Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,337 Miracle Doctor Hua Tuo (Additional update)

However, my legs were almost numb from squatting, the incense was almost finished, and there was still no reaction from "Qing Nang Shu".

Li Mazi whispered to me quietly: "I guess Hua Tuo's ghost has been reincarnated long ago and is not in the "Qing Nang Book" at all."

I took out the compass and tested it. Sure enough, there was no sign of Yin Qi fluctuations. I sat down on the ground in disappointment. This trip was in vain...

At this moment, a sigh came into my ears.

"Li Mazi, if you succeed, you won't succeed. Why are you sighing?" I kicked him irritably.

Li Mazi exclaimed in surprise: "I didn't sigh!"

"What?" When Li Mazi said this, I immediately became nervous. Li Mazi and I were the only two people in the whole store. If it wasn't him, then who was sighing just now?

I looked carefully at the three pillars of rhinoceros incense and found that the incense burned more than ten times faster at a speed visible to the naked eye!

By the light of the incense, I clearly saw an old man with white hair and wearing an ancient green robe floating hazily above the green bag book.

I boldly walked forward and asked respectfully, "Is this Doctor Hua?"

At this time, the lights in the store suddenly turned on.

It was Li Mazi who turned on all the lights, and at the same time I heard Li Mazi's scream.

I quickly looked up and found Hua Tuo's Yinling, with crane hair and a childlike face, with a rosy complexion and a loving smile on his lips from beginning to end. Moreover, her hair was combed very carefully, and there was no wrinkle in her green shirt.

There was just a blood-red break on his neck, which felt as if his head had been chopped off with a big knife and then sewn back on with a needle and thread.

What was horrifying was that black ghost blood continued to spurt out from the broken neck, but the ghost blood did not flow down, but flowed back backwards.

I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead. This is the first time in my life that I have seen blood flowing back.

"Young Master, do you know me?" Hua Tuo said slowly, his voice was like that of a robot, and at the same time, his whole body exuded a suffocating and powerful Yin Qi.

I pretended to be calm: "Miracle Doctor Hua's medical skills are world-famous. How many people have he saved with his hands? In the past, he stitched up Zhou Tai's wounds and scraped bones to heal Guan Yu's wounds. Everyone in the world knows this."

Wear it a thousand times, but flattery never wears it. I believe that no matter whether they are human beings or ghosts, they all like others to flatter them and say good things about them.

Sure enough, when I said this, the suffocating Yin Qi disappeared instantly, leaving only a hint of coolness.

"I've been dead for who knows how many years. What does the young master want from me?" Hua Tuo's voice became much softer.

I briefly talked about Chen Deng's affairs, hoping that Hua Tuo could come forward to help me untie Chen Deng's knot.

Unexpectedly, Hua Tuo suddenly sighed: "Hua Tuo has been practicing medicine to save people all his life, relying on his medical skills. This skill is really limited, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to help. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

I became anxious when I heard that if Hua Tuo refused to help today, then we would definitely die.

Seeing this, Li Mazi quickly helped explain: "The reason why Chen Deng was resentful was because when his illness relapsed, you traveled around the world. As a result, Chen Deng could only wait bitterly, and eventually there were more and more bugs in his stomach. He died of intestinal perforation and rotten stomach. Speaking of which, you are also very responsible. If you let someone go, how could they not turn into a ghost?"

I saw Hua Tuo hesitate for a moment, and quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Yes, Divine Doctor Hua, you are the only one in the world who can save Chen Deng! Chen Deng has no wishes after turning into a ghost. I just hope that you can completely cure his illness. Doctors have the heart of a parent."

I clearly saw that Hua Tuo's Yin spirit trembled obviously when he heard the five words "The heart of a doctor's parents".

Immediately afterwards, the wound on his neck healed automatically, but when I saw him walking slowly with a cane tied to a gourd in his hand, his three-inch long white beard was rising in the wind, and he really smelled like a fairy. .

This is Hua Tuo's true face, what he looked like just now after he was beheaded.

"Do you know why I died?" Hua Tuo suddenly looked at us faintly and asked.

Upon hearing this question, Li Mazi and I were stunned for a moment, unable to figure out why Hua Tuo suddenly asked such a strange question.

But I came prepared. I checked the relevant information on the Internet and found that Hua Tuo was killed by Cao Cao. I then tentatively replied: "Cao Cao killed him?"

As soon as Hua Tuo heard the name 'Cao Cao', his face immediately showed deep sorrow and indignation, and he nodded heavily.

According to historical records, Cao Cao died of head wind, which is probably what is now commonly known as a brain tumor. At that time, only Hua Tuo could cure this disease. Hua Tuo asked Cao Cao to drink Ma Fei Powder, and then prepared to use an ax to make an incision in his head and remove the tumor.

However, Cao Cao was suspicious by nature and believed that Hua Tuo was plotting to kill him, so he directly put Hua Tuo on death row and killed him.

As a result, Cao Cao himself soon died.

I was thinking, if Cao Cao could have listened to Hua Tuo and cured his head disease, would the history of the Three Kingdoms have been rewritten? There won't even be anything going on with Sima Yi later, right?

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in history!

"I have saved lives and healed the wounded all my life, but I didn't expect that I would die because of my medical skills in the end." After Hua Tuo said this, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "As a doctor, I just told the truth and told Mr. Cao that he needed to open his skull to take the saliva, but why did he have to be killed?" To die in prison? What crime am I guilty of! What crime am I guilty of!"

When Hua Tuo was sighing with emotion, Li Mazi quietly tugged at the corner of my clothes: "This Hua Tuo is really verbose!"

I teased: "If you didn't speak for more than a thousand years after your death, I guarantee you would be more verbose than him."

Then, Hua Tuo said a lot more sadly, nothing more than that Duke Cao was cruel and his heart was old.

Finally, Hua Tuo stopped nagging and turned to look at us.

The moment he turned around, a burst of medicinal fragrance blew by, lifting his beard. I suddenly felt that the thousand-year-old Yin spirit in front of me had become a ghost and immortal, and even had the effect of an immortal descending to the earth. It could be said that it was the kind of Yin that surpassed Jigong Living Buddha.

Seeing Hua Tuo turn around, Li Mazi and I immediately became serious. I knew that although Hua Tuo was a ghost, he was a good old man. Chen Deng was once his patient, and he would not leave him alone.

As expected, Hua Tuo said in a deep voice: "I will help with Chen Deng's matter, but..."

Li Mazi and I looked at each other, and sure enough, we still have conditions!

"Divine Doctor Hua, if you have any questions, just ask me. I will do my best to help you if I can." I said sincerely.

In the past, when collecting Yin objects, I often did things for Yin spirits, but they were all forced. This time is different. This time I wanted to help this famous doctor from the bottom of my heart, but I regret it because I respect him.

But I didn't expect that Hua Tuo's wish was to become a doctor again and practice medicine to save people.

This is really embarrassing for me. Nowadays, all the doctors work in hospitals. How can I have the ability to ask ghosts to treat people? Besides, Western medicine is now the mainstay, and Chinese medicine has long since withdrawn from the trend of the times.

Just when I was racking my brains to think about how to send Hua Tuo to the hospital to become a doctor, Li Mazi suddenly slapped his head and said: "We can try a ghost possession! Let Hua Tuo possess a doctor, and it will be over." ?”

But I still have some doubts about whether this would be a bad idea.

Li Mazi simply pointed to the clock on the wall and said, "Brother Zhang, you can figure it out yourself! Chen Deng will be coming to your door soon..."

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