Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,338 The most amazing doctor of all time!

I had no choice but to grit my teeth and take out a magic talisman, let Hua Tuo's ghost temporarily reside on the talisman, and then go to a nearby hospital.

There is a Chinese medicine department in this hospital, but it is very deserted, with few doctors on duty.

In desperation, I took Li Mazi to the nearby surgery department. Fortunately, the flow of people there was pretty good!

Li Mazi asked me why I was so troublesome and running around? I told him that the ghost possessor must find someone with a Yin zodiac sign or a person with weak luck, so that the effect will be good. I just couldn't find a suitable candidate in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so I came to the Department of Surgery to try my luck.

I told Li Mazi that in order to save time, we should search separately. If you see a doctor who is in low spirits and has a dark mood, call me immediately and I will take Hua Tuo there.

In the hospital, doctors and nurses are so busy that they can occasionally hear the noises of medical staff and patients, but more often than not, patients sigh and complain that even colds require prescriptions worth two thousand yuan...

After a while, Li Mazi called and said he seemed to have found it, and I hurried over to join him.

Li Mazi was standing in front of an office at the end of the corridor, licking the inside with his mouth. I saw a doctor in a white coat sitting in the office, lying on the table, lazily.

Li Mazi explained that he met the doctor by chance when he was going to the toilet. He found that the doctor's hall was dark, and he heard the doctor complaining to himself that he had been unlucky recently and could step on dog poop when he got out of the elevator.

This was a typical case of bad luck. I nodded, it was him!

It just so happened that this doctor's office was at the end of the corridor, very private. I signaled to Li Mazi, and the two of them rushed in immediately and closed the door immediately.

I looked at the doctor who was sleeping soundly on the table, and I thought to myself how sleepy he was? He didn't even know two big men had barged in.

I took out the magic talisman from my chest and said, "Come on!"

A transparent figure suddenly turned into a ray of white light and penetrated into the doctor's body.

The doctor immediately raised his head, his eyes were full of blue whites, bulging outwards. Li Mazi was so frightened that he shrank back and hid behind me.

It doesn't matter to me. I've seen this kind of experience a lot, and I can hold it for a long time!

I saw the doctor breathing heavily. After a while, his eyes finally returned to normal, and it was obvious that his whole temperament was different. How to describe it? It's like one comes out of the dust and the other enters the earth.

"Doctor Hua." I called tentatively, and the doctor nodded as an answer.

I took a long breath, this time it was a complete success.

To be on the safe side, Li Mazi and I decided to stay in the office and wait until Hua Tuo fulfilled his wish before leaving together.

However, after waiting for a long time, no patient came to see the doctor. Hua Tuo was a little anxious and kept urging us to go out quickly and bring back a patient so that he could help the world!

As soon as I heard this, a row of black lines suddenly appeared on my face. Am I an escort? Not only do I have to accompany him to the hospital and the doctor, but he also has to accompany him to attract customers.

Suddenly, a young nurse opened the door and shouted inside: "Who is that? There are too many patients today. Other doctors can't see them. I'll show you No. 79!"

After the little nurse finished yelling, she pushed a patient into the office without any explanation.

Li Mazi and I almost laughed out loud, thinking how stubborn this doctor must be. The other doctors were so busy that they arranged the patients here. And even a nurse can yell at him. This doctor's level is at the bottom of the whole hospital, right?

The patient who came in had a sallow complexion, clutching his lower abdomen, and kept moaning.

I took a quick look at a patient and found that his face was covered with a faint green-black aura, which was a sign that a person was about to die.

Let's put it this way, Yin Chai does not collect souls casually. He needs to clarify a person's identity. But instead of just asking the person's name and taking him away like what is often shown on TV, a mark will be placed on the person's forehead in advance, and this mark will emit a green and black aura.

Therefore, once this person's identity becomes dark, his fate is definitely not long!

I was just trying to persuade Hua Tuo not to read this, lest he ruin his reputation as a miracle doctor.

Unexpectedly, when Hua Tuo saw the patient coming, his eyes shone like a hungry wolf seeing meat. Although I know this metaphor is not appropriate, Hua Tuo's performance is indeed the same.

But he stretched out three fingers and placed them on the patient's pulse. Then he asked the patient to stick out his tongue and carefully observed the tongue coating. Finally, Hua Tuo looked at the patient's eyelids.

I have heard about Chinese medicine’s observation, hearing, asking and feeling, but I have never seen it. Therefore, I am also very curious about the diagnosis and treatment methods of Chinese medicine. I don’t understand how you can know the root cause of a person’s disease without doing a CT scan or B-ultrasound?

Hua Tuo took back his hand and asked carefully whether he had been weak recently and often lost his temper easily.

The patient nodded like a fool and said "yes" several times. Finally, as if he was afraid that Hua Tuo wouldn't believe it, he kept emphasizing that his temper had become particularly bad recently. He also knew that this would affect family harmony, but he just couldn't control himself.

Hua Tuo made a habitual motion of brushing his beard: "This is a symptom of evil energy entering the liver. I will prescribe you some medicine to soothe the liver and relieve the symptoms. Take it according to the prescription, and then supplement it with my acupuncture technique. It will be cured within a month. Be careful not to drink alcohol in the future, otherwise you will definitely die."

The patient was stunned for a while after hearing this. He asked blankly: "Doctor, don't I need to do an ultrasound? Do you want to take a blood test?"

Naturally, Hua Tuo didn’t understand B-ultrasound or blood tests, so he looked at us with a puzzled look on his face.

I quickly stepped forward and handed him the prescription prescribed by Hua Tuo: "This is a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Beijing. The director asked him to come here for consultation. If you trust him, I guarantee that the medicine will cure the disease."

"Can Chinese medicine really cure diseases?" The patient obviously didn't believe it.

I patted my chest and assured him, "Of course it's true."

Hua Tuo summoned a silver needle used in traditional Chinese medicine from nowhere and ordered: "Come on, take off your shirt and apply the needle first."

The patient took off his shirt suspiciously, and Hua Tuo pricked his back in several places with needles. I couldn't understand it either. I just felt that Hua Tuo's technique was so fast that I didn't even see clearly that his acupuncture had already been applied.

With a pop, the patient vomited out a mouthful of black blood, which could not be dissolved even if the blood was coagulated.

Li Mazi was startled and asked quietly: "Hua Tuo's medical skills are not passed down by rumors, right? How can he treat people who vomit blood? Don't kill people later."

Hua Tuo sat there calmly, with a smile on his lips.

A minute later, the patient stood up with a bang. His hand that was originally covering his stomach was now pressed, and he pressed hard.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore." He burst into tears with excitement: "It really doesn't hurt anymore, miraculous doctor, miraculous doctor."

I saw that the blue-black aura in the patient's Yintang gradually faded away, and the color slowly returned to normal. He couldn't help but give Hua Tuo a thumbs up. He was so awesome. With a few needles, he could revive a dying man.

This medical skill is simply terrifying!

In comparison, those Western doctors who ask patients for this and that test every day and only know how to rip off money are simply rubbish.

The patient took the prescription and felt like he had found a treasure. I heard him running in the corridor and shouting that there was a miracle doctor here. After his publicity, soon the door of the office was crowded with people coming to see the doctor.

Hua Tuo seemed very happy and took the pulse one after another.

Li Mazi and I were dumbfounded. We thought we had found a secluded corner to let Hua Tuo have some fun, and we almost left. Now in this battle, I’m afraid it’s impossible to keep a low profile!

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