Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,042 The Curse of Black Town

It was already night when the car arrived in Hefei. Zhuang Ning wanted to rush back to her hometown overnight. I could understand her mood and didn't say much.

But after asking several unlicensed car drivers, none of them were willing to run into the mountains. In the end, we had no choice but to spend the night in a small hotel nearby.

Of course, we live alone, and I am very protective of Yin Xinyue.

Early the next morning, we chartered a car and hit the road. The car was a dilapidated Wuling Hongguang. The driver proudly told me that the car had been passed through seven hands by him, but the configuration was very good, and he comforted us that we didn’t need it. Worry.

Can you not fucking worry? I was really afraid of flying out with the tires on.

The broken car made a strange rumbling sound when it was driven, and thick smoke continued to billow from behind. The drive was very long, and Zhuang Ning in the back seat, probably because he was worried that his parents had not slept well all night, had fallen asleep leaning on the back of the seat.

The driver was smoking and chatting with me from time to time: "Brother, is this your girlfriend?"

I shook my head: "No, I'm a fellow countryman, just going back together."

The driver didn't take it seriously. He nodded and said, "Did you also receive the news and rush back to find the baby?"

Baby, what baby?

Seeing my puzzled expression, the driver smiled mischievously and said, "Don't you know, don't you know? A few days ago, it rained continuously in the mountains for half a month, and then there was a flood. That place in Jing County The disaster was the worst in the border area. Many grave dumplings were washed away by the flood. The people who were still frowning were now happy and went into the mountains to pick up the treasures without fear of death. I wanted to go there and take advantage, but these villages kept a close eye on them. But it’s tight, people who are not from my own village are not allowed to go up the mountain at all. By the way..." At this point, the driver handed me a wrinkled business card: "Brother, this is my business card. I think you look good. , I want to make a deal with you. If you find a good treasure, please contact me and I will find someone to help you sell it. I am not bragging to you, but all the antique collectors I know are tycoons. You just need to pay me a little for your hard work. Already..."

You actually did your business to me? I am the number one fetish dealer in Wuhan.

I took his business card, smiled and said nothing.

The car drove until the afternoon, and it started raining heavily outside the car window. Maybe it was because the rain was too loud, and Zhuang Ning woke up in the back seat. She looked out the window worriedly and asked, "When did it rain so heavily?"

The driver said with a smile: "This is not big. You haven't seen the rain in the past few days. It's like the sky is leaking."

It was okay if he didn't say it, but Zhuang Ning became even more anxious when he mentioned it.

The sky was getting darker and darker. I wiped away the heat from the car window and looked out. I saw some faint villages under the dark clouds. Zhuang Ning introduced: "This is Jingxian County. Just walk up there." It’s my home…”

It was said to be not far, but after driving for more than an hour, there were dense trees on both sides of the road, and some sections were filled with rocks, making driving extremely difficult.

I finally understood why other drivers refused to come, but this driver was the only one who agreed. His car is so old that it doesn’t hurt no matter how much he drives it!

Although it was afternoon, it was already so dark that it was almost hard to see.

When they were approaching Zhuang Ning's hometown, Heiyi Town, the old car finally broke down. The driver cursed and kicked the car. After discussing with me, the anxious Zhuang Ning decided to walk to the town in the rain.

After paying the car payment, the driver held my hand and said again and again: "Brother, if you get a good baby, remember to think of me. The price is easy to talk about! The price is easy to talk about!"

Zhuang Ning and I left without looking back.

Perhaps with God's help, the heavy rain has eased a lot. Under the guidance of Zhuang Ning, I successfully arrived at Heiyi Town. In front of the town stood an ancient stone archway. Judging from the carving technique, it should be a building from the Qing Dynasty. The top of the archway was engraved with the words "Heiyi Town". Character.

Zhuang Ning was used to this, so he quickened his pace and took me into the town.

The town is not big, there is only one old street, and all the houses are built on both sides of the old street. Perhaps because of the rain, there was no one in the town, and the surroundings were eerily quiet. The only sound was the patter of raindrops hitting the bluestone.

I looked around vigilantly, and felt an eerie coolness in the air. This was different from the ordinary cold, as if there was an extremely powerful Yin Qi hidden in it.

This yin energy made me stunned, but it was quickly replaced by excitement.

If you clean it up, how much yin will you need to accumulate?

I followed Zhuang Ning's footsteps excitedly.

Zhuang Ning's home lived in the innermost part of Heiyi Town. It was a dilapidated earthen house. Zhuang Ning opened the door and walked in without thinking. There was no one in the yard. Zhuang Ning called out twice tentatively, and an old and thin man appeared. woman poked her head out of the room. She squinted her eyes and looked at him for a long time before she recognized Zhuang Ning and ran out crying: "Xiao Ning, is it... is it you? Why are you back?"

Zhuang Ning's face turned pale with anxiety: "I received a letter from you and dad, but it wasn't clearly stated in it. I was worried about it, so I quickly asked for leave and came back. What happened?"

After listening to Zhuang Ning's words, Aunt Zhuang held her hand tightly and cried: "Xiao Ning, you... your father is afraid that he will die."

"What?" Zhuang Ning turned pale with fright: "Don't be anxious and speak clearly."

Aunt Zhuang only cried and couldn't say anything. I winked at Zhuang Ning. Although she was panicked, she quickly calmed down and rushed into the house with me.

The house was very humid and there was no electric light. There was only one piece of dusty furniture in the dim room, and a dripping man lay on the bed in the corner.

Zhuang Ning only took one look and screamed: "Dad, Dad! Can you hear my voice? I am Xiao Ning, I'm back!"

The man was motionless, like an unconscious living dead.

Zhuang Ning stretched out his hand to check the man's body temperature, but as soon as his palm touched the man's forehead, he immediately retracted it. He looked back at me with a horrified look on his face and said, "Mr. Zhang, my dad seems a little strange..."

I moved closer to the side and observed carefully, and found that Zhuang Ning's father's face was a strange gray color, and he was wet from head to toe, as if he had just been caught in the rain.

I gently touched his forehead, and my touch felt cold, as if it was wrapped in ice.

I frowned, what's going on?

Aunt Zhuang walked in crying: "Xiao Ning, if your father is gone, our family will be in ruins. How will we live in the future?"

Zhuang Ning was upset by her crying and said angrily: "Mom, since dad is so seriously ill, why don't you send him to the hospital? What's the use of lying at home like this."

After hearing this, Aunt Zhuang shook her head repeatedly and said: "Your dad is not sick, he is cursed, the curse of an evil spirit!"

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