Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,444 The strange corpse

People who go into the mountains to hunt for treasures die one after another. This cannot be a coincidence. If you can see the bodies of the deceased, you might be able to find some clues!

Thinking of this, I winked at Zhuang Ning.

Zhuang Ning immediately understood what I meant and said he wanted to visit Wen Jin's house, but Dalong refused: "No, you should stay at home to accompany the guests!"

Zhuang Ning's face turned cold: "Dalong, Wen Jin is also my friend. Do I still need your permission to visit my friend?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Erhu hurriedly advised: "Don't be anxious first, Dalong doesn't mean it. We think it's rare for you to come back. Someone died in Wen Jin's family, can you avoid it or not?" Bar."

Lest Zhuang Ning would be unhappy, Erhu added: "It's okay if you want to go. Wen Jin will feel better when he sees you."

Zhuang Ning's face softened slightly, and he immediately found an umbrella and took me out of the house. Dalong pointed at me angrily and shouted: "You can just go by yourself, why are you taking him with you?"

Zhuang Ning glanced at Dalong indifferently and said nothing.

Erhu had no choice but to step forward: "Xiao Ning wants to take him, so don't say more..."

Dalong snorted: "You are such a lackadaisical person. You always revolve around others, and you will never achieve anything in your life!"

This moment made Erhu choked and had nothing to say. The three of them were all angry and ignored each other. The situation became very embarrassing for a while.

I walked at the end, looking at the backs of the three young people, and I felt a sense of loneliness that I was old. Look at their energy, every quarrel is like an idol drama, but this does make me a little interested in their relationship. It seems that if I have a chance, I will have to gossip with Zhuang Ning.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky was completely dark.

What surprised me was that no one on both sides of the street turned on the lights, and the entire black town was completely dark. The sky was like a devil's mouth, as if it could swallow up the people in the town at any time.

A glimmer of light finally appeared in the darkness. As I got closer, I discovered that it was a white lantern hanging at the door of a house.

Waves of women's cries came from the yard.

Dalong entered the door without thinking, and Erhu quickly followed. Zhuang Ning stopped and whispered in my ear: "Heiyi Town has a very traditional concept and hates outsiders. If you see something, don't say it casually! Just come back to me to study it, otherwise it will anger you." They are miserable..."

I immediately nodded obediently, and Zhuang Ning showed a satisfied smile.

We entered the gate and saw that a mourning hall was being built in the yard. Although this kind of small town does not deal with the outside world, every household is extremely united. Every family helps when they have something to do. Everywhere you look, there are people working hard.

Dalong and Erhu were talking to a young man wearing sackcloth and wearing filial piety. The man had an honest and dull face. After hearing what they said, he immediately raised his head and looked towards Zhuang Ning, and said excitedly, "Xiao Ning, when will you come back?" of?"

Zhuang Ning smiled at him comfortingly: "Not long after I got home, I heard that something happened to your father, so I wanted to come and see you. Wen Jin, don't be too sad. You must be strong at this time."

Wen Jin nodded: "I know, who is this person next to you?"

Before he could finish asking, I extended my hand in a friendly manner: "Zhang Jiulin, this is our first time meeting you."

Unlike Da Long and Er Hu, Wen Jin did not show any hostility towards me. Instead, he shook my hand very warmly: "Okay, okay, Xiao Ning's friends are my friends. Welcome to Heiyi Town as a guest, no. To think that you would encounter such an unlucky thing."

"It's my fault to interrupt. If there's anything you need my help with..." Before I could finish my sentence, Dalong had already said coldly from the side: "Why do we need help from an outsider like you for our town's affairs? Do you think there is no one alive in our town?"

If I hadn't agreed to Zhuang Ning, I would have really wanted to punch this kid in the head.

I took the wrong medicine, how can I do everything right?

Zhuang Ning sighed helplessly, only Wen Jin waved his hand honestly: "Don't say that, since we come to Heiyi Town, we are one family."

At this time, someone called Wen Jin's name and asked him to go in and help put on the shroud.

Every place has special customs. Here in Anhui, people put on their shrouds when they are still alive, which indicates that they will leave the world with dignity. In Guangdong, people pay attention to putting on clothes after dying, which indicates a peaceful departure.

After Wen Jin heard the call, he took Er Hu in. Da Long patted me heavily on the shoulder and said, "Boy, you are an outsider after all. Just stay here and don't make yourself uncomfortable." After saying that, he entered the house without looking back.

I was almost pissed off by him, why bother?

Zhuang Ning sighed softly: "Dalong's father is the mayor of the town. He has been used to it since he was a child. Don't be as knowledgeable as him."

I smiled at Zhuang Ning: "I can make his father step down with just one phone call. If I weren't afraid of getting into trouble, I would have done it long ago!"

Zhuang Ning nodded gratefully.

While they were talking, Wen Jin and others had already carried out a corpse from the house. The corpse had been put into a shroud. The face was green and black, and every blood vessel was clearly visible under the translucent skin. It looked very strange.

The coffin had been prepared long ago and was placed under the mourning hall. The body was placed directly into the coffin. Wen Jin was busy lighting incense and burning paper, and the yard suddenly became busy again.

Erhu took the opportunity to come over and said: "Xiaoning, you should know what happened in the town recently. Take your boyfriend home first! So as not to anger Dalong again, I will go find you after I finish my work here. .”

Zhuang Ning nodded and walked out of Wen Jin's house with me.

Because I was guarded everywhere, I didn't find any clues, which was inevitably a bit disappointing. Zhuang Ning also asked worriedly: "Do you think the matter of dead people has something to do with the ancient tombs in the mountains?"

I sneered and said, "Of course it's relevant. Your father and others have entered someone's tomb, and they still haven't come to your door?"

After returning to the banker's house, Uncle Zhuang's condition was still not optimistic. He was lying on the bed like a vegetative state.

Aunt Zhuang cried so hard that she was at a loss for words, and she was ready to take care of the funeral arrangements...

I had already said hello to Zhuang Ning on the way home, and she came forward to discuss with Aunt Zhuang and let me take a look at the treasure that Uncle Zhuang brought out from the tomb.

Perhaps because she didn't understand, Aunt Zhuang was extremely cheerful and pulled out a dirty black sack from under the bed.

When I unwrapped it, I found that there were more than a dozen funerary objects inside, many of which were damaged and not worth much. However, there are two five-baht coins among them, which are good things from the Three Kingdoms period at a glance. Is it possible that there are ancient tombs from the Three Kingdoms period in these deep mountains and forests? If the tomb robbers found out about this, wouldn't they be happy and confused?

Zhuang Ning comforted Aunt Zhuang for a long time, and finally took the time to walk up to me and asked softly: "How are you doing? Did you find anything?"

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