely come to return it. .”

Mr. Wang took a puff of his cigar and did not answer me immediately.

After a long time, he asked: "Jiulin, do you know what this "Qing Nang Book" is?"

I nodded and said that "Qing Nang Shu" is a medical book written by Hua Tuo. It records Hua Tuo's unique skills in saving lives and healing wounds.

Mr. Wang shook his head, pressed the remaining cigar into the ashtray, and extinguished it.

He coughed a few times, glanced meaningfully at Wang Xun'er and said, "This "Qing Nang Book" is... it's Xun'er's dowry."

As soon as I heard this, I was shocked and speechless.

Mr. Wang stood up and looked around me: "Actually, Jiulin, you have done very well in the circle of ghosts. But have you ever thought about contacting another world, a world of power and wealth?"

This sounds very tempting, but my grandfather has long told me that in life there are gains and losses, and it is good to be a person who never forgets his original intention.

Before I could reply, Mr. Wang made another insinuation: "Don't be angry if you say something unpleasant."

"You were born ordinary. Although your antique business is not small, it is not on the market. In addition, you have a close enemy like Longquan Villa. It is almost impossible to continue to develop! Unless you can find a good wife with a good skill. relatives by marriage……"

When it comes to this, if I don’t understand it, I’ll be really stupid.

I smiled and shook my head: "It's a pity that I'm already married and have Fanfan."

Originally this was just an excuse. I hope Mr. Wang will not use this as an excuse not to lend me the "Qing Nang Book".

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang still refused to give up. He said calmly: "Divorce is normal these days."

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect that Mr. Wang, who was usually kind and kind, would say such shameless things for his granddaughter's happiness.

I cupped my fists and sneered: "Mr. Wang, I can easily lose my temper. Once I make a decision, it's for life. Goodbye!"

I knew there was no hope of borrowing books this time, so I simply prepared to leave calmly.

Unexpectedly, before I left the study room, Wang Xun'er stopped me: "Brother Zhang, wait a minute."

I turned around suspiciously: "Is there anything else?"

I admit that although I was very righteous at this moment, I still really wanted Mr. Wang to change his words.

There is nothing I can do, I am just a trader of evil things, I still want to save myself, Yin Xinyue, and Sister Guan’s family.

Wang Xun'er's eyes were a little red, obviously she was heartbroken by me, but she still said firmly to Mr. Wang: "Grandpa, I will fight for my own happiness! I hope it is fair competition, not blackmail. If Brother Zhang marries me because of a book and money from the Wang family, I will not only not be happy, but also sad. Because in that case, Brother Zhang will not be the Brother Zhang I know..."

After a long while, Mr. Wang sighed softly, pointed at Wang Xun'er and said, "That's it, that's all. I will never interfere in the affairs of you young people again."

After saying that, Mr. Wang took out the key from his waist and said, "Jilin, wait here for a moment, I'll get the "Qing Nang Book" right away."

He opened a secret door in the study in a few seconds, and when he came out, he was already holding a white password box in his hand.

I immediately stepped forward excitedly to get the lockbox, but I quickly restrained myself.

Mr. Wang slowly walked towards me and solemnly handed the password box to my hand: "Jilin, here are the priceless fragments of the "Qing Nang Book". I hope it can be helpful to you."

I thanked him profusely, and the moment I took the password box, I could clearly feel a strong yin energy emanating from the box.

After borrowing the fragments of the "Qing Nang Shu", I immediately said goodbye. After all, time was running out, and there was less than one day left before the superior talisman would expire.

Wang Xun'er insisted on seeing me off, but neither of us spoke during the whole journey.

It wasn't until I got in the car and looked through the rearview mirror that I saw Wang Xun'er still standing blankly where we had just parted. I don't know why, but at this moment my heart was as sharp as a knife.

Wang Xun'er is a good girl, but she has always been selfish in the world of love.

When they were about to arrive at the antique store, Li Mazi called and said that he had asked all his friends in the circle but had no clues about Hua Tuo.

I smiled and said there’s no need to look for it, I’ve found it!

After hearing this, Li Mazi said in surprise on the phone that I was successful. I got something that even he couldn't find, but I got it quietly.

I scolded you, "Fuck you, I'm always better than you when it comes to finding vaginas," so I immediately came to the store to gather together, bringing crayfish and kebabs with me.

After working for so long, I feel really hungry...

As soon as I entered the store, Li Mazi came over carrying a plastic bag of late night snacks.

"You came quite quickly." I said to Li Mazi, putting the password box on the table.

Li Mazi laughed dryly and said that Teacher Xia loved listening to stories, and now he had no more in his stomach.

I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi. This kind of love is just to pick up girls! Let me tell you, according to Li Mazi's character, he couldn't bear to go out in the middle of the night.

With that said, Li Mazi stretched out his hand to open the password box.

I quickly held down his hand: "Don't move! This thing is equipped with a self-destruct device. If you press the wrong button, we will both be blown away."

Hearing what I said, Li Mazi was so frightened that he immediately retracted his hand and cursed: "How did you create such a thing? Isn't it just a few pages of ancient medical books? How could it be like this?"

Too bad, I told Li Mazi, there is only this one page in the remaining volume of "Qing Nang Shu", and there is no other semicolon.

Li Ma stuck out her tongue.

I followed the method Wang Xun'er taught me, entered the password to open the box, and finally opened the box.

The moment I opened the box, I was completely stunned. Lying in the box was a yellowed piece of paper from the Han Dynasty. The front of the paper was densely written in official script. On the reverse side, there are some figures painted, and the people in the paintings imitate the movements of tigers, white cranes, black bears and other animals, which are lifelike.


I have long heard of Wu Qin Xi. According to legend, Wu Qin Xi is a set of physical exercises invented by Hua Tuo. If you learn it well, you can live to ninety-nine. But it is a pity that such good things are basically out of fashion now...

I put on a pair of white gloves and carefully took out the fragments of "Qing Nang Shu".

The fragment is sealed with a special transparent material and is as thin as a feather in your hand.

I very carefully spread the scraps on the table, then turned off all the lights in the store, and lit three pillars of incense made from ground rhinoceros horns three meters away from the table.

The relationship between ghosts and incense is like human beings and rice.

Hua Tuo's ghost has been sleeping for thousands of years in the "Qing Nang Book". Once he wakes up, he will be popular. Li Mazi and I stood by quietly, staring at the situation ahead without blinking!

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