Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,446 The Contagious Curse!

Zhuang Ning was so frightened that he hid behind me: "There seems to be something evil here, let's go!"

I comforted him softly: "What are you afraid of when I'm here? Go back now, don't you want to save your dad?"

Zhuang Ning said no more.

Just when I was considering whether to go into the tomb to find out what was going on, there was a rush of footsteps behind me. I just turned around and before I could take a closer look, someone grabbed me by the collar.

Dalong's angry face appeared in front of me. He glared at me fiercely and said, "Boy, who are you? Who asked you to come here?"

Today's young people will take action whenever they disagree.

Before I could explain, Zhuang Ning rushed up to separate us and said rudely: "What are we doing? Why do we need to report to you? Who do you think you are?"

Dalong was ridiculed by her over and over again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Zhuang Ning, you have gone to college and are promising, and now you dare to talk to me like this? Don't forget, your family was poor back then. When the jingle bell rang, it was my father who called on the whole town to help you raise tuition so that you could walk out of the mountains. What did you say at the beginning? You will repay our family for the rest of your life. Is this your repayment? "

Zhuang Ning, who was exposed, was angry and anxious: "I didn't forget, you don't need to remind me." As he said this, he actually started crying in anger.

Erhu hurriedly stood up and said: "Xiao Ning, you misunderstood us. We went to your house to see you in the morning, but Aunt Zhuang said that you came out. Dalong and I were afraid that something would happen to you, so we went up the mountain to look for you."

Dalong snorted coldly: "Why are you blabbering with her? She is a college student now, how can she rarely deal with a group of country bumpkins like us? But Zhuang Ning, I want to remind you, you can't handle the rules that have been passed down in Heiyi Town for hundreds of years. do not forget."

Zhuang Ning glanced at me uneasily, lowered his head and said, "I understand."

Due to the sudden appearance of Dalong and Erhu, the matter of entering the tomb had to be abandoned. Zhuang Ning and I followed them back to Heiyi Town.

Uncle Zhuang's life is getting more and more critical, which makes me very discouraged. What's even more ridiculous is that for the next two days, the big dragon and the two tigers alternately guarded the door, one coming and the other going, very rhythmically. Even Aunt Zhuang, who is so dim-witted, noticed something was wrong: "What are these two children doing? Are they spying on our family?"

Zhuang Ning comforted her not to worry too much.

I haven't gone anywhere in the past two days, and I carefully studied the antiques that Uncle Zhuang brought out from the ancient tomb. There is indeed no trace of yin. Since the problem is not with the antiques, why do people who go to graves die one after another?

At this moment, something happened to another family.

The dead family's surname was Zhao, and Erhu came to report that a woman from the Zhao family was dead. After hearing this, Aunt Zhuang was stunned for a long time and said: "Why is Sister-in-law Zhao gone? Oh, why is her life so miserable? Her man died first, and now it's her turn."

Erhu also had a puzzled look on his face: "Yes, everyone in the town is discussing this matter, and the mayor has also passed by. Logically speaking, Aunt Zhao did not enter the tomb, so why did she die too? And her death was similar. Everyone else is exactly the same.”

Aunt Zhuang seemed to have lost her soul: "Why else? It must be because of the curse. Chai Po's words have come true. The curse has appeared, and everyone in our town will die in the end."

When she said this, she seemed to have suddenly thought of something. She grabbed Zhuang Ning's hand and pushed her out the door: "Hurry up and go back." The mother and daughter finally hugged each other and cried bitterly.

But I couldn't help but wonder, what kind of powerful vagina could produce such an effect this time?

Erhu left quickly after reporting the letter.

I feel like all the clues are now hidden in a thick fog, making it difficult to figure out where the hidden object is. Could it be in the family named Zhao?

I coughed twice quickly, which attracted Zhuang Ning's attention. She immediately understood and took me to the house of someone named Zhao.

In less than a month, the host and hostess died one after another. No one could bear it, and the whole yard was filled with a sad atmosphere. Because the deceased was a woman, I couldn't come forward, so I could only ask Zhuang Ning to go and find out. Not long after, Zhuang Ning came back and told me: "She is indeed dead. The condition is similar to that of Wen Jin's father. The skin is black and every blood vessel is special." clear."

The clues were very limited, so Zhuang Ning and I left the Zhao family in a hurry.

Because we had things on our minds, Zhuang Ning and I also acted a little absent-minded while eating. Aunt Zhuang, however, stared at my face as if she had discovered a new world, and asked me cautiously: "Young man, have you also entered that tomb?"

I shook my head: "No, I didn't go in." Lest she didn't believe it, I hurriedly pointed at Zhuang Ning: "If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Ning."

Zhuang Ning nodded repeatedly: "It's true, Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Aunt Zhuang looked at me with fear in her eyes: "Since you didn't enter the tomb, why are you related to the curse? Your appearance now... is exactly the same as the two days when Xiao Ning's father came back from the ancient tomb."

Exactly the same, what do you mean?

I looked at Zhuang Ning in confusion.

Zhuang Ning studied my face carefully for a long time, and suddenly he was stunned: ""

what's the situation?

I looked in the mirror incomprehensibly, and under the dim kerosene lamp, I suddenly found that my face was faintly glowing with a strange cyan color, and the blood vessels under my face became particularly clear.

Could it be that that weird curse has been infected with me?

As my face turned blue, I noticed that my body began to undergo strange changes.

I sweat very easily. I sweat all over my head at the slightest movement. My whole body becomes weak and my energy becomes more and more listless. If I continue like this, I will become like Uncle Zhuang, a conscious and thoughtful living dead.

But when did it all start?

Seeing that I was involved in an inexplicable curse, I almost couldn't sleep well all night. When she woke up the next morning, something was wrong with Zhuang Ning. Her originally fair skin was faintly blue, and her overall spirit was very bad.

When Aunt Zhuang saw her, she almost fainted from crying.

I began to understand a little bit what was going on. Because Zhuang Ning and I had been to the ancient tombs, this happened. It seemed that those who had been to the ancient tombs would eventually die mysteriously one by one because of this. .

So what is it that brings about the curse? The two of us had not actually stepped into the tomb, so why were we cursed? Could it be the weird cool breeze blowing out of the tomb?

Can the wind kill people? Is there any royal law in this world?

I have dealt with so many negative things, mostly related to other people, but when it really happened to me, I felt a little unsure.

I wanted to call Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi, but I found that the mobile phone had no signal yet. This weird black town made me a little uneasy...

But the most urgent thing right now is to understand whether the physical changes in Zhuang Ning and I are due to the curse of evil spirits, or are they related to some kind of magical creature?

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