Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,443 Chai Po (additional update)


When I heard these two words, my eyes suddenly lit up and I asked Aunt Zhuang, "Auntie, how do you know this is a curse?"

Aunt Zhuang didn't notice my presence at first, but now she looked at me in surprise, and even cursed unhappily: "Xiao Ning, have you forgotten the rules of the town? Who allowed you to bring strangers back? of? Who is he?"

Zhuang Ning glanced at me and explained without thinking: "He is my senior in college and takes good care of me..." After that, he pretended to be shy.

Sure enough, when Aunt Zhuang heard this, her previous vigilance disappeared immediately, and she said with some joy: "Oh, is this your boyfriend? Your dad and I urged him several times to no avail, so it turned out that we secretly started to fall in love. "

Then he looked me up and down again and nodded with great satisfaction.

Could it be that the legendary mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at him, the more she likes her?

Xinyue, this is acting, you know!

Zhuang Ning glanced at his father and said worriedly: "Mom, what time has it been? Do you still have something else to say? Tell me what's wrong with dad? I'll tell you the truth, this senior has passed down the ancestral Some powerful skills might be able to help."

Perhaps because the status of 'prospective son-in-law' has too many bonuses, Aunt Zhuang is no longer hostile to me. She sighed softly and said: "It's not because of the antiques. The heavy rain a few days ago destroyed the ancient tombs on the mountain. It was washed away, and everyone in the village went up the mountain to search for treasures. They entered the tombs as soon as they saw them. Taking advantage of those heavy rains, everyone found a lot of good things, and your dad also took a few of them."

Zhuang Ning frowned and complained: "Mom, why didn't you stop Dad from doing such an immoral thing?"

"Can I stop it?" Aunt Zhuang said unhappily: "Besides, your dad did this not for you. How much does a house in the city cost per square meter now? You have just started working, and I am counting on your salary. Even if you work for ten years, you may not be able to afford it, and your dad also wants to help you share some of the burden. If these treasures stolen from the tomb are really worth ten thousand or eight thousand, you will not be so stressed about selling the house."

Zhuang Ning felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, and his eye circles became red.

Seeing that the topic was getting further and further away, I hurriedly asked: "Auntie, what is the curse you just mentioned?"

Aunt Zhuang glanced at me and said to Zhuang Ning, "Do you still remember the Chai Po who lives in our town?"

"The one who is always nagging?" Zhuang Ning explained to me after getting Aunt Zhuang's affirmative reply: "Chai Po is an old resident of our town, childless. It is said that she had a fever and burned her brain when she was a child. From then on After that, she became a little nervous, always talking to herself, and sometimes saying scary things like ghost possession. Everyone in the town didn't like her, and they tried to avoid her when walking."

Aunt Zhuang continued: "That's her! When the men went up the mountain to rob the tomb, she talked crazy. She also said that there was a terrible curse hidden in the ancient tomb on the mountain. Once the curse came out, everyone in Heiyi Town would die. .”

Zhuang Ning said disdainfully: "Do you believe Granny Chai's words? She is a lunatic herself."

"No, no, no, let her be sure this time." After hearing Zhuang Ning's words, Aunt Zhuang hurriedly covered her mouth, fearing that outsiders might hear her: "That day she tried her best to stop the men from going into the mountains to look for tombs. But with so many treasures in front of us, who would listen to the advice of a crazy woman? By the time your father and the others came back with the treasures, Mrs. Chai had already hanged herself on the archway outside the town."

"Ah?" Zhuang Ning obviously didn't expect such a result, and his mouth opened wide in shock.

I thought of the archway I saw when I first entered Heiyi Town, and the image of a thin old woman hanging on it, with her bright red tongue sticking out, suddenly appeared in my mind.

Aunt Zhuang continued: "After Mrs. Chai died, the men who entered the mountain started to have troubles one after another, and several died one after another. People in the town were panicked, and I wrote you a letter out of fear. I didn't expect this. The matter finally fell on your father..."

As soon as Aunt Zhuang said this, there was a violent thunder outside, which frightened her and threw her head into Zhuang Ning's arms.

Zhuang Ning patted her back soothingly and said, "Mom, don't be afraid, I'm back, I'll be there for everything." After she finished speaking, she gave me a pleading look.

I nodded firmly, saying that I would definitely sort out the strange things here.

The atmosphere became a little sad. At this moment, two young people broke in. The one in front shouted loudly before he could stand firm: "Aunt Zhuang, how is Uncle Zhuang doing? Wen Jin's father is dying." !”

"Ah?" Aunt Zhuang raised her head in shock from Zhuang Ning's arms: "When did it happen? I just went to see him in the morning, and he is still alive."

"That's what happened just now."

The young man who came in later saw Zhuang Ning at a glance and shouted in surprise: "Xiao Ning, when did you come back?"

Zhuang Ning nodded politely to him: "Erhu, long time no see. I just came back." Then he smiled at another young man: "Dalong, you are here too."

Only then did the young man named Dalong notice Zhuang Ning and me, and asked with some vigilance: "Who is he?"

Before Zhuang Ning could answer, Aunt Zhuang rushed to introduce her like a treasure: "This is Xiao Ning's boyfriend. He works in a big city."

Deep down in my heart I couldn't help but roll my eyes, Aunt Zhuang must be the legendary pig teammate! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the attitude of these two young men towards Zhuang Ning is very ambiguous. Didn't his introduction push me into the fire pit?

I had no choice but to keep my head down and said hello to the two of them politely.

Dalong sneered at Zhuang Ning and said, "Who asked you to bring a stranger back? Do you still know the rules of the town?"

Zhuang Ning frowned and said very unhappily: "This is my home, you don't have to worry about who I invite back. Cheng Dalong, don't forget, your dad is the mayor of Heiyi Town, not you! Even if it's you Dad has no right to interfere with my family’s affairs..."

"You!" Dalong's face turned red with anger.

Erhu hurriedly advised: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel. Xiaoning hasn't been back for many years. Why are you still quarreling as soon as we met when we were kids? Dalong, don't forget about business. We are here to talk about Wen's entry into the house." of."

Dalong glanced at me bitterly, turned to Aunt Zhuang and said, "Wen Jin's father is dead, and the family is preparing for the funeral. My father asked me to come over and take a look at Uncle Zhuang's condition."

After hearing what he said, Aunt Zhuang was so frightened that she sat down on the ground and murmured with a sad face: "It's over, Wen Jin's father is also dead, and it will be our family's turn soon..."

(PS: There will be a fourth update at nine o'clock.)

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