Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,447 Corpse Snail (Additional update)

I decided to take another look at the ancient tomb on the mountain. After hearing this, Aunt Zhuang firmly opposed it and even dragged Zhuang Ning into the house and refused to come out. I was helpless by her, so I had to put on my poncho and set off.

Although it was still raining, fortunately it was not very heavy. I found the tomb near the field with ease, but when I was far away, I noticed something strange around me.

The lush green grass around the tomb two days ago was now all dead, and the yellowing branches looked extremely dazzling in the rain.

Instead of rotting in the rain, it dies. What's going on?

I hurried over and squatted beside it to study it carefully for a long time. You won't know the result, but you will be shocked when you see it. There are actually a group of mung bean-sized snails in the grassland. They are different from ordinary snails. Their bodies are dark and there is a faint green light on the shell.

I suddenly had a bad feeling. Could it be that all the changes in Zhuang Ning and I came from these snails? I took off my clothes and wrapped them in my hands, and gently moved away a stone blocking the tomb. As expected, I found two snails behind the stone.

Could it be that Zhuang Ning and I didn't pay attention when we came last time, so these snails crawled on us? And these snails at the entrance of the tomb now were released by me?

It seemed that I got a reasonable explanation. I felt goosebumps all over my body and ran back to the dealer without thinking.

When I entered the room, I took off my clothes without saying a word and started to examine them carefully. I found a black snail in my belly button. It clung to my skin tightly, as if it was sucking water from my body. The nutrition is average, and the whole body exudes a strange black light.

I felt a chill in my heart, and finally understood why those who entered the ancient tombs died one after another, and even infected their own family members. It's not a so-called curse at all. It's these corpse snails that grow in ancient tombs. They adsorb to people's bodies and absorb the nutrients they need until they drain the host completely and die.

I studied the disgusting corpse snail carefully. Obviously, this thing cannot be pulled out casually, otherwise it might kill me on the spot!

I thought about it over and over, and suddenly I thought of what Uncle Zhuang and Dad Wenjin looked like. Their skin was a strange greenish color, and they looked dead as if they were dehydrated. If the corpse snail is really water-based, according to the principle that the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, fire should be used to restrain it.

But if not...

I suddenly felt a little embarrassed. It would be nice if someone would let me experiment. Or...Uncle Zhuang? But if Zhuang Ning found out and had to stab me with a knife, wouldn't the tall image I had successfully cultivated collapse in an instant?

I thought about it and finally decided to do the experiment on myself.

I found a stick of earthen incense used for rural memorials and lit it. After it was completely burned, I gently lit the red-light incense head on the body of the corpse. At first it didn't respond. I thought it was because the firepower was insufficient or the wrong method was used. Unexpectedly, just when I was about to give up, the corpse snail suddenly let out a sharp hiss. The sound was short, but extremely clear and harsh. With this weird sound, the corpse snail finally left my body and fell down. I quickly found a torn glove and put it on my hand, picked it up and studied it. Fan.

The flesh shrunk in the black shell has dried up and turned yellow, and it looks like it is dead.

It seems that this ghost is indeed afraid of fire!

I actually let my blind cat encounter a dead mouse, and solved it using the principle of mutual regeneration and mutual restraint. If I guessed correctly, the femininity that appeared in Black Town this time should be related to the Five Elements.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. I hurriedly found Zhuang Ning and told her what I had discovered. Zhuang Ning was obviously taken aback, and took off her coat without hesitation in front of me. As expected, there was a black corpse stuck to her navel.

Zhuang Ning was startled: "How did it crawl onto me? Why didn't I feel it at all?"

"It should secrete something that paralyzes the nerves, making us unaware of its existence. As for why it is attached to the belly button, it is because this is the biggest weakness of human beings."

I used earthy incense to successfully remove the body snails from Zhuang Ning's body, and then went to visit Uncle Zhuang in front of the hospital bed.

Sure enough, he also had a corpse snail on his belly button. It's just that it's much larger and brighter in color than the ones on Zhuang Ning and I.

Aunt Zhuang's face changed with fright: "Oh my God, I didn't find this thing when I was scrubbing his body before!"

I silently burned it with earthy incense, but found that it had no effect at all. Maybe the corpse snail has gained more nutrients, so it is very powerful. There is no other way. I asked Aunt Zhuang to find an iron stick and put it in the fire to burn red. This time, I lit it on the corpse snail. On his body, he could only hear its squeaking, and as the sound stopped, the corpse snail also fell from Uncle Zhuang's body.

Uncle Zhuang coughed violently on the hospital bed. Although he was still unconscious, his breath was obviously stronger than before.

Zhuang Ning and I breathed a sigh of relief in unison!

Zhuang Ning and I discussed it and both agreed that we should tell the residents of the town as soon as possible about this discovery. In this way, the so-called curse will be broken and more people can be saved!

Once the news of the corpse snail spread, the residents of the town were dumbfounded.

The custom here is that the dead person must rest in the coffin for three days before being buried. Wen Jin, who does not believe in evil, insists on inspecting his father's body.

Sure enough, the culprit corpse snail was found on his body.

And it is said that the corpse snail has reached the size of a baby's fist, and is so dark that it makes anyone who sees it feel numb!

The attitude of the residents in the town towards me has also undergone a 180-degree change, and they all enthusiastically worshiped me as a Bodhisattva. This greatly satisfied my vanity, as if I had truly become a savior who saved people from suffering.

But some people headed by Da Long became even more aggressive towards me, looking like they wanted to drive me out of Black Clothes Town immediately.

He even called a helper, his father, Mayor Cheng.

The first time I met Mayor Cheng was at the funeral of Wen Jin's father. The whole person gave me a very old-fashioned feeling. He is not tall, but he is domineering, especially his eyes, which are like those of a jackal in the jungle, and are so shrewd that it makes people feel chilled.

My intuition tells me that this is a little old man who is not easy to deal with!

Sure enough, as soon as Wen Jin's father's funeral was over, he gave me an ultimatum: "Mr. Zhang, you came to the town and helped a lot. We, the residents of Heiyi Town, are very grateful. But we have our own rules. If you don’t like dealing with strangers, you’d better leave.”

Zhuang Ning was very dissatisfied with his attitude. He was about to say something, but was forcibly held down by Aunt Zhuang on the side.

I'm also a little angry in my heart. I've helped you so much, but I don't say a word of thanks and just kick people out when I open my mouth. Do you still have a conscience? I smiled at him rudely: "The mayor doesn't think this is over, right? The really powerful stuff hasn't come out yet."

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