Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,448 Mayor Cheng

Mayor Cheng looked at me deeply and his expression did not change at all: "We have our own way of dealing with it, so you don't have to worry about it."

Zhuang Ning couldn't restrain himself anymore, threw away Aunt Zhuang's hand and rushed forward and shouted: "Okay, Uncle Cheng, I wonder what solution you have? If there is a way, why do you let so many people in the town die? What if? If my friend hadn't arrived in time, my father would probably be dead. It's already this time, can't you let go of your pride? Which is more important, the old rules passed down or the human life? "

It seemed that his authority had been challenged, which made Mayor Cheng look very unhappy: "When a man speaks, when does it become a woman's turn to interrupt?"

"Uncle Cheng, I call you uncle because I respect you. Since you are the mayor of the town, you should think about the residents of the town. This matter is not trivial." Zhuang Ning said very sincerely, and said to the other people who were watching coldly. The villager said: "If another person dies in the town later, who will you rely on to save him?"

Mayor Cheng stepped forward and slapped her away: "Scaremongering, what do you want to do?" Then he gave Aunt Zhuang a stern look: "Do you still want me to discipline your daughter?"

I don’t know if it was the reason for this slap. Aunt Zhuang, who is usually timid, glared at Mayor Cheng very bravely and said: "My daughter is the only college student in the town. What she said makes sense. If she and her friends hadn't arrived in time, Come back, maybe everyone in the town will die! I believe my daughter, she is also doing good for the black town."

Zhuang Ning looked at his mother with tears in his eyes.

Aunt Zhuang's words touched the residents of the town, and everyone started discussing it.

"That's right. If it weren't for this young man, my man would be gone now. If the man was gone, the backbone of the family would collapse. How would I be able to live in the future?"

"The mayor is also strange. When something goes wrong, he hides at home and dares not go out. Now the Living Bodhisattva comes, and he is trying to drive people away with great force. Although we in Heiyi Town don't like outsiders, we also know how to repay kindness! "

"Didn't you listen to what the young man said, there is something more powerful? What if we drive people away and then die again?"

"Do you still remember Mrs. Chai? That crazy woman's prophecy has already come true. I think this young man might be able to solve this problem if he has some good deeds."

Everyone was talking to each other, and the voices got louder and louder, and Mayor Cheng's face became more and more ugly. In the end, he had to shout to stop the chaotic scene: "What are you shouting about? I'm not dead yet."

The surroundings suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Mayor Cheng looked at me coldly and said, "Young man, you can eat randomly but you can't talk nonsense. You said there is something more powerful. Do you have any evidence?"

I told the clues I found around Wen Jin's field today: "The corpse snails have crawled out. If they are not stopped, if they are allowed to crawl down the mountain, I am afraid that the entire town's residents will become living dead." .”

Before I could finish speaking, the faces of the residents watching the show changed and they shouted in unison: "Mayor, this is no joke!"

"Young man, is there any way to stop it?"

"Think of a solution quickly!" the residents shouted.

Mayor Cheng glanced at his son thoughtfully: "Take a few people up to see if the situation is true."

Dalong nodded, glared at me fiercely, and led Erhu, Wenjin and two other young and strong men up the mountain in the rain. Not long after, they ran down all wet. Dalong nodded to the mayor with an ugly face, proving in disguise that my words were correct.

Mayor Cheng's face suddenly darkened.

"Oh, it turns out to be true, what should I do?"

"If it doesn't work out, just move. We can't just die here, right?"

The residents became more restless and agitated.

Dalong pointed at the tip of my nose and said, "I remember, it was all you! That day it was you and Zhuang Ning who went up the mountain and opened the stones blocking the ancient tomb, and then released those ghostly corpses. What are your intentions? Do you want to kill people in our town?"

This kid's IQ really worries me.

I sighed and patiently explained to him: "Are you stupid for not bringing your brain with you when you go out? Even if I don't go up the mountain, can you guarantee that those who enter the tomb only bring back one corpse snail? They don't Can it reproduce? Otherwise, why would the aunt of the Zhao family die? She has never been in the tomb. "

"What can we do?"

"It's over. Let Mrs. Chai be right. The peaceful days of our Heiyi Town are over! No wonder the old woman has been crazy all her life, but she hanged herself on the archway when she was old. She was afraid of dying in the hands of a corpse snail. It's better to walk cleanly by yourself." The residents discussed.

Mayor Cheng thought for a long time, and finally looked at me coldly and said, "In your opinion, what should I do about this matter?"

"Generally, these living creatures that grow in tombs have corpse mothers. If we want to get rid of the corpse snail, we must deal with the corpse mother, and we have to enter the tomb. Although the corpse snail is powerful, we also know its weaknesses. They Afraid of fire... When the time comes, we will bring gasoline, alcohol and other things to the tomb, and burn the mother corpse with a fire, and the little corpse snails will no longer be afraid."

As soon as I finished speaking, a young voice refused: "No!"

I looked over following the sound, my expression slightly surprised.

I thought the speaker was Dalong, but unexpectedly it was Erhu.

Erhu, who had been silent all the time, instantly became the focus of everyone's attention. Erhu stuttered awkwardly: "I's too dangerous. If something happens, you can't run away. I don't agree." Enter the tomb.”

Although the reason was quite normal, from his evasive eyes, I still sensed that this young man seemed to have some ulterior secret.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, accompanied by lightning and thunder. Everyone looked very uneasy. They all held their breaths and waited for Mayor Cheng to make up his mind!

Mayor Cheng pondered for a while and said, "Let me think about this matter carefully. Let's leave today and wait until I have an idea."

Although the residents of the town were not satisfied with the answer, they all remained silent due to the majesty of the mayor. But there were still a few who were brave enough to say: "Mayor, this is no joke. You have to make a decision early. Don't wait until everyone in Black Town is dead. It will be too late..."

Mayor Cheng snorted with an ugly expression and led Dalong away. Before leaving, Dalong didn't forget to glare at me.

After the father and son left, the townspeople, whose impression of me had greatly changed, were extremely polite and sent me back to the dealer.

Aunt Zhuang's attitude towards me has also changed. She doesn't say anything to me, but comes to ask me for advice on everything she does, as if I am the master of her family.

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