Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,445 The death of the tomb robber

I studied them carefully for a while and found that none of these burial objects were necrotic objects, so I had to shake my head.

After we had dinner, Erhu came over alone. He looked a little embarrassed and said: "Dalong stayed at Wen Jin's house to help. It's not that he was angry with you and deliberately didn't come to see you." These words were very high-level, It is typical that there is no silver three hundred taels here.

I looked curiously at Erhu, who looked extremely honest, and felt a little strange. This guy seems to be doing his job, but every word he says is very meaningful. Could it be that I am too worried?

Zhuang Ning didn't have a good impression of Dalong, so he naturally ignored the question of whether he would come or not. After hearing what Erhu said, he just nodded and said, "How is things going at Wen Jin's house?"

"Don't worry, there will be old people in the town helping with the funeral. Everything will be fine." After Erhu said this, he let out a long sigh: "This is not the first time someone has died. Everyone has experienced it..."

At this point, he suddenly closed his mouth alertly and glanced at me awkwardly.

This scene immediately made my heart skip a beat. Does this place called Black Town really reject strangers, or does it hide some ulterior secret?

Could it be related to the death this time?

Erhu changed the subject uncomfortably and said, "How is it? Uncle Zhuang hasn't woken up yet?"

"No." Zhuang Ning said with a sad look: "Erhu, what happened in the first place? Why did my father go to the tomb? Who was there at that time?"

Erhu hesitated for a long time, looking like he was embarrassed and didn't want to say anything.

Zhuang Ning's face turned red with anger: "Erhu, we have played together since childhood. Although I later went to the city to study and our interactions became less frequent, I have always regarded you as my closest friend in my heart. Now there is something wrong with my family. Nothing happened, but you are all guarding me like a thief, do you really want me to fret to death?"

This general is so beautiful!

I silently gave Zhuang Ning a thumbs up.

As expected, Erhu quickly compromised: "Okay, okay, I say! This matter starts from the heavy rain two months ago. It rained very hard and it didn't stop for a week. It means that the villagers were worried that something would happen, but they did not expect that something would happen, which eventually triggered a mudslide. But because the town was far away, the damage was not great, but many fields on the mountains were completely destroyed..."

"Wen Jin's family has a field halfway up the mountain. As you know about his family's situation, that field is the lifeblood of his family. So Wen Jin's father went up the mountain in the rain to check the situation. Unexpectedly, he found a tree next to his field. Regarding the ancient tombs, Wen Jin’s father reported the situation to the mayor when he came back. At first, no one thought much about it. There are many cemeteries near our town, and this is no secret. But later, Wen Jin’s father felt that since the family fields could not be saved, , in order to prevent everyone from going hungry, it is better to go into the tomb and take a look. If there are any valuable things, they can be sold, maybe in exchange for some food. When he said this, many villagers thought it was feasible and followed Wen into the tomb. Dad is in the tomb!”

When Erhu said this, I finally understood. The ancient tomb on the mountain was originally well sealed, but unexpectedly, it encountered a mudslide and was blown open. The villagers went into the tomb to explore with the intention of getting some antiques in exchange for food.

Erhu continued: "I didn't know there were so many ancient tombs around Heiyi Town before. Who knew that when the heavy rain broke out, a lot of them came out. Everyone was dazzled by the benefits and went crazy looking for treasures everywhere. In the end, they got into trouble. This kind of thing happened. Everyone who entered the tomb seemed to be cursed by an evil spirit, and died of illness one after another."

When Zhuang Ning heard this, he thought of his father on the hospital bed and said anxiously: "You mean that anyone who enters the tomb will die? Then my father..."

Erhu's face didn't look very good either, but he was smart enough not to continue.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little dull. Zhuang Ning took a deep look at me. I understood what she was thinking. At this moment, she could only place all her bets on me.

But right now I don’t have a clue, and the local residents are very wary of me, so it’s a bit difficult!

Erhu sat for a while and then left. Zhuang Ning returned to the room and discussed with me in a low voice: "Mr. Zhang, how are you doing? Do you have any countermeasures?"

"You should understand what it means to prescribe the right medicine, right? Now I don't even know what the curse is or how to undo it." I smiled bitterly.

When it comes to his father's safety, Zhuang Ning is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "What should we do? If this continues, my father will probably be finished."

"Don't worry, I will seize the time. In this way, I will go to the mountain early tomorrow morning to look at those ancient tombs and see if I can find any clues." I said.

"You're not familiar with this place, I'll go with you." Zhuang Ning said.

Although Zhuang Ning is a girl, since the Wuhan University ghost incident, I think she is a very courageous person. After hearing what she said, I didn't refuse.

Zhuang Ning happily went to find Aunt Zhuang to find out where the ancient tomb was.

Early the next morning, the rain outside was still pouring non-stop, so Zhuang Ning and I put on the ponchos prepared by Aunt Zhuang and set off.

Although she expressed strong objection to my behavior of going up the mountain with Zhuang Ning, she still did not persuade Zhuang Ning.

Because it rained several times in succession, the muddy mountain road was very difficult to walk. We walked along the rugged road for a long time, and saw many graves along the way. Zhuang Ning said that these were not very old, and she had seen them when she was a child. I often come here to play with Dalong, Erhu and Wenjin.

The ancient tomb that brought the curse that Aunt Zhuang mentioned was right next to Wen Jin's family's field.

Looking around, there is water in the fields and the seedlings are all rotting. I am afraid that there will be no harvest this year. This is the weakness of relying on the weather.

The entrance to the ancient tomb is in a piece of grassland next to the field. The entrance of the cave has been rebuilt with stones, but there are still obvious traces of manual excavation!

Zhuang Ning pointed to the entrance of the cave and said, "This should be right here, do we still want to go in?" There was a tremor in her words, obviously very scared.

I deliberately teased her: "How can we find clues if we don't go in?"

Zhuang Ning's expression changed, but thinking of his father who was in a vegetative state, he still said bravely: "Okay." After saying that, he reached out to pick up the rocks.

The rocks fell with a sound, and an icy cold air roared out from the cave. Zhuang Ning and I shivered in unison.

There was even a faint howl, which poured out along with the cold air, and the sound was mixed with strong anger and dissatisfaction!

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